Civil Discourse

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I hope not. Sincerity is hopefully part of the civil discourse. I know Im guilty of telling a joke or two, but this thread is supposed to be sincere.
oh, hi

I'm wondering if you have come up with a better theory for why the earth's climate is rapidly warming than what 97% of all climate scientists claim to be the cause. They say it's due to greenhouse effect from dumping carbon dioxide, methane, sulfur dioxide and other gasses generated by human industrial activity into the atmosphere. What theory that best fits all the data do you ascribe to?
I am sincere, I may smoke and toke, that does not make me ignorant to what affects my life, like a lot of stereo-types. Thank you for a thread where people can speak their minds.
Why would anybody who knows the idiocy of conservative policies towards MJ, not to mention their use of the DEA to incarcerate peaceful people for possession, support a Republican?
The problem with our Constitutional Republic is that we let people in our nation that we have no clue what kind of person they are, this would apply to all nations or ethnicities. As far as gun toting goes, that IS the reason we have a free nation. Also this is constitutional law, which can not be repealed, any attempt to do so is treason. People hating on President trump are obviously brainwashed lunatics that watch the bottom feeding CNN, which still has yet to detract their story when many other media outlets have. As far as uneducated, I have several degrees, I am not going to tote them, as far as bringing up skin co9lor UncleBuck, bigotry much?
The election influx of trumptard socks continues
you big bad internet guy.
You go off to hurt for nuts and berries. On your return you find me and my wife in your living room. Your wife busy cleaning up, because the place was a little untidy. You ask " what's going on here".
I reply " me and my wife are "copping" your home. " it is ours now". You look confused and bewildered while still clutching your basket of nut and berries. Your wife then ask if we are hungry. We said yes. She volunteers to make breakfast. My wife goes with her to help.
I pull out my Glock and shoot you twice in the leg. The women rush out the kitchen. I tell them not to worry, I just didn't want to get anal raped :wink:. My wife is a nurse that can remove the bullet and stop the bleeding. Your wife goes back in the kitchen to finish cooking.
After the bullets removal and the dressing of wounds we talk. The home is now mine. The land is now mine. I also take your nuts and berries and thank your wife for a wonderful breakfast. Me and the wife leave to give you time to move out...unless you ask if you can stay
Sounds fair

What were you supposed to do, ask his permission to take his house? That woulda made you a slave
oh, hi

I'm wondering if you have come up with a better theory for why the earth's climate is rapidly warming than what 97% of all climate scientists claim to be the cause. They say it's due to greenhouse effect from dumping carbon dioxide, methane, sulfur dioxide and other gasses generated by human industrial activity into the atmosphere. What theory that best fits all the data do you ascribe to?
I don't have enough data to support any theories, including the human industrial created warming theory. Could be solar activity. Could be volcanoes and other fissures. Could be something else I don't understand. I don't think a global tax is the solution.
I don't have enough data to support any theories, including the human industrial created warming theory. Could be solar activity. Could be volcanoes and other fissures. Could be something else I don't understand. I don't think a global tax is the solution.
So you just don't believe. It doesn't matter that the earths surface IS warming and that areas are flooding and that people with decades of study and experience in this field are giving us their very best explanation. You just don't believe.

Is that it?
So you just don't believe. It doesn't matter that the earths surface IS warming and that areas are flooding and that people with decades of study and experience in this field are giving us their very best explanation. You just don't believe.

Is that it?
That humans are causing it, yes that is true. I don't believe it. It is too convenient that the proposed solution is a global tax backed by a global authority with teeth.
That humans are causing it, yes that is true. I don't believe it. It is too convenient that the proposed solution is a global tax backed by a global authority with teeth.
So the charts showing use of fossil fuels and concurrent increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that tracks with increases in worldwide temperature is not convincing enough?

Do you reject the concept of how the earth's surface temperatures are increased due to the greenhouse effect? I'm not talking about climate change. The very existence of earth's climate is due to the atmosphere's heat absorbing properties. It's the fundamental reason life was able to evolve here.

The moon has no atmosphere. It's average surface temperature is dramatically lower than the earth's. Climate scientists have conclusively shown that the reason for these temperature differences is because of this greenhouse effect.

Do you reject this?
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Forgive your parents. They couldn't help themselves.
I'm sorry to go back on my words.
But YOU want to make me scream.
My parents knew EXACTLY what they were doing, and why they were doing it!
To say otherwise is offensive. Not to mention intolerant!

Peace be with you. Hope you find your Buddhist retreat.
My parents showed me mine o_O
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