Cloning 101 with pics


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, Cloning is the best way to keep a fresh supply of healthy plants. YOu have to do a let foot work to get going, obtaing the desired strains and growth patterens are key.

Here are some good looking mothers... and I'm almost 6feet tall!

Next we want to: 1. Choose a healthy branch to take a clone off of 2. Now you want at least two nodes left in tact and clear the stem teh rest of the way down 3. Now this last time is for experienced growers only, but i shave off the outer layer of stem to speed up rooting, the hair like matter in the pic is the leftovers and i leave it on the clone, i feel it helps hold the rooting agent in the area
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Now what cloning solution you use is up to you, I've used the stuff from Lowes and I've used clonex, both ways work, with the stuff from lowes i had 73 out of 75 make it and most of them had roots within 8 days and all had roots within2 weeks.

The same goes with the clonex except i've gotten roots in less then 6 and most of them are rooted within 12 days...

Now i use jiffy pellets. I think rockwool is a joke and really difficult for beginners to get the best results. Ether way, jiffy pellets are great especially if you are going into soil.

And you are going to want to use a humidifer dome, one that you can regulate humidity. They are the key to getting roots fast.

I mist 4-5 times a day, carful to cover the leaves top and bottom completly with little run off. This does take some getting used to and disicpline to not over spray.

I know the rule is nothing but water until the are 2 weeks old... but i've found if you use a diluated root stimulant (i.e. Roots Excelurator. Humbuldt Roots, Vodoo Juice) in your spray it will help roots develop, but the very best is a good compost tea and you really can't overdose with that.

Once roots start to pop out of the pellets its time to transplant. I put them in to plastic cups until i get a soild root structure established before i put them into the next larger pot.
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Good Luck To All!!!



Well-Known Member
I'll stick with my pellets, I like to use the bigger ones but they cost more so it depends.

and no i don't use heat mats but i don't really have a probably with it getting too cold. I run my lights 24/0 for now, planning on switching to 21/0 for veg...but still going to house clones under 24/0 I think.


Well-Known Member
Nice work, though there are plenty of threads like this already. I'll still +rep ya just because I think the more the merrier!!! :eyesmoke:

I had some fool try an bash me for what you have going in pic 3 about a month ago, the funny thing is I pulled that idea/info from a thread here at RIU that was pulling it's source from: Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower’s Bible by Jorge Cervante.

not to sure why "M arijuana" is a lower-case clicky...


Well-Known Member
As a matter of fact i got the idea from that book...when i frist started cloning, it just cut it as 45 degrees on the end and was getting like 75% root and was taking forever. I tried it one time and never looked back.

Went to the 1st High Times MEdical Cannibas Cup in SAN FRAN and got my copy signed by Jorge. Its the best book I've came across so far, and I've read a couple of them.

Killer Bud

Well-Known Member
Very nice post. I have tried cloning once with no success but will give it another try after reading this.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, but all I did is water, they did all the work! I haven't tried a star, what I've tried is closer to a tic-tac-toe pattern, but I haven't done batch vs batch yet. The cup was great, everybody got f'n ripped, all the speakers were too stoned to stay on topic...some of them anyways, but what did you go there for anyways...and it was hard to stay sober with free hits off the Vap all day and the free Hash bar!

Thanks Man, go for it. You can get the jiffy pellets at home depot, follow the insturctions on adding water but tis really simple. After pellets have reached full size i put them in dry container and let them sit for an hour or so before i put my cutting in. And the only other thing i missed was to be sure you cut the bottom at a 45 degree angle.

Also....some say your cuttings taken from lower, newer growth-will root faster than a Top cut. Top cuts are important in pruning the plant so don't ignore them, and anything will root wicked fast in the perfect environment