You believe there is no God.
Are you an atheist?
I'm not sure if Pad believes there is no god. I consider myself an atheist in the sense that I lack belief in any deity that I've been exposed to, but I do not make a positive claim that there is no god. For all I know there could be some sort of deity or controlling force of the universe, I've just never encountered a shred of evidence of it. This is known as an agnostic atheist, one who doesn't possess belief that a deity exists, but believe we cannot know for certain as we cannot look everywhere in existence at once. There are atheists that state that there absolutely is no god, but they are in the minority and that requires a degree of faith
I'm not sure if Pad believes there is no god. I consider myself an atheist in the sense that I lack belief in any deity that I've been exposed to, but I do not make a positive claim that there is no god. For all I know there could be some sort of deity or controlling force of the universe, I've just never encountered a shred of evidence of it. This is known as an agnostic atheist, one who doesn't possess belief that a deity exists, but believes we cannot know for certain as we cannot look everywhere in existence at once. There are atheists that state that there absolutely is no god, but they are in the minority and that requires a degree of faith...
Well put and it also shows how even atheists can have closed minds which to me makes them no better than theists with their closed minds. Both of these groups I see as idol worshipers of what they believe.
You are a worshiper of what you believe. You are trying to split the hair. with your "closed mind." vs your "open mind?" Is that it? You have no evidence of anything in this subject.
Now I really have you tap dancing about.
What is the meaning of this thread if you claim you have belief? So what?
Why argue about anything?
You mean discussion?
Argument brings nothing but war cults. And it is the war cults that breed the religions. It is religions that then breed new war cults. Thus it is ever so.
"For Cain rose up and slew his brother." (over a girl)
Thinking is highly over rated and is so in the way of actual experience, that thinking is the anti-experience. In thinking, we hide from SELF by muttering in endless and vapid, internal dialog.
SELF is experienced on a constant basis, unless and until we think..
Religions, oth, are argued about until there is War,