Christianity, Homosexuality, and the New Covenant

He loves them all?
And they must love and worship Jesus and God or burn in hell for ever?
If he loves us he wouldnt punish us with hell.
You honestly believe in Noahs arc? Please explain the kangeroos and koalas. Now remember nobody knew besides natives about Australia before The first European to sight Western Australia was the Dutch explorer, Dirk Hartog, who on 26 October 1616 landed at what is now known as Cape Inscription, Dirk Hartog Island.
Now please explain how Australian animals were on the arc.
its impossible for me to be decieved by anti christ

Ok, so he created man on the 6th day. If it was the 6th day of existence, why did dinosaurs exist 65 million years before that?
That will take a one on one Bible study to explain what happened .Its there in God's word if you wish to absorb it .God didn't hide it under a rock .If you wish to absorb .God said I didn't hide in some dark place to to tell you this
That will take a one on one Bible study to explain what happened .Its there in God's word if you wish to absorb it .God didn't hide it under a rock .If you wish to absorb .God said I didn't hide in some dark place to to tell you this
So in other words, you don't know and can't answer the question. Got it. Thank you.
This is not archaeological evidence, this is a Bible.

Show me evidence and detailed scientific documentation.

Reading that, it doesn't even describe evidence of Christ. Just other Ancient people, 5 B.C in the first.
then there would be no need for faith because we can just go to the proof .hope this helps
Dont you think its more likely that the bibles pages are all tall stories from uneducated times? People thought the world was flat and its stated in the bible at least 4 or 5 times that they thought they could see the edge of the earth.and all four corners of the earth.

This is what most likely happened-
People learned how to think about things such as why are we here and the meaning of life, they started to question who or what started life and some people posing as smart people started stories, exagerated stories so that people would continue to tell them. Its like a game of chinese whispers or gossip where the story always changes and gets bent out of shape.
People just made shit up back then to explain everything. Other people started science to find out what really happened, a lot of people got killed for thinking and searching for answers. Meanwhile Christians and Jews and pagens killed for sins such as blasphemy.
Religions were formed in all areas where people lived, there have been 4200 religions on earth that are known about, many of those have many gods.bla bla bla.

Why and how can you be so certain your religion is the correct one?

Your bible doesnt prove anything except that you took a photo of a bible.
These are my scriptures, minus the Brahma Sutras and the Vedas. Much of these were written between 1900 and 500 B.C.E. (before current era, i.e. before Christ existed.)
