Civil Discourse

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No it’s you. Everyone knows I am none of the things you claim.

And you can stop talking about my wife anytime. Makes you a lowlife.
I repeated your story and left out the pleas for pity that you included but all the facts are there. I left out the bit where you blamed black people for your arrest.

What a liar you are.
Hey, glad to see you are back. I guess you just got back from working out with your right wing nazis brothers in preparation for another demonstration that nobody can figure out what you are asking for.

I'd like to know more about your support for Trump's policies to burn more fossil fuels and his dismissal of climate science without any good reason.
Picturing me working out now, eh? I have always been very suspicious about climate change. It is very convenient for those trying to implement a global tax and solidify central authority worldwide. The world does seem to be warming, but the solutions offered seem like thinly disguised power grabs. Plenty of scientists still debate the cause of the warming.
I repeated your story and left out the pleas for pity that you included but all the facts are there. I left out the bit where you blamed black people for your arrest.

What a liar you are.

Perfect! I never blamed anyone but the police for their roundup. Please quote what you claim.

But the locals there were all black. And none of them were arrested that night. Not even the street dealers.

Only white guys like me were arrested that night.

And that truth is what has you all messed up.
What lie. I asked you a direct question.

The liar is the one who automatically misdirected. You.

And I am well liked here. You have a couple people that will even talk to you more than once.

Bad dog!
OK, so I'll go back to where you first deflected away from a direct question.

How about telling us about that time you drove to the inner city to buy drugs and you were unfairly arrested for seeking to buy drugs?

That's a great story. Gets me laughing at you every time. You are such a compulsive liar.
I repeated your story and left out the pleas for pity that you included but all the facts are there. I left out the bit where you blamed black people for your arrest.

What a liar you are.

Just for the record i don't give a flying fuck if your black, jew, asian, white, arabic, wog, red, yellow, male, female, sexual, gay, bisexual, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor.
I can accept and tolerate who you are!
You need to accept that not all people tolerate everyone.

Peace to you Fogdog.
Picturing me working out now, eh? I have always been very suspicious about climate change. It is very convenient for those trying to implement a global tax and solidify central authority worldwide. The world does seem to be warming, but the solutions offered seem like thinly disguised power grabs. Plenty of scientists still debate the cause of the warming.
I picture you hanging out with your thuggish right wing neo-Nazi brothers.



Which one of these wife beaters are you? The fat guy with the weighted gloves or the roided out human pit bull standing next to him? Maybe one of the shirkers in the background?

But I'm trying to change the subject now that we've established how deeply lost to racism you are.

Why do you support Trump's policy to burn more coal? Also why do you support Trump's denial of climate science?
Because of you trolling idiots the story is told too many times already. Sorry it proves your theories about America wrong.

You could come out from behind your computer and actually experience something.
This story about how you were set up by "the blacks" is one of your funnies lies.
Great, so now we can move on to anther topic.

Why do you support Trump's policy to burn more coal? Also why do you support Trump's denial of climate science?
Yes I do, in a general sense. Definitely. *Edit, I see you asked why. Because climate change could be caused by a lot of different things, and because it is too convenient for a global power grab.
This story about how you were set up by "the blacks" is one of your funnies lies.

I was not set up. You are making more stuff up as usual.

It was a simple police roundup that happens in cities all over all the time.

Locals don’t pay fines they do time. We pay to avoid jail. It really is a simple concept. You just don’t really know about anything.
I was not set up. You are making more stuff up as usual.

It was a simple police roundup that happens in cities all over all the time.

Locals don’t pay fines they do time. We pay to avoid jail. It really is a simple concept. You just don’t really know about anything.
You expect us to believe a chronic liar?

Dude, just relate the story with all the embellishments you normally include. It's hilarious. Of course you are lying but it's a good story. Doesn't make you look good that you blame the blacks for your arrest, though.
Yes I do, in a general sense. Definitely. *Edit, I see you asked why. Because climate change could be caused by a lot of different things, and because it is too convenient for a global power grab.
"global power grab" You right wing nuts have a fake conspiracy theory behind everything. too funny that.

You mean by the thousands of phD scientists world wide who work hard to study and understand why our climate is changing and quite clearly have shown that it's caused by industrial green house gas emissions? The science is settled. All that remains is to begin the hard work to cut back on these emissions. Yet Trump and supporters like you cling to Exxon's lobbyist propaganda. Why is that?
You expect us to believe a chronic liar?

Dude, just relate the story with all the embellishments you normally include. It's hilarious. Of course you are lying but it's a good story. Doesn't make you look good that you blame the blacks for your arrest, though.

Why is it anyones fault?
Black Natives are punished for being black everyday!
I'm White, and society hates me, and calls me a racist for being this.
We are arseholes to all the poor Natives in Australia. But i'm a Native too, and society won't accept this. Nor will it accept other culture too.
Society calls white men racist.
Bigotry is a crime. Or at the very least it should be.
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