Christmas SUCKS!


not trying to spark up a fiery debate here, but it was a cat. i think people have forgotten that animals are just that, animals. nobody bats an eye at the way the beef/poultry industries operate, but freaks out when someone kills a pet. sure it is kinda sad that the cat died, but im sure he doesnt kill an animal everytime he gets upset. this was a special circumstance, his small child was attacked by an animal, of which he was not able to get justice for. upon coming home he finds that his medicine has been attacked by another animal, which he can seek justice for. with all the stress, he went a little overboard. i forgive him.


Active Member
Watch your karma man. Killing cats because they shit in a plant is harsh. Just make it live outside. As for the boy, hope he heals fast. dogs that bite more than once are dangerous. but i suggest you don't waltz into his yard and start blasting. where i live that would cause a small war. Did the boys mom know where he was and what he was playing with?


Active Member
sweet release the feline craved, living to serve, what a life, i doubt pets would cry too hard if their bowls lied empty and they returned to the wild to be the lions we tamed for pleasure. kill em fucking all, wasted meal farmed on ganja lands!


Well-Known Member
simone ese, fuck that vatto and his dog, you should light that mother fucker up, naa jp, but serio I would kill that dog myself if it were me. What kind dog was it? And you didnt really kill a cat for shitting on your plants did you, cause that would be very sad. I too have beat my cats on occasion but have yet to kill one :D


Well-Known Member
Watch your karma man. Killing cats because they shit in a plant is harsh. Just make it live outside. As for the boy, hope he heals fast. dogs that bite more than once are dangerous. but i suggest you don't waltz into his yard and start blasting. where i live that would cause a small war. Did the boys mom know where he was and what he was playing with?
The dogs owner is hiding the dog. from me and Law enforcment, He felt like laughing at me on the phone, when I told him the dog should die..

this guy and i would have a serious issue...and he would have a nice canine lawn ornament. around here, if my neighbors dog did that to my son, i would waltz into his front yard and start blastin on that mutt. doesnt heal the lip, but prevents it from happening again.
lol you guys live in the hood too? Where yall from thats so bad? im from PICO RIVERA X3 ;D


Active Member
Well thanks alot for all the kind words everyone.

First off I will start with the dog and owner.. This fellow is DONE for.. It is one thing to mess with me.. I am a grown adult, and have and will deal with others stupidity,ignorance, ect...


This man's dog bit my son.. Sometimes shit happens. I realize that fully. But when you run off, hide your animal (Wich I found out the dog has attacked before), and make no effort what so ever to help---Even getting him to the hospital.. This man is a Bitch made scum..

I have Obtained an attourney. The most expensive one Oregon has to offer. He will be broke off something special...

Anyway, Now on to the cat.. Really I have given my animals the luxuray of doing what ever they want to, They do get punished(when needed). This was the last straw for
this cat..

She has overstepped one to many boundries...Today was the day to finally do what I told her I would do. SORRY TO OFFEND ANYONE..

Not all of us have ample space to grow.. Hell I can't sleep till midnight, thats when the lights shut off. I do what I can with what i have...
and when the cat messes around non stop with my shit.. Well its time to go..

Well anyways, I am happy to say this month is almost over, and goodness will be coming back my way soon... Hopefully..

Thanks again to all who have shared there feelings and thoughts,
Happy Holidays------------God Bless


Well-Known Member
you know what?

this may be the weed just talkin but maybe you should get a dog and get him to attack that guys son?

what? it makes sense doesnt it?

aaaaah whatever, you guys are nutsbongsmilie

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Poor cat but I might have done the same. Cat I have won't leave me alone and if it wasn't for my girlfriend I think the cat would be dead by now. Not saying i'm going to kill it or anything but i'm not the one who feeds it. As far as your son and the dog just give it time and when it steps back into your view blow its head off. Dog or the dog's owner, your choice.


Well-Known Member
lol the death penalty for the cat...did you really kill it, that would be some streight lassy shit lol... but ya sue that fucking shitty idiot fuck owner...your boy is gonna be scarred and i mean literally... a old friend of mine got bit just like that and his lip was torn and now he has a 1/2 inch scar coming from his lip...not to mention your son's mental old is he? if he's smart you should have a little talk with him about the hole thing so he doesn't end up with some serious mental disorder...seriously

but hope all gets better for ya.



Well-Known Member
so come on man how did you kill it is the final thing we dont know.

I had a buddy of mine step on my kitten by mistake once. the kitten was hurt bad and passed out but still breathing with like a broken back i think,

well we couldnt agree on a way to put it out of its misery, someone suggested stabbing it in the heart, another person wanted to drown it, i wanted to put it in a garbage bag and tie it to the tail pipe of a running car.

anyway long story short is we couldnt think a non gruesome way to do it,

well anyway the poor thing ended up in the woods dieing, i finally felt bad and retrived him inside that night. in the morning my sis caught wind of the debakle and took the poor thing to the vet, there were maggots eating it alive by then all on it. the vet was like aaaaaa i dont thik i can fix this and threw him back in the woods

naaaa j/k they put the poor guy to sleep.

anyway that is why i want to know how you killed the cat


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry to hear about your son. Most states will have any dog that bites put to sleep! Thats a horrible thing for any child to have to go through..
But the cat is a whole different ball game. A cat is not just a cat. My cats are part of my family and loved and treated as such. I'm saddened and shocked to hear anyone say they killed there cat over a dam plant.Why did you not rehome the cat? Shame on you! And then come on a public forum and brag about it.


Well-Known Member
In the last 2 weeks ive read many stories of cat vs plant fights. The cat aways wins. My two cats wait for me to open my closet door, and go in and smell around but 2-3 mins into it they start to check the soil and shit like that. I toss em out. Now they just smell the plants and lay around but i dont give em more then 5 -10 mins, and are always watched. All in all CATS WILL KILL OR PISS IN YOUR PLANTS! So its up to you to control that. Which you did, but how you did it we dont know.


Active Member
Well, I see that the cat issue has sparked a little fire.. :confused:I am sorry to all who love cats...

I have 2 more cats.. They are part of the family and have been for a long while..(and no I wouldn't ever hurt my family) anyways-- the cat has had a long history.. I did not care about rehoming at the time..

When she messed up for the last time, it just happend to be on the wrong day! No, I am not bragging that I killed my cat either.. Soon I will move and you will see my new set up.. And nothing not even cats will be allowed in:mrgreen:.

Anywyas, the cat is DEAD.. and it ''wasn't'' gruseome and painful.. quick and to the point..

Someone asked, ''how old my son is?.'' Well he just turned 8 years old.
Also someone asked, ''what kind of dog bit him?'' Black Lab

Should be no question I will sue! The dog will die! And if I have my way.. I will have Dog Lips mounted above the fire place.. And yes I will brag about that!!!

My boy! well he is a real trooper.. He is a real fine young man. He didn't cry, he held his lip up as well as he could on the ride to the hospital, hasn't gotten to upset about the entire ordeal.

Its hard for him to eat.. His lips are so swollen, but I feed him chichen noodle and tomato soup.. nothinh to salty. Don't want his lips to sting..
Ya he is doing well. Healing will take some time, but he is young! and he is so amazing--- nothing will hold us from getting back to normal.

He isn't afraid of dogs, he is and was aware of what dogs can do, I have owned many Pit Bulls. Wich infact reminds me! My dogs might want to play with his dogs.

