Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore


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Who isMarc Morano?

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Marc Morano is communications director for the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Morano commenced work with the committee under Senator James Inhofe, who was majority chairman of the committee until January 2007. In December 2006 Morano launched a blog on the committee's website that largely promotes the views of climate change sceptics.
Morano is a former journalist with Cybercast News Service (owned by the conservative Media Research Center). CNS and Morano were the first source in May 2004 of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth claims against John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election[1] and in January 2006 of similar smears against Vietnam war veteran John Murtha.
Morano was "previously known as Rush Limbaugh's 'Man in Washington,' as reporter and producer for the Rush Limbaugh Television Show, as well as a former correspondent and producer for American Investigator, the nationally syndicated TV newsmagazine
who cares who reports the factual data? ALL journalist should be reporting this:


there goes your 'consensus' idea. face it. you've been duped by a liberal media whore vying for the presidency.


New Member
Typical of a leftie ... bring a red herring to the debate. So, he worked for Rush Limbaugh. So what?



New Member
Typical of a leftie ... bring a red herring to the debate. So, he worked for Rush Limbaugh. So what?

So what, Are you really that naive? I thought so. Maybe you think I'm stupid, Rush is one of the largest proponents of debunking GW, this asshole wrote for the Limbaugh show, can you see the connection, Ha I'll bet you can't, those eyes are gettin worser, eh? Typical of a Nazi, arguiung without any basis. Heil Fuerer, Ich bin eine mach schlect arsloch, yawoll.


New Member
pay attention med. this guy is just WRITTING THE ARTICLE. he did not do the research. SCIENTISTS DID.


oh, i get it. you didn't even bother to read the article. that's why your entirely ignorant on global warming. you stopped reading anything after Al Gore's book. I'm over here trying to add knowledge to my brothers lives. even if you end up disagreeing with the article (and i dont know how you can disagree with facts) you owe it to yourself to read what new research has discovered.


New Member
pay attention med. this guy is just WRITTING THE ARTICLE. he did not do the research. SCIENTISTS DID.


oh, i get it. you didn't even bother to read the article. that's why your entirely ignorant on global warming. you stopped reading anything after Al Gore's book. I'm over here trying to add knowledge to my brothers lives. even if you end up disagreeing with the article (and i dont know how you can disagree with facts) you owe it to yourself to read what new research has discovered.
CC, you are full of it. I have no Idea why you have made this your war, You bring Rush limbaughs program writer into the fray and wonder why I contest the content. Becauser they have an agenda, Big business wants us to believe GW is bunk. It is Big Business that stands to lose billions trying to stop the pollution that is causing GW. I guess you are employed by one of the corporations that would be affected by GW restrictions. So why not just fess up your agenda and quit with your war on science and reality. Actually, since I don't care whether you believe it or not, and I'm tired of beating a dead Horse, this will be my last post on this subject. Only an Idiot would believe there is not a trend towards glogal warming with all the evidence being supplied on a daily basis. Be all that you can be CC. I'm done.


New Member
lol. i cant wait for the day, any day now, when scientists and polititions alike have to admit their shananagens on this issue.

on that day you will eat some major shit...i mean crow, med. well, i can dream can't i?

you haven't read this science, al gore's book, or ANY science, have you? you just follow the agenda of your party like a loyal sheep, right? at least read it for yourself to make up your own mind. you make yourself look like a fool.

i told you why i made this my war. the polititions who are pushing this are full of shit. i'm trying to help other see that. that's my thing in life. i have always helped people. if you disagree, that is your previledge. but do it with honor and intellect, not insults.


New Member
Med sez ...

Be all that you can be CC. I'm done.

Is that a promise, Med? Can we hold you to your word?


PS: Closet ... Nice work on the GW issue. And ... it is very obvious that Med didn't read one damned word of what you posted.



Well-Known Member
I seriously doubt med reads anything his adversaries post....because he prefers to not have his self-made bubble burst.
There are new scientific studies available which are dismissed with the silly invocation of consensus!!!
It does not get any more unscientific than that!!!

Great job closet.c!



Well-Known Member
I am a conservationist. I believe the reduction of greenhouse gases is a sound idea. Sustainable energy is a good idea. However, I believe the climate change movement is a canard. A rouse designed to mask the true intent of the movement: the end of capitalism. What the global environmentalist really wants is the transfer of wealth from the industrialized world to the third world. That is the subtext of the recent Bali conference and the beloved Kyoto Protocol.

There is no doubt the climate of the earth is changing. We are between ice ages. What is in doubt is the cause. Is it natural or is it man-made?


Well-Known Member
Holy shit. You did it! When I posted last night I thought “there’s no fucking way he’s going to post a reference” but you did it. I haven’t read it yet, but I glanced at it and they’ve got studies with reference numbers. I’ve got a boner!!!

‘The American Association of Petroleum Geologists’ sounds a little skeptical but they’ve got a reference number so it’s probably legit. Also ‘Nature’ is (in my opinion) one of the finest scientific journals around so I’ll definitely check that one out. I was in a seminar all day, and I will be tomorrow too, so I’ll check it out this weekend. I’d prefer check out the journals before the youtube video if you don’t mind. I promised that I would and I intend to honor it though… So the balls in my court.

so, i have directed you to a few web pages which i found had the clearest message of the falacies in the AGW argument. if you are interested in hearing the oposing side, you must look at them. i have no need to post them because the tendancy is for people to debate the post and the poster.

I completely agree, which is why I would only ask those two questions rather than post links to any of mine. I tip my hat to you by the way.



Well-Known Member
pay attention med. this guy is just WRITTING THE ARTICLE. he did not do the research. SCIENTISTS DID.
He's got a good point Med. It is verrrry hard (impossible if done correctly) to skew a scientific study. That said, Morano is clearly not an honest broker...

Big deal though. Just look up the study and refere to the peer reviews. There's plenty of poorly researched studies, but the peers are more versed in the topic than you or I could ever hope to be... Unless it's jerking off to Angelina Jolie... I am quite certain that I'm the worlds leading authority on the subject.


Well-Known Member
the truth is, i've never seen ANY peer-reveiwed scientific study that 'proves' man is responsible for gloabl warming.
Now we may both feel honored:

Hansen, J., Nazarenko, L., Ruedy, R., Sato, M., Willis, J., Del Genio, A., Koch, D., Lacis, A., Lo, K., Menon, S., Novakov, T., Perlwitz, J., Russell, G., Schmidt, G. A., and Tausnev, N. (2005) Earth’s energy imbalance: Confirmation and implications. Science, 308, 1431-1435.

Emanuel, K. (2005). Increasing destructiveness of tropical cyclones over the past 30 years. Nature, 436, 686-688.

Foucal, P., Frölich, C., Spruit, H., and Wigley, T. (2006). Variations in solar luminosity and their effect on the Earth’s climate. Nature, 443, 161-166. doi:10.1038/nature05072.

Hansen, J., Nazarenko, L., Ruedy, R., Sato, M., Willis, J., Del Genio, A., Koch, D., Lacis, A., Lo, K., Menon, S., Novakov, T., Perlwitz, J., Russell, G., Schmidt, G. A., and Tausnev, N. (2005) Earth’s energy imbalance: Confirmation and implications. Science, 308, 1431-1435.

Kiehl, J. T., and Trenberth. K. E. (1997). Earth’s Annual Global Mean Energy Budget. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 78, 197-208.
Lau, K. M., and Wu, H. T. (2007). Detecting trends in tropical rainfall characteristics, 1979-2003. International Journal of Climatology, 27, doi:10.1002/joc.1454.



New Member
Now we may both feel honored:

Hansen, J., Nazarenko, L., Ruedy, R., Sato, M., Willis, J., Del Genio, A., Koch, D., Lacis, A., Lo, K., Menon, S., Novakov, T., Perlwitz, J., Russell, G., Schmidt, G. A., and Tausnev, N. (2005) Earth’s energy imbalance: Confirmation and implications. Science, 308, 1431-1435.

Emanuel, K. (2005). Increasing destructiveness of tropical cyclones over the past 30 years. Nature, 436, 686-688.

Foucal, P., Frölich, C., Spruit, H., and Wigley, T. (2006). Variations in solar luminosity and their effect on the Earth’s climate. Nature, 443, 161-166. doi:10.1038/nature05072.

Hansen, J., Nazarenko, L., Ruedy, R., Sato, M., Willis, J., Del Genio, A., Koch, D., Lacis, A., Lo, K., Menon, S., Novakov, T., Perlwitz, J., Russell, G., Schmidt, G. A., and Tausnev, N. (2005) Earth’s energy imbalance: Confirmation and implications. Science, 308, 1431-1435.

Kiehl, J. T., and Trenberth. K. E. (1997). Earth’s Annual Global Mean Energy Budget. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 78, 197-208.
Lau, K. M., and Wu, H. T. (2007). Detecting trends in tropical rainfall characteristics, 1979-2003. International Journal of Climatology, 27, doi:10.1002/joc.1454.

say towlie, did you get that name from the towels used in the Angelina Jolie jerking fests?~LOL~. Wow, those lips, those are the best, gives me shivers thinking about the uses of those.


New Member
Now we may both feel honored:

Hansen, J., Nazarenko, L., Ruedy, R., Sato, M., Willis, J., Del Genio, A., Koch, D., Lacis, A., Lo, K., Menon, S., Novakov, T., Perlwitz, J., Russell, G., Schmidt, G. A., and Tausnev, N. (2005) Earth’s energy imbalance: Confirmation and implications. Science, 308, 1431-1435.

Emanuel, K. (2005). Increasing destructiveness of tropical cyclones over the past 30 years. Nature, 436, 686-688.

Foucal, P., Frölich, C., Spruit, H., and Wigley, T. (2006). Variations in solar luminosity and their effect on the Earth’s climate. Nature, 443, 161-166. doi:10.1038/nature05072.

Hansen, J., Nazarenko, L., Ruedy, R., Sato, M., Willis, J., Del Genio, A., Koch, D., Lacis, A., Lo, K., Menon, S., Novakov, T., Perlwitz, J., Russell, G., Schmidt, G. A., and Tausnev, N. (2005) Earth’s energy imbalance: Confirmation and implications. Science, 308, 1431-1435.

Kiehl, J. T., and Trenberth. K. E. (1997). Earth’s Annual Global Mean Energy Budget. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 78, 197-208.
Lau, K. M., and Wu, H. T. (2007). Detecting trends in tropical rainfall characteristics, 1979-2003. International Journal of Climatology, 27, doi:10.1002/joc.1454.
i assure you i will read thru these. thanks for this and an open mind, towlie.


New Member
I am a conservationist. I believe the reduction of greenhouse gases is a sound idea. Sustainable energy is a good idea. However, I believe the climate change movement is a canard. A rouse designed to mask the true intent of the movement: the end of capitalism. What the global environmentalist really wants is the transfer of wealth from the industrialized world to the third world. That is the subtext of the recent Bali conference and the beloved Kyoto Protocol.

There is no doubt the climate of the earth is changing. We are between ice ages. What is in doubt is the cause. Is it natural or is it man-made?
I totally agree with this. however i tend to think the earth is not warming, even naturally, anywhere near what the alarmist are yelling. conservatives estimate the next century will see the same .6 degree increase this past one did. this is no crisis.

the man-made warming theory is obviously a political issue. there are taxes in the works and this carbon credit idea for buisnesses is nothing more then legal bribes and whitewashing of corporate funds, IMO. sickening.

i am torn bewteen appreciating what liberal's seemingly compassionate attitude to 'share the wealth' and simultaniously abhoring the idea they are really trying to promote: one world government, which i think is a terrible idea because it is bad news for ALL citizens, except a tiny portion of the wealthy rulling class.

envionmentalism is their cause de celibrate, in this regard. if this door doesn't work, their going to revert back to the terrorist threat. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Global warming exist, you'd have to be a FUCKING IDIOT to not know that...I've been on this planet 24 years and I can see the difference in the climate over those years, not to mention all the research I've done on it as well...


New Member
Global warming exist, you'd have to be a FUCKING IDIOT to not know that...I've been on this planet 24 years and I can see the difference in the climate over those years, not to mention all the research I've done on it as well...
anyone else care to repond to this with the same response we've said over and over and over...

no one is debate global warming's existance. the debate is: WHAT is causing it?


Well-Known Member
This discussion reminds me of a funny picture I once saw. It was Galileo getting hit over the head with his telescope, by the Pope. There was a little bubble with craters on the moon. Funny shit though!

you cannot call someone a hypocrite for hating the way they have to survive!:peace: