Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore


New Member
There are 2 kinds of people... people wh love the planet.. and people who don't know they love the planet...

AL that matters is that the planet be kept in GREAT shape...

To think that AL GORE is pushing the GLOBAL WARMING ISSUE with such vigor for so many years JUST to make a BUCK.. that he does not need... is like claiming PHILLIP MORRIS did not KNOW that smoking is/was bad for ONES lungs..

AL GORE has more than enough money... he is just doing his part... now how about YOU.. why don't you do your part?

Are you attacking AL GORE 'cause you feel bad that you are NOT DOING your part?

YOU are clearly attacking because you are afraid of something... NO body attacks unless THEY are AFRAID...

SO just be honest.. what are you afraid of? let us help you overcome your fears..


GK, i dont know what al gore's true motives are, and niether do you. but if his motive is truely to clean up the earth, he is trying to acheive it in a back-handed, lieing, political way.

it has been proven now, and the world will have to accept it soon, that man is NOT causing global warming.

i have said this from the bigginning: polution is the real issue. do anything you want to stop polution, but dont try to swindle the american people into paying taxes so we have to clean up the dirty buisnesses who have created the polution and made BILLIONS of dollars doing it. THEY are responsible for cleaning up their own mess.

these lame, passive agressive attacks you make about people being afraid are so overcooked. you say that because you buy into all this global warming shit.

love the planet? absolutly! but i hate liars! and the only thing that really scares me is a overgrown government who will use any means to oppress the people. and that is exactly what this global warming swindle is: a new political tool to oppress the people of this planet.


Well-Known Member
Good post johnny!!
I concur wholeheartedly!!!

On consensus in science.....

Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science, consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.
And furthermore, the consensus of scientists has frequently been wrong. As they were wrong when they believed, earlier in my lifetime, that the continents did not move. So we must remember the immortal words of Mark Twain, who said, “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

The earth has endured many cycles of warming and cooling long before mankind existed.
Planets in our solar system are also showing slight warming trends...are there any SUVs on Mars?

I have been following this debate for well over a decade now, and it seems to me that the momentum of credibility on the part of the general public is shifting to the side of the skeptics.

It really is all about politics.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Al gores motives are the same as your motives...

Hey bro, can you please explain what you mean by "over cooked"

People do not attack unless they are afraid.. Do you disagree?

They are afraid they are going to loose their self contrived identity.. Like if I told you that your mom had a dick that she never told you about. You might get pissed cause it would change you perception of what you thought about YOUR dearly beloved mom.

Ya feel me?



New Member
I believe the skeptics are afraid. Afraid of losing their kushy lifestyles to a rather mundane life of not overreaching their carbon footprints. I mean how fun would it be to walk everywhere, (No car) Light your house with candles, Eat food you grew or shot and slaughtered, the 1800s lifestyle before the Industrial revolution, not much fun at all. I don't know if or how man can reverse the results of polution, but it should be under consideration at least.


Well-Known Member
I believe the skeptics are afraid. Afraid of losing their kushy lifestyles to a rather mundane life of not overreaching their carbon footprints. I mean how fun would it be to walk everywhere, (No car) Light your house with candles, Eat food you grew or shot and slaughtered, the 1800s lifestyle before the Industrial revolution, not much fun at all. I don't know if or how man can reverse the results of polution, but it should be under consideration at least.
There is no question that reducing pollution is a good idea. My point is this: How do we choose to go to a carbon-neutral economy? The global approach puts us at the mercy of people who don't like and resent us. The other approach, mine, is to create that economy internally.


New Member
There is no question that reducing pollution is a good idea. My point is this: How do we choose to go to a carbon-neutral economy? The global approach puts us at the mercy of people who don't like and resent us. The other approach, mine, is to create that economy internally.
Good one, sign me up. Although in a perfect world the global approach may be credible, the present world circumstances do not present opportunities that would not be harmful to our economy. Internal solutions are good, but we must also put pressure on other nations to make an effort at cleaning up their own messes.


Well-Known Member
We make change internally by starting with ourselves: Recycle; compost; bicycle instead of driving the car; vote with our dollar; buy locally; become a vegetarian; carpool; and bring your own bags to the supermarket. That's not all, of course, just what I have off the top of my head.


New Member
Al gores motives are the same as your motives...

Hey bro, can you please explain what you mean by "over cooked"

People do not attack unless they are afraid.. Do you disagree?

They are afraid they are going to loose their self contrived identity.. Like if I told you that your mom had a dick that she never told you about. You might get pissed cause it would change you perception of what you thought about YOUR dearly beloved mom.

Ya feel me?

well, let's see:

Are you attacking AL GORE 'cause you feel bad that you are NOT DOING your part?

YOU are clearly attacking because you are afraid of something... NO body attacks unless THEY are AFRAID...

SO just be honest.. what are you afraid of? let us help you overcome your fears..
its not obvious or clear to me that 'nobody attacks unless they're afraid.'

I'm attacking Al Gore's position, not his person, because he is wrong. so wrong, in fact, to be pushing something without scientific backing that it seems to me that he has a political agenda.

this has nothing to do with fear. this has to do with me being pissed that he and others are trying to scare the rest of planet with these 'crisis' agendas.

sometimes you're on with your analysis and sometimes, you are way off.

if someone verbally attacked my mother to my face i might have something to say to them. but your full of shit if you think for a moment it's because i'm scared there's any truth to their hateful words. it would just be a machimo, honor bullshit.

get real. there is a time for psychoanalysis. this is a time for science. and science has spoken. global warming is a political farce. it will be a non-issue soon. we can attack a liar like al gore all we want now because he wont let go of the lie.


Active Member
sorry im new to the site. I just have a quick question for anyone who can help me out. I am growing my first white widow plant under a 150 watt fluro light. It is in its 3rd week of vegging, looks healthy and has just been sitting on a desk with the light on it 24/7. I use a fan to give teh plant air. Is this grow setup and lighting sufficient in growing a healthy potent plant?


Active Member
Sorry i ma new to te site and a first time grower. I currently have a white widow plant that has been vegging for 3 weeks under a 150 watt fluro lamp. It is sitting on my desk with a fan blowing on it. The plant is growing and looks healthy. Will this be a sufficient grow environment and lighting for a healthy potent plant?


Well-Known Member
I saw a show on the Discovery Channel not too long ago. On the show, Scientist were discussing ways to warm the Martian planet and make it inhabitable for human life.

Their theory is, if you release greenhouse gases into the Martian atmosphere it will raise the surface temperature, maybe even cause the ice caps to melt. Where did they come up with this idea?

Sounds to me like everyone should open their eyes(all 3 of them), and take a look at the world we live in. Cutting down the trees that replenish our oxygen, and then releasing tons of gases into the atmosphere sound a little dumb to me, but who am I besides another blind slave.

For every action there is a reaction! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I saw a show on the Discovery Channel not too long ago. On the show, Scientist were discussing ways to warm the Martian planet and make it inhabitable for human life.

Their theory is, if you release greenhouse gases into the Martian atmosphere it will raise the surface temperature, maybe even cause the ice caps to melt. Where did they come up with this idea?

Sounds to me like everyone should open their eyes(all 3 of them), and take a look at the world we live in. Cutting down the trees that replenish our oxygen, and then releasing tons of gases into the atmosphere sound a little dumb to me, but who am I besides another blind slave.

For every action there is a reaction! :peace:
I guess in the future we can build machines to do the trees work!:spew:


New Member
Sorry i ma new to te site and a first time grower. I currently have a white widow plant that has been vegging for 3 weeks under a 150 watt fluro lamp. It is sitting on my desk with a fan blowing on it. The plant is growing and looks healthy. Will this be a sufficient grow environment and lighting for a healthy potent plant?
please do not hijack a political discussion with a plant question. i see you have already started a thread with this topic.


New Member
Originally Posted by exotoker
Sorry i ma new to te site and a first time grower. I currently have a white widow plant that has been vegging for 3 weeks under a 150 watt fluro lamp. It is sitting on my desk with a fan blowing on it. The plant is growing and looks healthy. Will this be a sufficient grow environment and lighting for a healthy potent plant?

No-no and no. Put the fan on you and chill out. You'll need much more light than that.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
sorry im new to the site. I just have a quick question for anyone who can help me out. I am growing my first white widow plant under a 150 watt fluro light. It is in its 3rd week of vegging, looks healthy and has just been sitting on a desk with the light on it 24/7. I use a fan to give teh plant air. Is this grow setup and lighting sufficient in growing a healthy potent plant?

hey bro... I have been a moderator for 3 years.. or is it 2 years.. whatever.. anyway, I have only banned 3 people..

i banned a pedophile
and under age kid
and a GUY calling all the people on this forum FAGGOTS...

NOW I am about to ban you.. You have posted in 3 different threads.. The same fooking question.. I have started a new thread for you... Ifyou do this again.. I will ban you and LOVE you..

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
well, let's see:

its not obvious or clear to me that 'nobody attacks unless they're afraid.'

I'm attacking Al Gore's position, not his person, because he is wrong. so wrong, in fact, to be pushing something without scientific backing that it seems to me that he has a political agenda.

this has nothing to do with fear. this has to do with me being pissed that he and others are trying to scare the rest of planet with these 'crisis' agendas.

sometimes you're on with your analysis and sometimes, you are way off.

if someone verbally attacked my mother to my face i might have something to say to them. but your full of shit if you think for a moment it's because i'm scared there's any truth to their hateful words. it would just be a machimo, honor bullshit.

get real. there is a time for psychoanalysis. this is a time for science. and science has spoken. global warming is a political farce. it will be a non-issue soon. we can attack a liar like al gore all we want now because he wont let go of the lie.
COOL.. OK...

I'll get real..



Well-Known Member
I saw a show on the Discovery Channel not too long ago. On the show, Scientist were discussing ways to warm the Martian planet and make it inhabitable for human life.

Their theory is, if you release greenhouse gases into the Martian atmosphere it will raise the surface temperature, maybe even cause the ice caps to melt. Where did they come up with this idea?

Sounds to me like everyone should open their eyes(all 3 of them), and take a look at the world we live in. Cutting down the trees that replenish our oxygen, and then releasing tons of gases into the atmosphere sound a little dumb to me, but who am I besides another blind slave.

For every action there is a reaction! :peace:
Uh, please check your facts.
1. In the USA we are reforesting more acres than we destroy. Trees are now a replenished cash crop.
2. Some scientist think there is proof that most of earth's oxygen comes from prarie grasses and seaweed. We should be paying alot more attention to urban sprawl into praries and destruction of our oceans.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
The world is a lot bigger than the USA.. and the TREES in this planet are getting TAXED...

I have been to 50+ countries and most of them are 3rd world.. let me tell you.. the tree situation is really bad!!! really bad...

There are concerns that the algae in the oceans is growing at an unbalanced rate and consuming massive amounts of oxygen and killing/altering much of the oceans habitats