CLF growing question


So I am beginning to start my first grow and am looking to use CFLs during the vegging stage and a 600w HPS during flowering.

I have a grow tent which is 40" wide x 40" deep x 78" high ( " = inches)

I was wondering what type / how many CLFs I would need to to be able to grow 3 - 6 plants only during the vegging stage.

So basically, how many CLFs per plant would you recommend?

Heres a pic of my tent..

If the pic doesn't show up it is at this link..

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
would it make sense to go with like a t5 setup? Can pick up one at wally world for 20 bucks.....a t8 4 footer with bulbs


Well-Known Member
About 3-4 23watt per plant

or you could get 1 300w full specrtum...

How many light you need really depends on how big tye lights are...kno what i mean.


Well-Known Member
Thats on you man...only way i can describe mine is 110 percent ghetto...i would say start by geting one of those 3 or 4 way light connectors.....hangem how u want but remember to keepem a couple inches away..aight my wife says im not payin attention to her....gotta go check back later.


Well-Known Member
I just use the el-cheepo twin tube fluorescent shop light fixtures w/daylight bulbs.
$9.99 at my local home center.
Works GREAT.


Well-Known Member
You need around 1 15w bulb per cubic foot of canopy for slow vegging and 1 23w per cubic foot of canopy for good growth. If you are just vegging then that should be 16 bulbs. If you veg for longer you should add more to make up for vertical growth.

3 of these would do you fine without need for Y splitters.

$10 light fixture including bulbs.


You need around 1 23w bulb per cubic foot of canopy. If you are just vegging then that should be 16 bulbs. If you veg for longer you should add more to make up for vertical growth.

3 of these would do you fine without need for Y splitters.

This is EXACTLY what I was looking for.. What is the thing you are screwing the y-socket into? (the long white piece).
--- or where did you get it?



Well-Known Member
dude, dont go cfl for veg when u have a 600 watt HID system, if anything use T5 tubes but cfls u have to keep them right on the plants like 4 inches away anywhere u want any considerable growth, believe for 3-6 plants ur gonna need like 30 bulbs, have u looked into just getting a conversion metal halide bulb that you can use in the hps ballast???..thats how i veg and they kick ass...u dont wanna pay for two separete set ups...