Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

hey i was in your same spot. i know your parinoid about the bleach, but here me out. before you do your next batch of clones fill the cloner as you would normally add about 8 drops bleach per gallon. then let the system run and air out with air stones or whatever for 24 hours then take clones. use the water that was sterilized with your cloner, dont replace.
Couldn't I just use a brita filter and then boil water to basically get it distilled? It seems like you are saying that my water is somehow contaminated. But my Brita filter that I use from my tap works just fine. I have been advised by a rep at Botanicare to use Power Clone and H202 at a rate of 1 to 10 for the 30% H202. This will kill all bad bennies and still give my plants something to make roots with. I am running that solution right now and I am going to see how it runs. I am thinking the H202 will sterilize the entire rez and then the power clone and pure water will be left over. I will see how this goes.
But my Brita filter that I use from my tap works just fine.

.05% success rate is "just fine"?

Funny that you are finally going to sterilize your system, which is what the very first response in this thread told you to do (which you then questioned instead of listened to).
No I am saying that I use the water from my tap which has a Brita filter attached to it. So I get filtered water. I was saying that the water seem like it was just fine, not the deplorable success rate.
Having the same problem. I think I have brown slime from my water supply. Do a search on it. It is a bacteria. There is a couple of treads on it and I'm just starting to follow there suggestions.
reread and see its aeroponic, stilll think too much water is the problem........

i root my clones in a bucket filled with tap water and one airstone. my stems are submersed 24/7 in water and i root with a 98% success rate.
i made a diy aeroponic cloner which works awesome but while i was making it i was stuck so i started doing it like this and kept going. the cloner is awesome but i get waaaay more clones going in a couple buckets then in the cloner. i use the same inserts but i float the clones with them in the bucket instead of having them in the aeroponic cloner..
I know this is 3 years old but one or more of 3 things was causing the damping off, 1. Bacteria 2. Not enough disolved oxygen, or 3. Too warm water. One or any combo of these will cause rot. Low oxygen is usually temp related but can just be the pump or stone. If its sanitized, if the temps are right(65-68f is ideal), and theres high oxygen the clones will root. AS LONG as the climate isnt too hot or the light too close. Indirect light is best until roots form. 70% humidity at the canopy also helps tremendously! More than likely contamination was the culprit.