Civil Discourse

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Wow, coming to the aid of your fellow Trump-kin, eh?

Why are you afraid of cities? Tell me again how much you respect democracy when you negate the choice of the vast majority of citizens who live in high density areas.

You are a windbag, a poseur and a troll. Nobody is fooled but Schuylaar - which is no achievement whatsoever.

Here I thought I was making progress with one foaming rabid lefty.


The problems our nation faces is illegal aliens which cause skewed results in elections, embezzling our nations money to their country of origin, higher crime rates, and of course, decline in job markets. More than that, the democrats have committed treason by default when supporting this no border policy, when Pelosi stood for eight and a half hours to defend people that have no right to be in our country, she endangered our nation as well as committed treason, maybe speaking up for our veterans, or the poor living conditions of our inner cities, no, she chose to support people not of her own nation that have no intent to be apart of this Constitutional Republic. By the way, Uncle bals, you may want to look that thing called the constitution over, you may find that by comparing our nation to others, we have it way better. My question is, why have they not bettered their own nations, why use America as their own welfare system?
Why don't you have respect for the system, but instead go, waaah, unfair! You sound exactly like the Bernouts who you make fun of for the same reaaon.

Bernie would've won if the people accepted he won.

Hillary did win but people don't respect the vote.

Irony is delicious?
I'm crying "waaa, unfair"? That's exactly what you are doing.

Too funny.
I'm crying "waaa, unfair"? That's exactly what you are doing.

Too funny.

Were you dropped on the head as a baby? If so then I apologise for my actions.If not, life's unfair, suck it up deranged lefty.

"Critics say that those men, James Madison, "Father of the
Constitution" premier among them, feared democracy — decisions affecting
the public good arrived at through the vote of average men. More
accurately, they feared impulse and impetuosity, and the prospect of voter
The problems our nation faces is illegal aliens which cause skewed results in elections, embezzling our nations money to their country of origin, higher crime rates, and of course, decline in job markets. More than that, the democrats have committed treason by default when supporting this no border policy, when Pelosi stood for eight and a half hours to defend people that have no right to be in our country, she endangered our nation as well as committed treason, maybe speaking up for our veterans, or the poor living conditions of our inner cities, no, she chose to support people not of her own nation that have no intent to be apart of this Constitutional Republic. By the way, Uncle bals, you may want to look that thing called the constitution over, you may find that by comparing our nation to others, we have it way better. My question is, why have they not bettered their own nations, why use America as their own welfare system?
Show me which Democrats support no borders
Show me which Democrats support no borders
Did you miss the Pelosi part, How about "Hiawatha" Warren, Schumer, Booker............laughs, Before President Trump, they supported closed borders, afterwords they were singing different tune.
Were you dropped on the head as a baby? If so then I apologise for my actions.If not, life's unfair, suck it up deranged lefty.

"Critics say that those men, James Madison, "Father of the
Constitution" premier among them, feared democracy — decisions affecting
the public good arrived at through the vote of average men. More
accurately, they feared impulse and impetuosity, and the prospect of voter
Voter manipulation is not the same as voter fraud.

You lose, and please be civil.

Trump voters we're manipulated as any voters in the last 100 years but nobody is claiming widespread fraud but Trump. It's funny.
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The problems our nation faces is illegal aliens which cause skewed results in elections, embezzling our nations money to their country of origin, higher crime rates, and of course, decline in job markets. More than that, the democrats have committed treason by default when supporting this no border policy, when Pelosi stood for eight and a half hours to defend people that have no right to be in our country, she endangered our nation as well as committed treason, maybe speaking up for our veterans, or the poor living conditions of our inner cities, no, she chose to support people not of her own nation that have no intent to be apart of this Constitutional Republic. By the way, Uncle bals, you may want to look that thing called the constitution over, you may find that by comparing our nation to others, we have it way better. My question is, why have they not bettered their own nations, why use America as their own welfare system?
Show me proof of illegal aliens voting.
Ok. Good topic today.

Which of President Trump's actions as president do you disapprove of? Which do you approve of?
So far, I have very little to disapprove of, so far industry and economy are booming, he has lived by his word. The only thing I might disapprove of would be his constant battle with media. Most media outlets are dying right now, viewership is down on MSM, CNN is taking the bigger hit, President Trump does have some character flaws, who does not?
So far, I have very little to disapprove of, so far industry and economy are booming, he has lived by his word. The only thing I might disapprove of would be his constant battle with media. Most media outlets are dying right now, viewership is down on MSM, CNN is taking the bigger hit, President Trump does have some character flaws, who does not?
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