Civil Discourse

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Just a reminder, today's topic is:

Is taxation theft? Why or why not?

I think there is no doubt that it is stealing, and the best argument for taxation is the "robin hood" argument. Any pro-tax argument that denies the theft element of taxation is dishonest.
Government is unable to collect any tax from anyone unless you consent to it

I know you’re unemployable but if you ever got a job they’d make ya fill out a form first where you consent to be taxed
Taxation Without Representation!

Anyone have any comment on today's topic?

Is taxation theft? Why or why not?

I hope someone has an opinion on this issue.
Render unto Ceasar, that which is Ceasar's. Taxation is completely legal so under the law it is not stealing. But you know that so I will infer you are speaking morally. From a moral perspective it is widely considered wrong to take property from people against their will, so you could argue it is legally sanctioned theft, sure.
Render unto Ceasar, that which is Ceasar's. Taxation is completely legal so under the law it is not stealing. But you know that so I will infer you are speaking morally. From a moral perspective it is widely considered wrong to take property from people against their will, so you could argue it is legally sanctioned theft, sure.
You actually can’t argue that it’s theft
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