Civil Discourse

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That sounds like something a Russian would do
I recall the obstructionist charge being used against repubs under Obama, seems like a common political ploy used by both parties.
They declared resistance at a Republican dinner the night before his inauguration and they resisted anything he did for the following 8 years including stealing judge appointments in the hundreds
They declared resistance at a Republican dinner the night before his inauguration and they resisted anything he did for the following 8 years including stealing judge appointments in the hundreds
Did you call the police and report this massive theft? Be part of the solution for a change. All it takes is a phone call.
Just a reminder, today's topic is:

Is taxation theft? Why or why not?

I think there is no doubt that it is stealing, and the best argument for taxation is the "robin hood" argument. Any pro-tax argument that denies the theft element of taxation is dishonest.

The reason why it is theft: If you don't give the tax money up, you will be given tickets or fines. If you don't pay them, people will come to put you in a cage. If you don't go in the cage, they will kill you. Give the money up, or get killed=theft.
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