That's a penalty!
- unsportsmanlike conduct?
- Holding ?
I keep one of these on hand just in case it's needed for those special unexpected occasions.
LOL. Dude got his pocket pool game on the news.
Some times you just gotta fap.
Gotta have proper spit viscosity & airflow.It's her job to clean it, that being said its been a while I do spit on it every so often.. But that's late in the day so I think I'm just building an organic condom
Hopefully it works
I roll through the car wash every few weeks. Just the brush and rinse though. Never the wax. I'm not conceited.
Indacrotch wash. Co. Inc .I just dunk my junk in the toilet after I pee every now and then .....and a quick shot of bathroom spray to the nuts and I'm good to go
Balls and dick, two balls and one dick