Clean Pieces Vs Dirt Pieces

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Clean is best.
I keep a little resin in my glass bowl to keep the screen in place.
Too much old resin has a distracting taste.
We used to keep dirty pipes in the old days in case you would run out of herb. Just scrap the resin and get high, blah.
One a girl came by to smoke and took a really big hit, she started flipping out and stuck out her tongue. LOL, it had a big, black glob resin on it.


Active Member
Anything that has water in it gets cleaned every week or two. New H2O daily. Dry pieces I let go longer, but I definitely enjoy smoking out of clean glass. The only problem I have with clean glass is that if your piece has a large hole in the bottom of the bowl it takes smoking a few bowls before you stop sucking scooby snacks through when you take a hit. Screens also stay in place better with a little resin in the bowl I have found. I have no use for the resin I get out of them when I clean my pieces.
Seriously guys cmon, clean your shit weekly, change water after every use. A little resin is no big deal but would you wear pants with a little shit in them? or clean the pants?


Well-Known Member
To be honest, when my pipes start to fill up with resin, I retire them and buy another. Since I'm a fan of cheap glass spoons, I usually jjust buy 2 or 3 at a time, so I have one on deck when I feel the current pipe I'm using is getting too dirty. So, I probably go through a pipe or two a month.

Actually down to my last one at the moment, time to buy a couple more.