itll be alright man, i just wouldnt bubble it IMO, im sure they "prebrewed" it then stabilized it for storage so it would become active immediately, it probably has to do with the fact its instantly active once it hits the water and they start pumping off enzymes and shit that raises the pH had they a different food source like the soil he reaaction may not be the same.
but yeah in the end you could go about it like that and bubble it then add some lemon juice afterwards to bring i back down, either way the microbes dont really need a "head start" they will do better in thier enviroment in the soil than they ever could in the water, those kind of factors are more for decompising organic matter, im pretty sure liek i said prebrewed that their mix is probably alread half decomposed by the time you get it, but that more play into the marketing factor, everyone want their nutes to be "instant" or at least thats what they expect.