
knowledge seeker

Active Member
Hello all, I have recently cut some clones off of my female plants this is the first time I have attempted cloning, I took six three inch cutting off the tops of the plants I have them under 60 watts of flourescents in rockwool cubes, they look healthy but they are growing at a snails pace as said when they were cut they were about 3 inches they are a little over a week old now and havn't seemed to do any growing (if they did a very small amount) any suggestions to get these babies going quicker... thanks seeker


Well-Known Member
they only start growing when there roots are established, give it a few weeks at least before you start suspecting anything

knowledge seeker

Active Member
No I don't see any roots yet, Tell me if I have the right idea, I have two 30 watt flourescent grow lights, I have them in a glass square brownie sheet, I have a heater underneath, I have 3x3 rockwool cubes with the 1 1/2 inch rockwool insert, I took small two to three inch cuttings ,and I dip the corner of the rockwool in the ph adjusted water and then use a baster to drop some water into the rockwool inserts which holds the plant, I took six cuttings three are looking good one has died and the other two have a little leaf burn and are not looking good any suggestions.. thanks seeker


Active Member
Tried a clone leaves looked ok but the rest was lookin real sad.pulled it.Did u use any rooting powder ,etc.Helps quicker root growth. IDK.


New Member
ummm i don't know about that glass plate.. with the heating pad it might get too hot. I would probably get a couple of more of those bulbs.. 30w for 6 cuttings seems a little low... I would shoot for at least 6,000 lumens. Also you should have took the cuttings from the bottom because they root better. What kind of cloning gel or powder did you use if any??

knowledge seeker

Active Member
I do think that the heating pad and the glass bowl messed them up, I have removed the heat and starting giving them more water, they seem to be looking alot better.... and i have oliivias cloning gel........thanks seeker


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Keep the rockwool moist but not too wet. Did you soak the rockwool in a grozyme or anything first? I use a dome on mine and mist the leaves daily too. Within 2 weeks you should see some roots. :mrgreen::peace: