Cloning from Fan Leaves

So now you've (apparently) a fan leaf with roots...congrats! You still have to basically perform a tissue culture on it to make it into anything I guess the joke is really on you.
correct me if i'm wrong, but why root a leaf? doesn't there "have" to be a growth tip in order for the leaf/cutting to produce any bud??? so essentially, all you have is a leaf and no pot. seems like quite the waste of time to me, lol....
well itl eventually grow new groth tips, and you would'nt generally do it if you had mothers available, its more that its possible in theory, just like one wouldnt generally try to make test-tube babies except where the natural method isn't reasonable for whatever reason.
once, I took my thumb and stuck it all the way up my ass. I left it there for a very long time. when I finally pulled my thumb outta my ass, it had roots on it!:shock:

true story
u cant clone frm fan leaf but you can clone from the base of the leaf where the diff cels are in the internode but its expensive for the setup

You can get leaves to grow roots...they wont grow anything else though
:-|im pretty certain. like 99% sure that iv seen it done. back on HG420 before it got shut down. the guy cut lines into the leaf along the fingers/leaflets down the vein that runs down each. and laid it onto soil flat. pretty trippy if thats not a true memory:?. id probably bet money on it being real no hesitation .and iv done papers on genetics. it definitely should be possible in theory as long as there are cells in the area that can potentially deferentiate into stem/bud etc. i wonder colonugs if you took that leaf and damaged the upper ends of it..perhaps its important that its at the vein site..if it would infact grow shoots due to new cell growth as it attempts to repair itself. perhaps not though lol..maybe im just baked.:peace:
I know this works with some plants for sure it talks about it in my western gardens book, now if it's possible with a bud leaf I don't know it's worth a try and if it works well worth it to keep stress down on the mother I'll give it a shot here soon see if I get any results
I am new at cloning and heard of leaf cloning and out of the 6 leaves I started with 2 have wilted but the other 4 are looking fine. My question is will a PLANT actually grow from the leaf?
My grandson said he thought that the leaf would just get bigger.
Rediculous, I took botany as well... no degree in that area but I know plenty enough to say that this absolutely will not work. I do not know from experience as I have never been ignorant enough to try and root a leaf. I do know this, a cannabis plant can NOT and will NOT reproduce UNLESS a pistil has been pollinated by male or a hermaphrodite female (or can pollinate itself)... before you begin to argue with your "degree in botany" you should realize that a 'clone' is not a reproduction, or even a clone for that matter. When you root a cutting, you have not reproduced, but produced an extension of the mother plant... since their genetics are exact copies they are the exact same plant, whether they have separate root systems or not. Rooting is, of course, a survival mechanism and works only because there are rooting hormones throughout the plant (concentrated near the bottom of the plant). A normal cutting has everything it needs, it includes a couple fan leaves, branches/nodes and a stem, a fan leaf is nothing more than a leaf and is incapable of rooting, whether or not other plant species do it is irrelevant. The leaf will not grow bigger either, the second the fan leaf is removed form the mother plant it has already begun to die. A real cutting can be cut as long as you want it, if you could magically stick a leaf on the ground and grow 6 new ones then wouldn't that happen every time a plant shed some leafs? Think about what you're saying, maybe even research it a little. I've seen people on here root entire plants (in order to grow a new root system/cure root rot) and you can root them with as little as 1 node, a node is not required to be underground at the end of the cutting but will allow her to sprout roots more quickly. LEAF CLONING DOES NOT WORK ON CANNABIS PLANTS!!
I didn't mean to sound like a butthole, my response was directed towards a guy who posted on page 2 talking about his degree in botany, he called others 'idiots' for trying to help him but it seems like everybody else was looking for an answer as well so there it is (and don't be offended unless you're that guy who is purposely spreading disinformation, I am a nice guy and I like my RIU buddies, I just won't stand for somebody who is wrong but wants to insult the intelligence of others anyways. It's ok to be wrong, it is not ok to lie or spread false knowledge in order to gain acceptance.)
dude i have a degree in psychology.

youre an idiot.

but anyways, how often do your fan leave stems magically stalk up and start growing weed. oh wait never. how many people have rooted a fan leaf stem. oh wait like a million. what happens when you plant a rooted fan leaf. oh wait it just sits there and looks pretty like it does when its attached to the plant.

I created this account here to say one thing... you're fucking stupid... i'm not usually a negative person when it comes to opinions but you...your ignorance is amazing. you need to take your "psychology" degree and burn it because you will never get anywhere in this life with the ignorance you portray. I feel awful for anybody who has to deal with you and your narrow mind.
I didn't mean to sound like a butthole, my response was directed towards a guy who posted on page 2 talking about his degree in botany, he called others 'idiots' for trying to help him but it seems like everybody else was looking for an answer as well so there it is (and don't be offended unless you're that guy who is purposely spreading disinformation, I am a nice guy and I like my RIU buddies, I just won't stand for somebody who is wrong but wants to insult the intelligence of others anyways. It's ok to be wrong, it is not ok to lie or spread false knowledge in order to gain acceptance.)

he's obviously done the research, tried the method and it worked for him.. have you tried this yourself or do you just follow the herd of sheep and believe everything you read? don't be such a hypocrite.. your narrow minded ignorance is the only thing spreading disinformation. check yourself before you wreck yourself.