Clone Question sigh


Member hoping to get a quick anwser (hope im not offending anyone) but... i took a clone off my MOM 13 hrs ago.... did all the steps...but i forgot to peal a little skin off the stem ....

My question is,,,can i/should i take clone back out of the skin apply root gel..and replant?

Any and All Help will be very much apreciated..... im still trying to get a clone to live..(BC Blueberry )


Well-Known Member
yes you can redo your clones as described, I never bother myself with the striping.
BTW Blueberry is a bitch to clone so don't be to hard on yourself if you fail.


tanx for the anwser .... i think i will redo it...just in case that is what will give me better odds ...I'll let ya know in a week or so if it took....just wanna try and keep this /these clones alive for next season...i know im learning and i can only get better ...i must thank my friend who said"im not taking no for an bringing 2 clones for you to put in your back yard...(it was a wonderful summer..and im good till next spring ( 8 oz of buds offa 1 plant...the other was stunted and i may have got 1 oz off her


Well-Known Member
I found the best way to clone BB is to make sure you have at least 1 node, 2 is better in the dirt, these will sprout roots way before the cut stem. I also cut the stem on an angle to give more surface area for contact. If you are using a jiffy 7 or dirt it is important to make sure you have contact between the medium and the stem.

What are you putting the cut clone in?


thanx for the BB advice.....i did take cutting out...rinced with water scraped a bit of skin...reapplied root jel and put back into a double cuped styrafoam cup...i used a mix of potting soil and peatmosss.....

I found the best way to clone BB is to make sure you have at least 1 node, 2 is better in the dirt, these will sprout roots way before the cut stem. I also cut the stem on an angle to give more surface area for contact. If you are using a jiffy 7 or dirt it is important to make sure you have contact between the medium and the stem.

What are you putting the cut clone in?


Well-Known Member
If you can find 16oz translucent beer cups they are great for starting clones. They can live in them for 4 weeks and you can see them growing and when they need water. Just poke a hole in the bottom for drainage.

I use MG seed starter soil in may cups, and I use it to start seeds also. Make sure it is the starter soil if you decide to use it, it has enough food for the 4 weeks so works out great.