Why? Is it cause these dirtbags are digging up my name?
He wants to see it.
Explain why homosexuality is immoral so I have a reason before punching you in the throat.Many people in favor of gay marriage claim that homosexuality is not addressed directly by Jesus in the New Testament. So why is it still a sin? If you have never read the Bible, here is an explanation:
The Old Testament has many "contracts" with man. These are known as covenants. Some are permanent, but others are listed as temporary. It's the Old Covenant in the Old Testament that was fulfilled by Jesus in the New Testament. The Old Covenant consists of the civil/ceremonial laws of the Jews. However, civil/ceremonial laws are very different from the moral laws in the Old Testament.
Examples of the civil or ceremonial laws might include this: Things like sacrificing lambs on Passover, it means they can't be eating pork or shellfish. Most of these civil or ceremonial laws are in the book of Exodus and Leviticus.
It is the moral laws, such as the 10 commandments and all other moral laws throughout the Old Testament that are still very, very, very intact to this day. These moral laws include murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
So, The reason why homosexuality in the Bible is still a sin is because the moral laws are still intact from the Old Testament. In addition to just the Old Testament, Jesus and Peter also preached against sexual immorality as a whole. Notice the root word of immorality is moral. That means that nothing I said is being taken out of context to support a messed-up "narrative".
Just wanted to see your grow
There is no such thing as sin. Everything in existence is a facet of God. Everything with a consciousness is a facet of God experiencing itself subjectively. You should look into Nondualism. Something like Advaita or Buddhism. That's what the truth is, and what your Christ was teaching.
The point of life is to realize that you are God, balance your karmic debt, and achieve Moksha/Nirvana, releasing yourself from Samsara.
You do realize most of the Bible was stolen directly from the Upanishads, Quran, and the Torah, right?Christ didn't teach nondualism. He taught that God was the only way to heaven through Christ. Man is inherently evil and is wired to rebel against God since the fall of man in Genesis. Therfore, since God is only good and holy, and man is not, we are not God. Can you cite any Biblical evidence otherwise?
You know what's revolting and annoying? A self-righteous Christian reinterpreting his own doctrine and completely missing the point that we were all intended to love each other and not judge and condemn each other. You are a piss poor Christian by the standard of your own religion and should kill yourself.That gay stuff is revolting and annoying. Do you have anything better to do?
Yes, I have pics! They're on my other thread. It's the only other thread I've made on here.
Christ didn't teach nondualism. That's Buddhism as what you were saying..
Christ taught that God was the only way to heaven through Christ. Man is inherently evil and is wired to rebel against God since the fall of man in Genesis. Therfore, since God is only good and holy, and man is not, we are not God. Can you cite any Biblical evidence otherwise?
That gay stuff is revolting and annoying. Do you have anything better to do?
You do realize most of the Bible was stolen directly from the Upanishads, Quran, and the Torah, right?
Another inbred Christian devotee. So sad.
You do realize most of the Bible was stolen directly from the Upanishads, Quran, and the Torah, right?
Another inbred Christian devotee. So sad.
You know what's revolting and annoying? A self-righteous Christian reinterpreting his own doctrine and completely missing the point that we were all intended to love each other and not judge and condemn each other.
You know what's revolting and annoying? A self-righteous Christian reinterpreting his own doctrine and completely missing the point that we were all intended to love each other and not judge and condemn each other.
How about you read them yourself? I can't educate an invalid.Are you serious? Quran wasn't written until 100's of years AFTER the Bible.
Torah is the Old Testament, and an essential part of Christianity. Duhh
Upanishads? Can you show me where exactly?
How about you read them yourself? I can't educate an invalid.