Cloning in a Cup of Water

I tried this method, all it did for me was rot the bottom of the cutting after 15 days of no results. I use a bubble cloner and was just trying this method for fun while it was full. I changed out the water every day(used bottled water). Anyone know what went wrong?
strain? ive never tried this either but im having trouble with my h/m cloner...trouble being not root show after a thinking it may be due to cold temps or light leaks?
does it matter how thick a stem can be when cloning? is it the thicker the better? so it doesnt matter if its room temp or not? will warm water work i just dont want to put my clone into shock using cold water/QUOTE]
I know, this thread is about 8-9 years old, but the information is still relevant today. Dude, I'm not trying to be rude or single you out, but just try to keep this in mind. onthedl0008 wrote out very detailed and easy to understand instructions for cloning using just water. It's all very straightforward if you just follow the formula. The questions that you are asking are really for YOU to decide or to research further if need be. He even told you that 5-6 nodes and about 6" is a good blueprint for when to cut your clone. So why are you bothering asking about stem thickness and an Exact water temp? A plant is a living thing and they will differ from time to time. Use your best judgement or do some more research, trial and error. Growing marijuana, or any plant for that matter, is NOT an exact science. You will not always have all of the answers nor do you need them. You're taking something that is very simple & making it way more complicated than it needs to be. Just treat your plants/clones with respect & watch over them on a daily basis & you should be fine. Plants tend to do just fine until people start over analyzing everything and that's when the problems start to pop up.
Just started this today!! Lost my job and needed some cheap
Way to clones my moms!! Im sure itll work I did an avocado this way for 6 months and it was working but had to move so tossed the avocado.....


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I have a few clones I cut FIVE weeks ago. They look like they did the day they were cut but not a single root. Gonna leave them go until/if they die. Thoughts? Change water/etc just like instructions.
Alright to further clarify some questions a couple people have asked.

Beginning Root Structure Growth. The first 2 pix in the from the left show beginning root structure growth (LIL WHITE BUMPs Forming on stalk)after 7 days from cutting using the clone in a cup of water method. THese are ready to be placed in whatever method of growing u| choose.

LOL the third pic from the left will show a durban poison clone 2-3 weeks still in cup waiting for my friend to come get it! Damn stoners! Anyway these are things to look for. This durban cutting was ready after 6 or 7 days with the root bumps and should have been transplanted a long time ago.
Where did you find Durban poison seeds????!!!!
I one day decided to take a clone thay wasnt rooting in a cube and put it in water with cloning solution and in 2 days it had 5 1" roots coming out. Im going to take 10 good clones and do 5 in cubes and 5 in water and solution and record results. Will let anyone interested know how it turns out
I have a few clones I cut FIVE weeks ago. They look like they did the day they were cut but not a single root. Gonna leave them go until/if they die. Thoughts? Change water/etc just like instructions.
Just water? Did you dip in gel AND put cloning solution in water or just straight water?
Where did you find Durban poison seeds????!!!!
Lots of different sites
Alright to further clarify some questions a couple people have asked.

Beginning Root Structure Growth. The first 2 pix in the from the left show beginning root structure growth (LIL WHITE BUMPs Forming on stalk)after 7 days from cutting using the clone in a cup of water method. THese are ready to be placed in whatever method of growing u| choose.

LOL the third pic from the left will show a durban poison clone 2-3 weeks still in cup waiting for my friend to come get it! Damn stoners! Anyway these are things to look for. This durban cutting was ready after 6 or 7 days with the root bumps and should have been transplanted a long time ago.
You transplant with just bumbs of roots? I mean shit, i laugh at people who say you cant transplant a clone with a single root coming out the side of the cube, but damn dude at least let it grow a little bit. Theres no way you aren't having some clones die from not being ready. But please tell me if im wrong cuz that is crazy
Just water? Did you dip in gel AND put cloning solution in water or just straight water?

Just water. Old post from 2016. After I posted this they started sprouting. I did perhaps 15-20 clones by just taking cuttings and sticking them in solo cups full of water. Every single one sprouted! Some took several weeks but none rotted or died. The strain was violator kush.
Just water. Old post from 2016. After I posted this they started sprouting. I did perhaps 15-20 clones by just taking cuttingso and sticking them in solo cups full of water. Every single one sprouted! Some took several weeks but noneven rotted or died.
Wow interesting. Cant wait to see my success with gel and cloning solution! I have good results in cubes or peat moss but i put a cutting in water and was amazed how fast roots came in. So ill do a bunch more tomorrow and see how it goes. Sorry for reply on old post. Why cant the damn AI's at least give us relevant and timely google search results!
Wow interesting. Cant wait to see my success with gel and cloning solution! I have good results in cubes or peat moss but i put a cutting in water and was amazed how fast roots came in. So ill do a bunch more tomorrow and see how it goes. Sorry for reply on old post. Why cant the damn AI's at least give us relevant and timely google search results!
Yea it was funny to me how some of them started rooting almost instantly while others took several weeks. I did a ton of cuttings because I thought many would die. Ended up giving clones away cuz I had so many
Perhaps try a kelp/seaweed solution to make things go faster? I have some cuttings sitting in just water for the last 3 days, but will experiment with putting a couple of them in a seaweed solution and leave a couple of controlled ones in just water. I will report back whether the seaweed solution helps things move along faster. Seaweed has a lot of great nutrient and growth hormone so in theory, it should helps the cuttings to shoot out new roots faster than just plain tap water. We'll see.