Cloning in a Cup of Water

Is it possible to have roots after only a day and half?? lol. Mine look like they have roots, unless maybe it's tiny hairs of skin detaching or something. :D
Id have to imagine it is possible to see root bumps forming on the stalk in a day n a half ive had roots popping outta rapid rooters in 3 so yea id say it possible.. Some strains clone real fast some take longer. It is what it is
Can you give a clone too much light? I know that if they get enough light to sustain themselves from photosynthesis alone, they may blow you off and not root. How do you know how much is too much? Ive got mine under my 150w hps, but its a solid 16 inches below the light, and has a plastic cup over it acting as a humidity dome.

Good question.
Clones don't really need much light until the produce some roots and above ground growth starts to kick off. My mother always cloned her house plants in a cup of water.
And marijuana is a really easy plant to clone. It will of course work better if you put an aeration stone connected to an air pump in it. And add a little bit of one of this liquid rooting hormones to the water.

And roots like to be in total darkness.
Honestly ive been feeding my cuts directly from the mother plants reservoir that im takeing the cuts from.. Ive been useing rapid rooters and a tray but im curious now how the cup method will work with the same feed.. I will do an experiment n post up the results its about time anyhow.
ok so Im tired of taking clones dipping in powder then into soil to have 1 of 4 make it. Im going to go cut a bunch of clones in the morning and start the cup of water method. If it is truly this easy, I cant fail. I have faith! ill post my results.
any experience with a chaulky white subtsance a bit above the bumps on the stem kinda looks like Powderymildew i have seen it on pics in this thread page 16 or so i think is it a mold or callus tissue as i have read before on rooting.i rubbed it off 3 clones i put into soil with iso and there thriving.also i enjoy happy frog because the bacterium in it help build those plants roots quick.
I think the white chalky stuff is calcium build up from useing tap/hardwater and allowing the cuts to dry out as it always happens at the water line.. Never hurt anything from what i seen not on a lil cut anyway.. Also i cant really speak on quicker or faster results useing mycos i can say ive seen better root balls from useing them.
Glad to see this thread is still thriving. This is by far one of my favourite methods of cloning because it is ridiculously easy. I don't personally use it anymore because I built myself a homemade version of the EZ Cloner using the plans StinkBud has posted, but I still love how minimalist this method is considering the great ratio of success:failure. The biggest upside to the StinkBud method is only having to top up one reservoir occasionally instead of refilling several plastic cups.

For a low budget simple way to clone this is the only way to go though. Love it still.
nice one! cheers bull! i have cut,shaved and added to my vegging moms you clip the leaves on your cuttings? do you bother with domes? my cuts are stayin perky so i guess ive found my new favourite way...cheers mate!
I cut my clones and put them in a solo cup of water with one drop of superthrive. I leave them in the window for 24 hours then dip them in clonex and put them in pro mix. Within 2 weeks the roots are going strong. My last 3 attempts I have had 100% success. And that's the only thing I use superthrive for.
nice one! cheers bull! i have cut,shaved and added to my vegging moms you clip the leaves on your cuttings? do you bother with domes? my cuts are stayin perky so i guess ive found my new favourite way...cheers mate!

When cloneing in a cup of water i never do use a dome. Long as u keep water in the cup on the cut and dont let it dry up its impossible for it to dry out. Ive used domes in the past on rapid rooters and not used domes and got cuts just as quick either way. The only reason id use a dome i guess would be so my medium wouldnt dry out if i wasnt around to babysit..
I usually clip fan leaf and remove most leaf below the top node it doesnt speed up rooting persay but it helps save room and makes it less stressfull usually for the cut to acclimate to makeing roots as opposed to keeping the green alive if that makes sence.
IMG342.jpg top left centre..dropped her straight in the rocks 24hrs ago..looks perky still...this technique saves time and money!