Christianity, Homosexuality, and the New Covenant

Weed isn't harmful to the body. In fact, it heals the body. And you do not understand the Bible at all, let alone better than anyone here, as it's clear you, like many ignorant people who claim to be Christians, ignore the key points of the doctrine and religion you claim to believe in. You know your misinterpretation of the Bible, but not the true word of God.

You don't point out any sort of evidence of my misinterpretation in this. You simply make a claim with no evidence behind it? That's weak
So most Christians hate weed ....first bit of sense I've heard....well the ones who hate weed are the same ones who would laugh in your face for what your doing here .....your basically massaging different aspects of Christianity and bible verses to make yourself a new and improved type of Christian...

All I'm saying is your going against so many things yourself it's not even funny ....and the fact it takes you a solid amount of time to respond to my posts. Shows your googling to find answers.

I'm done replying to the guy with all the answers. I just hope you realize how much of a hypocrite you look like attacking homosexuals while having to justify ones own actions.

You are young and do not know nearly as much as you think you do. It's plainly obvious by how judgmental you are (another no no) I'm not a biblical expert and don't claim to know everything like you. But in this case I do understand and have put more time into the subject ((not by choice)) than you've been alive. Good luck with your new form of Christianity. ((Smh))

Haha, not googling bub, funny how you shove actions into my mouth with no evidence. I was pretty fast at the beginning before I watched the Celtics game and I'm studying for my Anatomy test tomorrow.

Same argument as many: judgemental? No, no, no.

How many times do I have to repeat myself? I'm making biblical arguments on the sinfulness of certain activities. I am not judging people!
You simply make a claim with no evidence behind it? That's weak

says the guy citing the fucking bible.

Yes the BUB thing is puzzling .....he called me BUB and then accused me of shoving things in his mouth....before I even attempted such things .

You ever notice that older white ladies in pornos are always getting fisted? Have you seen those ones where the lady is super racist and she's fucking some black guy?He just fucking destroys her while she's trying to insult him? I always think of @Flaming Pie when I see those.
Sure. You make a great point here, and I will try to explain. I grow and occasionally smoke weed, and the Bible says to both obey your government's law AND not to be a drunkard.

Let's start with morality of smoking weed by itself (not it's legality). Sure, Genesis 1:29 states that God gave us every seed bearing fruit for our consumption. But, that doesn't mean that all the plants he made are good for use. The cocaine plant or the opiate plant are two things I wouldn't ever touch, for example. Poisonous plants as well; stay away from those! I don't use Genesis 1:29 as an excuse to smoke weed.

I think it should really only be used as medicine or a way to become closer to God. Because it gives you a different perspective, I think consuming weed and reading the Bible and/or prayer can give a unique experience with God. Sometimes, that experience can make you closer! I have come to several religious conclusions while under the influence of weed. For example, I came to the conclusion that I was a bit of legalist and needed to be more focused on the holiness of God while high on weed. I am not someone who smokes weed to make trash reality TV more interesting or just to kill time.

God has no commandments against medicine in itself, so I don't have a problem with using marijuana for insomnia (which I suffer from - haven't slept more than 5 hours in a night since I was about 16). I also used it for pain, which was almost always after playing football. I was an undersized player at 5-8 150 pounds and played both offense, special teams and defense so I would get pretty banged up by the end of game and stiff as heck later at night! I don't have pain/soreness anymore being a younger guy though.

The main argument most Christians have against weed is that they believe it makes the consumer more susceptible to sins such as lust, gluttony, etc. They often equate weed with alcohol, and I don't think it's a fair argument. The two are very different drugs.

Now, about God's command to follow the law. It's important to note that Jesus lived under a very oppressive Roman government. Romans 13:1 states that “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities". I am in a legal state, and my plants are grown in a legal location. However, it is illegal federally as you point out!

So because weed is illegal federally, that might appear to be a sin. Upon further examination, we see that there are circumstances when the Christian is allowed to break the law. The ONLY case where this is allowed is when God's law interferes with the government's law! So, I justify growing weed because I am growing medicine (w/in God's law), it does NOT make the consumer more likely to cave into lust or gluttony (at least for me - and they are common misconceptions), and weed only provides a lubricating effect on the mind that can actually bring the user closer to God in some circumstances (though you shouldn't RELY on it - the blood of Jesus is all the believer needs). This lubricating effect is in the Bible when Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding to celebrate.

Another argument for weed and respecting the illegality. Almost all of Jesus' apostles ended up dying in prison for preaching the word of the Gospel, which was against Roman law. Essentially, Acts 5:27-29 teaches that it is okay for a Christian to break the government's law if it is in contradiction to God's commands! Because I grow for medical use and for medical patients, I really think it is okay for me to grow weed! I also trust that the consumer will not use it in a way to rebel against God, but that is not up to me. For example, I could use guns to break God's laws and kill someone, or I could use guns in a moral way for hunting and also home defense. Weed can go both ways just like guns, alcohol, and many other things.

Marijuana is actually an ingredient in the Holy Annointing Oil of the Old Testament. Jesus himself used it! This is archaelogically supported by many scientists - NOT an empty claim.

God doesn't command or condone the use of medicine in the Bible, and you are hardly using it for medicine, less harmful drugs would work fine. The Bible says to both honor the body God gave you and to not alter your mindstate. There are very orthodoxical Christians that refuse any form of modern medicine for this reason. To say God is commanding you to use marijuana is stupid, to say he commands you to use marijuana when it also breaks the law is retarded.

You are performing mental gymnastics. Your argument about the Romans forging God's word could be said of the entire New Testament, including the illogical demonization of homosexuality. The Bible was written by men and it reflects the cultures and eras they lived in. The stories of the New Testament were passed down orally for 70-200 years (depending on chapter) before being written down by scholars. If you've ever played the game 'telephone' you'd know how much personal views/bias and cultural norms were injected into the stories. The NT was compiled by the Roman Catholic Church around 200 BCE (AD). They gathered writings from across the Roman Empire and compiled a story they thought was both coherent enough and also purveyed their ideals and social/political agenda. They created a new religion to both pacify and unify the vastly different cultures and religions in the regions that the Romans occupied. They changed dates of holidays, they created the idea of holy trinity instead kf a singular God, they created the idea of a human incarnation of God (Jesus), and they borrowed many more religious symbolisms from the religions of their conquered territories. Try doing some reading on that.

As a side note, one of the worst parts of Christianity IMO is the idea that all people are inherently evil from birth, and the idea that "you can't pick and choose the morals you find logical or question anything" is psychotic.

Cementing the idea that people are inherently evil/sinners as a foundational block of Christianity gives people an excuse to behave immorally - "I shouldn't have done that but I'm only human." It also gives them a false sense of justification and forgiveness - people will go on being horrible human beings their entire lives but still believe that any wrong they do will be forgiven. It teaches people that they are naturally greedy/selfish and so are others, psychologically detering acts of good will, generosity, and charity. It teaches people that they need God to be a good person, that it isn't a choice they make or have the strength to make on their own; it paints humans as powerless to their emotions and thoughts.

Teaching people to not question God or the Bible simply makes no sense except in a practical way to deter detractors/criticism/dissent and independent thought/analysis. It is anti-intellectual and anti-science. It is a measure of control. Every person interpets literally everything in life differently than anyone else, the same goes for religion and religious doctrines like the Bible. Look how many different denominations (different interpretations) of Christianity there are (Catholic, orthodox, presbytarian, methodist, baptist, etc.). All of those denominations came from a different interpretation meaning they questioned and dissented.

If there was a God he would employ the very logic we possess. So tell me, what is immoral, logically, about homosexuality? Think on this one.
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You ever notice that older white ladies in pornos are always getting fisted? Have you seen those ones where the lady is super racist and she's fucking some black guy?He just fucking destroys her while she's trying to insult him? I always think of @Flaming Pie when I see those.

i was just remembering the one time i drove from san jose to phoenix for christmas. the I-5 was more clogged than my anus after eating a block of cheese, so we cut across the countryside and passed fresno along the way. we had the dogs in tow, so we stopped at roeding park to take the them to the dog park. then we went to triangle drive in for burgers. those were some good burgers.

ever been?
i was just remembering the one time i drove from san jose to phoenix for christmas. the I-5 was more clogged than my anus after eating a block of cheese, so we cut across the countryside and passed fresno along the way. we had the dogs in tow, so we stopped at roeding park to take the them to the dog park. then we went to triangle drive in for burgers. those were some good burgers.

ever been?
It's been awhile but yea that place is bomb. I got my dick sucked at roeding park once. This has nothing to do with my blowjob, but there are lots of prostitutes in that area.
I'm not "holier than thou". All men are equally evil and sinners in nature, including myself. Don't say "too young" when we are discussing the Bible and you guys don't even understand the Bible as well as I do.

Also, don't judge the entire religion just because it has bad followers. Judge the religion for it's message. The God in the Bible is perfect in nature, and just because there are self-righteous legalist Christians out there doesn't mean that God himself or Christianity itself is a bad thing.

This thread is in the spiritual section, which my thread certainly falls within.

I don't believe in recreational weed, by the way. Only medical and for spiritual purposes. Most Christians hate weed because it's "harmful to the body" (not really) and similar to promoting sin like alcohol does. Neither is true.

My dick promotes sin.

Wanna see a pic?
God doesn't command or condone the use of medicine in the Bible, and you are hardly using it for medicine, less harmful drugs would work fine. The Bible says to both honor the body God gave you and to not alter your mindstate. There are very orthodoxical Christians that refuse any form of modern medicine for this reason. To say God is commanding you to use marijuana is stupid, to say he commands you to use marijuana when it also breaks the law is retarded.

You are performing mental gymnastics. Your argument about the Romans forging God's word could be said of the entire New Testament, including the illogical demonization of homosexuality. The Bible was written by men and it reflects the cultures and eras they lived in. The stories of the New Testament were passed down orally for 70-200 years (depending on chapter) before being written down by scholars. If you've ever played the game 'telephone' you'd know how much personal views/bias and cultural norms were injected into the stories. The NT was compiled by the Roman Catholic Church around 200 BCE (AD). They gathered writings from across the Roman Empire and compiled a story they thought was both coherent enough and also purveyed their ideals and social/political agenda. They created a new religion to both pacify and unify the vastly different cultures and religions in the regions that the Romans occupied. They changed dates of holidays, they created the idea of holy trinity instead kf a singular God, they created the idea of a human incarnation of God (Jesus), and they borrowed many more religious symbolisms from the religions of their conquered territories. Try doing some reading on that.

As a side note, one of the worst parts of Christianity IMO is the idea that all people are inherently evil from birth, and the idea that "you can't pick and choose the morals you find logical or question anything" is psychotic.

Cementing the idea that people are inherently evil/sinners as a foundational block of Christianity gives people an excuse to behave immorally - "I shouldn't have done that but I'm only human." It also gives them a false sense of justification and forgiveness - people will go on being horrible human beings their entire lives but still believe that any wrong they do will be forgiven. It teaches people that they are naturally greedy/selfish and so are others, psychologically detering acts of good will, generosity, and charity. It teaches people that they need God to be a good person, that it isn't a choice they make or have the strength to make on their own; it paints humans as powerless to their emotions and thoughts.

Teaching people to not question God or the Bible simply makes no sense except in a practical way to deter detractors/criticism/dissent and independent thought/analysis. It is anti-intellectual and anti-science. It is a measure of control. Every person interpets literally everything in life differently than anyone else, the same goes for religion and religious doctrines like the Bible. Look how many different denominations (different interpretations) of Christianity there are (Catholic, orthodox, presbytarian, methodist, baptist, etc.). All of those denominations came from a different interpretation meaning they questioned and dissented.

If there was a God he would employ the very logic we possess. So tell me, what is immoral, logically, about homosexuality? Think on this one.

So you're saying me using it for insomnia is stupid? Look, if you read the contexts of "keeping a sober mind" it is SOLELY because it is either harmful to the body or promotes sin. Weed does neither. PLUS, Jesus himself used cannabis as medicine in kaneh-bosom AKA the Holy Annointing Oil! Who are you to say that because "very orthodoxical Christians" oppose modern medicine, then all Christians shouldn't? Scripture doesn't ban mind-altering medicine. It's not a sin to take medicine, but gluttony and/or constant drunkenness certainly is a sin. However, I do not excessively consume weed. I haven't smoked in almost 6 weeks and when I do it's for sleep 99% of the time.

As far as the legality of my grow, I am in a legal state and on a medical patient's property. So no, that's not really a sin because I'm not breaking the law.
PLUS, Jesus himself used cannabis as medicine in kaneh-bosom AKA the Holy Annointing Oil!

wtf? ok where I this written down for one? 2nd how would you know?

keep in mind in those time of Roman occupation homosexuality was very prevalent in those time, you saw women, women in those time we just baby makers in those times, there was no such thing as womens rights at ALL...

Also this is a little food for thought, did you know that most Christian ideals were based Pagan thought...