Christianity, Homosexuality, and the New Covenant

Yes, I have pics! They're on my other thread. It's the only other thread I've made on here.

What's your opinion on growing weed?

I see you speaking about the bible and was curious about your grow, you know the whole ((obey the laws of the land thing)).....or are you just taking bits and pieces for convenience?

Might wana check what the Feds think about da weeds before you act like you live by the bible and are holier than thou.
What's your opinion on growing weed?

I see you speaking about the bible and was curious about your grow, you know the whole ((obey the laws of the land thing)).....or are you just taking bits and pieces for convenience?

Might wana check what the Feds think about da weeds before you act like you live by the bible and are holier than thou.
I'm paraphrasing, but wasn't it "Every seed-bearing plant on Earth I give to thee?" GeneSeuss 1:29?
Mom looks a lot like comedian Emo Philips...

View attachment 3931814

Probably why I came so hard.
I'm paraphrasing, but wasn't it "Every seed-bearing plant on Earth I give to thee?" GeneSeuss 1:29?
I figured that would be his response ....I went to a Christian school because I was to smart for the public school system ((or something like that)).....I remember being told to obey the laws of the land by many different preachers/teachers .....kinda contradicts itself

Plus---most devout church goers will argue that weed is a devil plant....pretty sure it was an apple that caused the biggest issue ((shrugg))
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Just my two pennies folks but I feel it is better to kindly show people that feel this way how freeing being broadminded is. I was one of "those people" at one time myself. People can and do change, i am so glad I did, and we are better off showing them tne way towards "enlightenment" kindly and using the reasoning we came to see, or always saw for some than lashing out in anger...

The social pressure to accept what he has is huge, and often time one is surrounded i it like weed is surrounded by a zigzag in a joint. It can take some time to "see the light"

I undefstand the frustration though too... But we have a much better chance leading them to the freedom of an open mind and heart through reasoning and insights we have come to understand, or always understood for some than through anger...

Yea i know if yawl read my political posts this probably makes me a hypocrite, i guess this one struck me though as one where the person is kind of fishing for some understanding.. almost asking us to help them understand differently. i could be wrong, but thats how it struck me and why i felt the peaceful approach was the right angle in this thread.

I once thought very much like you, honest. I mean this sincerely;

I consider myself Christian but today that means to me tgat the Christian Narrative is how I relate to the Creator just like my Islamic friends relate to the Almighty through the teachings of Mohamed, and etc for all other faiths.

Pray, meditate, think and reason, it is only a small percentage of this world that thinks like you do and i did, even those reading the same scriptures. If God was so worried about the details of human behavior why were we only given this 3lb pile of mush in our skulls to figure it out precisely accuratly a moral code in a collection books (which is what the Bible is) written by dozens of human writers written over centuries in multiple different cultures or risk eternal damnation? Why were we all wired to think different, see things different etc if precision accuracy in interpretation of it were necessary? If that were so, that was a malicious act from the Creator towards us. Why would a Diety be offended by non malicious behavior of any type? Why would it bother Him?

When i became a parent my perspective devoloped more, each child is different than the other and thats so beautiful that they are. Understood as a Parental Creator one can easily beleive Yahwey would feel the same way.

I also want you to think about how Christians (could happen in other faiths as well) sometimes become so focused on "The Book" they miss the story in the book. I feel many Conservative Christians sometimes come dangerously close and sometimes cross the line and end up worshipping the Book itself... Our faith existed before the Roman Catholic Bishops at the Council of Ladocia recognised the 26 books of Christian Scripture (all of current NT besides revelation)...

Strive to rid yourself of all malice and hate, and as God is Love...

I appreciate your real response, there is a lot of material there. I'll try to address some of them, but I think you fall short on several Christian doctrines.

Let's start with " If God was so worried about the details of human behavior why were we only given this 3lb pile of mush in our skulls to figure it out precisely accuratly a moral code in a collection books (which is what the Bible is)":

That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to study the Bible to the best of our abilities. Since God originally created us in his image and the Holy Spirit resides in us to this day, and also gave us dominion over all the plants and animals, it clearly implies that we are fully capable with our superior intelligence to understand the Bible. Throughout the Bible, you will see that the Christian is supposed to seek God, what is good, etc.

You unbiblical ideas on rewriting God's word is shown in your question of "Why would a Diety be offended by non malicious behavior of any type? Why would it bother Him?". That only confirms your carnal perspective of Christianity. You can't pick and choose what parts to obey. One of the most important parts of Christianity is to let go of what your prior self and to put complete trust in God and his word.

Next, you attempt to make a claim that Islam, in the Christian perspective, is a valid religion. In the Christian perspective, any other religion is inherently false. False religions point straight to hell, and that comes straight from the Bible. Man does not have the moral right to rewrite God's law in favor of his "feelings" of acceptance. In addition I'm wondering what you have to say about Muhammed beheading gays?

if man is made in the image of god, and some people are gay, doesn't that mean that part of god is gay?

Adam and Eve were made in the image of God, but please read the 2nd and 3rd chapters of the Bible, which literally are the first few pages of almost any Bible. Mankind fell when Eve ate from the tree of knowledge. So no, the modern man doesn't naturally follow the image of God and therefore God is not gay. Also, he clearly defines marriage in that a man and woman join together in one flesh. Never in the Bible do you see a homosexual couple praised.
Just my two pennies folks but I feel it is better to kindly show people that feel this way how freeing being broadminded is. I was one of "those people" at one time myself. People can and do change, i am so glad I did, and we are better off showing them tne way towards "enlightenment" kindly and using the reasoning we came to see, or always saw for some than lashing out in anger...

The social pressure to accept what he has is huge, and often time one is surrounded i it like weed is surrounded by a zigzag in a joint. It can take some time to "see the light"

I undefstand the frustration though too... But we have a much better chance leading them to the freedom of an open mind and heart through reasoning and insights we have come to understand, or always understood for some than through anger...

Yea i know if yawl read my political posts this probably makes me a hypocrite, i guess this one struck me though as one where the person is kind of fishing for some understanding.. almost asking us to help them understand differently. i could be wrong, but thats how it struck me and why i felt the peaceful approach was the right angle in this thread.
I don't hate the kid. I'm just thoroughly disgusted with him. I don't hate Christians generally, and appreciate your perspective as a true Christian.
Was God a product of incest? We are made in his image after all.
You can't believe in Adam & Eve then condemn incest. It is logically inconsistent.
Better question: If God is omnipotent, and what separates man from angel is free choice, how could an angel like Lucifer defy God without being given free will? And why would God, in "His" omnipotence and omniscience, create the Defiler of Man knowing his eventual destiny? And why's lobster a sin if it tastes so fucking good?
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We should try to understand, i still do. I have studied much both in college, training sessions to become clergy and unofficially. However every person finds a different conclusion studying same material. Thats not wrong thats the beauty of humanity to see so many different angles.

I assume you are not of Roman Catholic or Orthodox beleif, i may then ask you where is the list of what books are biblical and what ones arent, please refrain from using circular reasoning. Whos earthly authority can say what is canon and what is not? As any scholarly understanding of Scripture would concur never did a King James Version fall from heaven leather bound...

Yes we were blessed with superior intellect, and that we all are using and still arrive at different conclusions or understanding of "the truth". Diversity is part of the beauty God created mankind in.

I do not agree with Conservative Islam take on homosexuality. They too are a people on a journey as we all our. You say that any other religion must be false from Christian Perspective. You have proven my point; from your Christian Perspective it is so, but not mine, nor the official doctrine of the Church I attend; and the one i attend is no fringe small group within Christianity. Are you to say we are not Christian because we understand the texts differently than you?

For as many Christians as have lived cumulatively since the original gang there are that many different understandings of christianity...

Christ repeatedly rebuked the confident religious folks who knew every "right" answer chapter and verse of the Torah to instead point out the intentions of the heart is what mattered most.... if he came today for a visit (speaking hypothetically not doctrinally) do you think he would be any different? Do you think he would call James Dobson, pat Robbertson, Swaggart and tell them great job on teaching the masses to love your neighbor as yourself? I myself beleive he would rebuke the self rightous the ones who thought they had it all figured out, pegged, nailed to a tee. My guess is he would again rebuke them then go hang with some prostitutes and tax collectors...
I was raised Roman Catholic. Baptism, Communion, Penance, the whole bit. I just don't believe in fear and love being one and the same. I don't believe Christ is my salvation in the sense that I should pray to him as a deity, but I believe that he embodied the love of God that we should all strive to embody. I am now an Advaitin. And most people don't realize, but Christ is, in fact, respected in Hinduism as having attained Moksha; he ascended his own confused humanity and became God, which we all are supposed to do, through love and devotion to the Soul, the fragment of God beyond the Human Ego. Buddhists also recognize that he attained Buddhahood.
I don't hate the kid. I'm just thoroughly disgusted with him. I don't hate Christians generally, and appreciate your perspective as a true Christian.

I undersatand. Im probably more sympathetic because this was me at one time, to a tee. Its almost earie as all of his logic and undefstanding was damn near carbon copy to me of a couple decades ago...
What's your opinion on growing weed?

I see you speaking about the bible and was curious about your grow, you know the whole ((obey the laws of the land thing)).....or are you just taking bits and pieces for convenience?

Might wana check what the Feds think about da weeds before you act like you live by the bible and are holier than thou.

Sure. You make a great point here, and I will try to explain. I grow and occasionally smoke weed, and the Bible says to both obey your government's law AND not to be a drunkard.

Let's start with morality of smoking weed by itself (not it's legality). Sure, Genesis 1:29 states that God gave us every seed bearing fruit for our consumption. But, that doesn't mean that all the plants he made are good for use. The cocaine plant or the opiate plant are two things I wouldn't ever touch, for example. Poisonous plants as well; stay away from those! I don't use [URL='']Genesis 1:29 as an excuse to smoke weed.

I think it should really only be used as medicine or a way to become closer to God. Because it gives you a different perspective, I think consuming weed and reading the Bible and/or prayer can give a unique experience with God. Sometimes, that experience can make you closer! I have come to several religious conclusions while under the influence of weed. For example, I came to the conclusion that I was a bit of legalist and needed to be more focused on the holiness of God while high on weed. I am not someone who smokes weed to make trash reality TV more interesting or just to kill time.

God has no commandments against medicine in itself, so I don't have a problem with using marijuana for insomnia (which I suffer from - haven't slept more than 5 hours in a night since I was about 16). I also used it for pain, which was almost always after playing football. I was an undersized player at 5-8 150 pounds and played both offense, special teams and defense so I would get pretty banged up by the end of game and stiff as heck later at night! I don't have pain/soreness anymore being a younger guy though.
The main argument most Christians have against weed is that they believe it makes the consumer more susceptible to sins such as lust, gluttony, etc. They often equate weed with alcohol, and I don't think it's a fair argument. The two are very different drugs.

Now, about God's command to follow the law. It's important to note that Jesus lived under a very oppressive Roman government. Romans 13:1 states that “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities". I am in a legal state, and my plants are grown in a legal location. However, it is illegal federally as you point out!

So because weed is illegal federally, that might appear to be a sin. Upon further examination, we see that there are circumstances when the Christian is allowed to break the law. The ONLY case where this is allowed is when God's law interferes with the government's law! So, I justify growing weed because I am growing medicine (w/in God's law), it does NOT make the consumer more likely to cave into lust or gluttony (at least for me - and they are common misconceptions), and weed only provides a lubricating effect on the mind that can actually bring the user closer to God in some circumstances (though you shouldn't RELY on it - the blood of Jesus is all the believer needs). This lubricating effect is in the Bible when Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding to celebrate.

Another argument for weed and respecting the illegality. Almost all of Jesus' apostles ended up dying in prison for preaching the word of the Gospel, which was against Roman law. Essentially, Acts 5:27-29 teaches that it is okay for a Christian to break the government's law if it is in contradiction to God's commands! Because I grow for medical use and for medical patients, I really think it is okay for me to grow weed! I also trust that the consumer will not use it in a way to rebel against God, but that is not up to me. For example, I could use guns to break God's laws and kill someone, or I could use guns in a moral way for hunting and also home defense. Weed can go both ways just like guns, alcohol, and many other things.

Marijuana is actually an ingredient in the Holy Annointing Oil of the Old Testament. Jesus himself used it! This is archaelogically supported by many scientists - NOT an empty claim.
I undersatand. Im probably more sympathetic because this was me at one time, to a tee. Its almost earie as all of his logic and undefstanding was damn near carbon copy to me of a couple decades ago...

I'm not trying to brake his belief/will at all .....he just needs to realize coming into a pot forum and damming homosexuals isn't the best method to get his point a crossed.....I grew up under a church pue and sadly some of the worst people I ever encountered in my life were sitting on those same pues.....I also met great people that didn't judge((very few)).....there's a time and place for everything and this isn't it .......he's making more enemies than friends with his approach of being holier than thou......I respect everyone no matter there sexual preferences or religious beliefs .....he should go try a bible forum or maybe read the whole bible instead of grabbing bits and pieces that work for him.....I don't think he realizes just because he's on a pot forum, doesn't mean were a bunch of dumb stoners ((quite the contrary)) we may give no fucks while were here ....but I've met some of the smartest people in all aspects((including religion)) on Riu.....I see him as a hypocrite who needs to quit judging and get the whole story before he does so.......he's to young to even know what life's about.

I vote he goes to a Bible forum and shares his findings with them. But, also shares the fact that he grows this plant we all love here. I'd bet my strongest testicle he'd be in for a surprise......HYPOCRITE
I'm not trying to brake his belief/will at all .....he just needs to realize coming into a pot forum and damming homosexuals isn't the best method to get his point a crossed.....I grew up under a church pue and sadly some of the worst people I ever encountered in my life were sitting on those same pues.....I also met great people that didn't judge((very few)).....there's a time and place for everything and this isn't it .......he's making more enemies than friends with his approach of being holier than thou......I respect everyone no matter there sexual preferences or religious beliefs .....he should go try a bible forum or maybe read the whole bible instead of grabbing bits and pieces that work for him.....I don't think he realizes just because he's on a pot forum, doesn't mean were a bunch of dumb stoners ((quite the contrary)) we may give no fucks while were here ....but I've met some of the smartest people in all aspects((including religion)) on Riu.....I see him as a hypocrite who needs to quit judging and get the whole story before he does so.......he's to young to even know what life's about.

I vote he goes to a Bible forum and shares his findings with them. But, also shares the fact that he grows this plant we all love here. I'd bet my strongest testicle he'd be in for a surprise......HYPOCRITE

I'm not "holier than thou". All men are equally evil and sinners in nature, including myself. Don't say "too young" when we are discussing the Bible and you guys don't even understand the Bible as well as I do.

Also, don't judge the entire religion just because it has bad followers. Judge the religion for it's message. The God in the Bible is perfect in nature, and just because there are self-righteous legalist Christians out there doesn't mean that God himself or Christianity itself is a bad thing.

This thread is in the spiritual section, which my thread certainly falls within.

I don't believe in recreational weed, by the way. Only medical and for spiritual purposes. Most Christians hate weed because it's "harmful to the body" (not really) and similar to promoting sin like alcohol does. Neither is true.
I'm not "holier than thou". All men are equally evil and sinners in nature, including myself. Don't say "too young" when we are discussing the Bible and you guys don't even understand the Bible as well as I do.

Also, don't judge the entire religion just because it has bad followers. Judge the religion for it's message. The God in the Bible is perfect in nature, and just because there are self-righteous legalist Christians out there doesn't mean that God himself or Christianity itself is a bad thing.

This thread is in the spiritual section, which my thread certainly falls within.

I don't believe in recreational weed, by the way. Only medical and for spiritual purposes. Most Christians hate weed because it's "harmful to the body" (not really) and similar to promoting sin like alcohol does. Neither is true.
Weed isn't harmful to the body. In fact, it heals the body. And you do not understand the Bible at all, let alone better than anyone here, as it's clear you, like many ignorant people who claim to be Christians, ignore the key points of the doctrine and religion you claim to believe in. You know your misinterpretation of the Bible, but not the true word of God.
I appreciate your real response, there is a lot of material there. I'll try to address some of them, but I think you fall short on several Christian doctrines.

Let's start with " If God was so worried about the details of human behavior why were we only given this 3lb pile of mush in our skulls to figure it out precisely accuratly a moral code in a collection books (which is what the Bible is)":

That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to study the Bible to the best of our abilities. Since God originally created us in his image and the Holy Spirit resides in us to this day, and also gave us dominion over all the plants and animals, it clearly implies that we are fully capable with our superior intelligence to understand the Bible. Throughout the Bible, you will see that the Christian is supposed to seek God, what is good, etc.

You unbiblical ideas on rewriting God's word is shown in your question of "Why would a Diety be offended by non malicious behavior of any type? Why would it bother Him?". That only confirms your carnal perspective of Christianity. You can't pick and choose what parts to obey. One of the most important parts of Christianity is to let go of what your prior self and to put complete trust in God and his word.

Next, you attempt to make a claim that Islam, in the Christian perspective, is a valid religion. In the Christian perspective, any other religion is inherently false. False religions point straight to hell, and that comes straight from the Bible. Man does not have the moral right to rewrite God's law in favor of his "feelings" of acceptance. In addition I'm wondering what you have to say about Muhammed beheading gays?

Adam and Eve were made in the image of God, but please read the 2nd and 3rd chapters of the Bible, which literally are the first few pages of almost any Bible. Mankind fell when Eve ate from the tree of knowledge. So no, the modern man doesn't naturally follow the image of God and therefore God is not gay. Also, he clearly defines marriage in that a man and woman join together in one flesh. Never in the Bible do you see a homosexual couple praised.
Your understanding of scripture is as hobbled as your communication skills, your imagination and your intellect. Youre a disgrace to true christians. Christ would put his foot up your idiot ass if he had a minute. He doesnt want anymore grovelling morons speaking for him.
I'm not "holier than thou". All men are equally evil and sinners in nature, including myself. Don't say "too young" when we are discussing the Bible and you guys don't even understand the Bible as well as I do.

Also, don't judge the entire religion just because it has bad followers. Judge the religion for it's message. The God in the Bible is perfect in nature, and just because there are self-righteous legalist Christians out there doesn't mean that God himself or Christianity itself is a bad thing.

This thread is in the spiritual section, which my thread certainly falls within.

I don't believe in recreational weed, by the way. Only medical and for spiritual purposes. Most Christians hate weed because it's "harmful to the body" (not really) and similar to promoting sin like alcohol does. Neither is true.

So most Christians hate weed ....first bit of sense I've heard....well the ones who hate weed are the same ones who would laugh in your face for what your doing here .....your basically massaging different aspects of Christianity and bible verses to make yourself a new and improved type of Christian...

All I'm saying is your going against so many things yourself it's not even funny ....and the fact it takes you a solid amount of time to respond to my posts. Shows your googling to find answers.

I'm done replying to the guy with all the answers. I just hope you realize how much of a hypocrite you look like attacking homosexuals while having to justify ones own actions.

You are young and do not know nearly as much as you think you do. It's plainly obvious by how judgmental you are (another no no) I'm not a biblical expert and don't claim to know everything like you. But in this case I do understand and have put more time into the subject ((not by choice)) than you've been alive. Good luck with your new form of Christianity. ((Smh))