Civil Discourse

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I'm sorry to go back on my words.
But YOU want to make me scream.
My parents knew EXACTLY what they were doing, and why they were doing it!
To say otherwise is offensive. Not to mention intolerant!

Peace be with you. Hope you find your Buddhist retreat.
My parents showed me mine o_O
I'm also struggling with what I am supposed to forgive my parents for, LOL. I have nothing but gratitude! :peace:
So the charts showing use of fossil fuels and concurrent increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that tracks with increases in worldwide temperature is not convincing enough?

Do you reject the concept of how the earth's surface temperatures are increased due to the greenhouse effect? I'm not talking about climate change. The very existence of earth's climate is due to the atmosphere's heat absorbing properties. It's the fundamental reason life was able to evolve here.

The moon has no atmosphere. It's average surface temperature is dramatically lower than the earth's. Climate scientists have conclusively shown that the reason for these temperature differences is because of this greenhouse effect.

Do you reject this?
Nope, but correlation does not equal causation.
Who cares about cause. Wrongs are already written.
Let's forgive, and write some more rights!

Are you able to forgive everyone else?
Not just yourself, or followers?

Don't crucify people for being different.
Forgiveness is important. I have found it harder to forgive myself and let go of guilt than to forgive others. Have found more happiness from forgiving myself than others. Your thoughts?
Forgiveness is important. I have found it harder to forgive myself and let go of guilt than to forgive others. Have found more happiness from forgiving myself than others. Your thoughts?
Its taken me 31 years to get to the same point in life. All it is, is pride. That is all. Control doesn't even come into it.
Like many of us, i believe i know a better way. Intead of hating everything in life.
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