Cloning from Fan Leaves

The bigger and healthier the better as its easier to cut accurately through a thick prominant vein than any other.
I know I'm a bit late to this thread and probably wont get a response but I reckon it's worth a shot anyway. I've been looking into this technique for other plant and they say that you are looking for younger fan leaves since the younger the leaf the less differentiated the cells will be and the easier it will be for the plantlets to establish. Is this true in your experience?
I know I'm a bit late to this thread and probably wont get a response but I reckon it's worth a shot anyway. I've been looking into this technique for other plant and they say that you are looking for younger fan leaves since the younger the leaf the less differentiated the cells will be and the easier it will be for the plantlets to establish. Is this true in your experience?

There are plants that you can use leaf cuttings to start a new plant. Cannabis isn't one of them.
Interesting, what determines whether a plant can or cannot propagate from a leaf?

I don't know all the science behind it but some plants will grow new plants from leaf cuttings and some won't. You might get a cannabis leaf to grow roots but it won't grow into a plant. I know African Violets can be cloned from leaf cuttings and will grow into a plant. As will some Begonia's.
I don't know all the science behind it but some plants will grow new plants from leaf cuttings and some won't. You might get a cannabis leaf to grow roots but it won't grow into a plant. I know African Violets can be cloned from leaf cuttings and will grow into a plant. As will some Begonia's.
Fair enough I will do some research
I'm new to the site, but an old hand at growing -hydro and soil and I would just be interested to know if anybody other than me clones from fan leaves?
From what I can see everyone has theories on how old the plant should be, how many nodes up the plant etc etc. As a degree holder in botany I would just like to say forget all the hype use fan leaves and get great stocky clones with roots after 1 week!!!
When I get a camera sorted I will post pictures.
there are many members here that have 'real' degrees
some in Horticulture ....
more useful to growing weed than botany
but I suggest as a learned fellow you new that ....lololol

tie your shit tight