Civil Discourse

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The electoral college is what prevents voter fraud, as far as the draft, I think it is imperative that we reinstate it. limit on both senate and congress as far as terms served. two terms and senate or congress person is out.
The electoral college allows the GOP to exist not a good thing given their preponderance for chumming up to Putin

When a depressed man is found dead in a park with no sign of a struggle and gun residue on his hand, the natural conclusion is suicide, and every subsequent piece of evidence confirmed that finding.

Vince Foster’s death has not been ruled a homicide after autopsy, despite fake news reports

Shit, you even fucked up the math on the year it happened. You know 15 years ago was not 1993 right?
Holy fuck, you are right.
Exactly how does the electoral college prevent voter fraud?
I am astonished that you would even ask that question, more so, I would hope that was rhetorical and not actual. First keeps from having an imbalance in districts, such as, no college would lead to dense population areas having the only true say, it would also lead to a one party system. You should realize that only major cities would have final say in votes, again, asking that question when you have google at your fingertips, a true shame indeed.
I am astonished that you would even ask that question, more so, I would hope that was rhetorical and not actual. First keeps from having an imbalance in districts, such as, no college would lead to dense population areas having the only true say, it would also lead to a one party system. You should realize that only major cities would have final say in votes, again, asking that question when you have google at your fingertips, a true shame indeed.
That isn't fraud One person one vote
I am astonished that you would even ask that question, more so, I would hope that was rhetorical and not actual. First keeps from having an imbalance in districts, such as, no college would lead to dense population areas having the only true say, it would also lead to a one party system. You should realize that only major cities would have final say in votes, again, asking that question when you have google at your fingertips, a true shame indeed.
You confuse fraud with electoral bias. Also, your claim that the electoral college "protects the voice of the smaller states" was proven false by where attention and policy-choices were made. The electoral college caused campaigns to focus on a few battleground states. There wasn't a single presidential campaign stop in any of the smaller dark red states. Where policies were drawn up to attract voters the most attention was always given to battleground states.

The office is called "President of the United States", not "President of mostly smaller states". The Senate is where, in the Constitution, smaller populated states were intentionally given outsized voice. Of all the places where the national majority should prevail, it is the presidents office.
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Nice word salad. Poor rationalization fraught with platitude.

How can a person delegate a right they do not possess ? (that's the question you've avoided)
One person can not but your elected representatives can. Don’t like it then vote or leave, pretty simple. You’ve avoided even the rudimentary details of how your tax free, lawless world would work and you have also avoided my easy question re should a 21 year old be punished if he/she has intercourse with a 12 year old. By not answering you have, thanks pedo.
Well thanks everyone, for another day of civil discourse. Today's topic was:

Should "trans children" be given hormone blockers?

We got answers that vary. I said no. Some agreed. I was surprised some did not agree. I did not have time to express all my thoughts today. Maybe we will return to this topic in the future. Thanks again yall. Keep growing.
Well thanks everyone, for another day of civil discourse. Today's topic was:

Should "trans children" be given hormone blockers?

We got answers that vary. I said no. Some agreed. I was surprised some did not agree. I did not have time to express all my thoughts today. Maybe we will return to this topic in the future. Thanks again yall. Keep growing.
You chug dog piss
What you are experiencing is the results of liberals being brainwashed, they are not told what to think, they become argumentative, even to the point of violence,their grasp of reality has been shaken, hence cognitive dissonance. More so this comes from mild games such as follow the leader, and even duck duck goose. The indoctrination of youth is the first and foremost start, basically, they need de-programmed, brainwashing is extremely dangerous, and although weaker minds being susceptible, are also of greater impact, Michigan spin doctor, they are trapped in their own minds.

Your post sounds familiar. Trump said the same thing on July 24, except he said it more succinctly:

"Stick with us. Don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. ... What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."

What Trump did in his VFW speech goes beyond simply saying lots of things that aren't true. (To be clear: He did that too!) He told the audience not to believe anything they see or read. That all media is fake. That everything that doesn't originate with Trump himself should be ignored.

LOL, now you say we need to be deprogrammed from all the non-Trumpian facts that we have been exposed to. Holy George Orwell's 1984, four digit man.

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'”
I bet your Aunt mom and Uncle Dad are impressed that you can read and write..........more so, astonished that you walk upright and have opposable digits, Does the tail get in the way though?
Are you running away from your utterly pathetic explanation of how the electoral college stops voter fraud? It was funny.

"I am astonished that you would even ask that question, more so, I would hope that was rhetorical and not actual. First keeps from having an imbalance in districts, such as, no college would lead to dense population areas having the only true say, it would also lead to a one party system. You should realize that only major cities would have final say in votes, again, asking that question when you have google at your fingertips, a true shame indeed."

That's some good shit.

Are you running away from your utterly pathetic explanation of how the electoral college stops voter fraud? It was funny.

"I am astonished that you would even ask that question, more so, I would hope that was rhetorical and not actual. First keeps from having an imbalance in districts, such as, no college would lead to dense population areas having the only true say, it would also lead to a one party system. You should realize that only major cities would have final say in votes, again, asking that question when you have google at your fingertips, a true shame indeed."

That's some good shit.


I think what he's getting at is if voter fraud happens in one place, and massive, in a highly densly populated area, will get offset by the rest of the nation with an electoral system. It's very hard to do fraud everywhere, and if one wanted to do that, their best bet is in those highly populated densely packed areas.

For example California. This is odd and highly suspect. But doesn't prove fraud.

"Clinton won the state with 61.73% of the vote and a 30.11% margin, both the highest since Franklin D. Roosevelt's 66.95% vote share and 35.25% margin in 1936. This was also the first time Orange County voted Democratic since 1936, when Franklin D. Roosevelt swept every single county in the state."
I think what he's getting at is if voter fraud happens in one place, and massive, in a highly densly populated area, will get offset by the rest of the nation with an electoral system. It's very hard to do fraud everywhere, and if one wanted to do that, their best bet is in those highly populated densely packed areas.

For example California. This is odd and highly suspect. But doesn't prove fraud.

"Clinton won the state with 61.73% of the vote and a 30.11% margin, both the highest since Franklin D. Roosevelt's 66.95% vote share and 35.25% margin in 1936. This was also the first time Orange County voted Democratic since 1936, when Franklin D. Roosevelt swept every single county in the state."
Wow, coming to the aid of your fellow Trump-kin, eh?

Why are you afraid of cities? Tell me again how much you respect democracy when you negate the choice of the vast majority of citizens who live in high density areas.

You are a windbag, a poseur and a troll. Nobody is fooled but Schuylaar - which is no achievement whatsoever.
I think what he's getting at is if voter fraud happens in one place, and massive, in a highly densly populated area, will get offset by the rest of the nation with an electoral system. It's very hard to do fraud everywhere, and if one wanted to do that, their best bet is in those highly populated densely packed areas.

For example California. This is odd and highly suspect. But doesn't prove fraud.

"Clinton won the state with 61.73% of the vote and a 30.11% margin, both the highest since Franklin D. Roosevelt's 66.95% vote share and 35.25% margin in 1936. This was also the first time Orange County voted Democratic since 1936, when Franklin D. Roosevelt swept every single county in the state."
Thank you for that, I had said the same thing, just not in the same words, sincerely, thank you for having rationale.
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