Closet Grow (First Attempt at Growing)


Well-Known Member
So.... can you tell whether your growing an indica or sativa strain? The fat ass leaves look like it should be indica but maybe it's to early IDK. I am just growing some of my wife highgrade bagweed for my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Cool man, glad u choose to try growing it for her.. Oh fuck yea its easy to tell, but if its a hybrid than its much harder. That when u bread your strain outside its own genotype, its when u bread your plant and not back cross it to its self. Yea fucking tomatoes. I know someone who has never grown shit, but grew some tomatoes no problem. The thing is, its really about the environment for them.
Unlike a pot plant,it generally produces but can produce fuck all too under a rough grow environment. The plant will still run it's course. I never fucked with them since I am pretty damn young to care about them lol. BUT, this year my gf wants to grow potatoes, green onion, tomatoes, chives (same thing)? and something else. Best luck man!


Well-Known Member
I have pretty good growth since the last post but my camera broke...... I think, like a typical noob, I needed to figured out how to water, or I should say "NOT" water in order to produce healthy growth. I will update probably next week when I figure out what camera to buy.


Well-Known Member
So here they are 1 week later. Tell me if this looks like good or slow growth? I topped one of them (the one with heat damage) just for shit and giggles. Would you recommend topping all of them? These look like indica dominant strains to me but I have a noob eye. What do you guys think? I am open to any other suggestions. Because of time and space constriants, I would like to shitft to 12/12 next week.



Well-Known Member
So I always read "never let ANY light in during 12/12 lights off period" what is a very slight glow comes from under the door? Are plant expecting there to be moonlight?


Well-Known Member
Your plants will be fine about the 'glow' Nice topping on the one that was hurt lol. Glad you were willing to do it.. I dont know about topping them all. I would read up on the strains that u have and see if they benefit from topping. Plants look good tho. Obv. from seeds. I would plan to flower them all, but thats because you will prob have pull a plant or two since it could be a male. That is if U did not buy fem seeds.. Thanks for the update. I was gone for a while, its been busy. Ill check back again!. Looking good tho.


Well-Known Member
Your plants will be fine about the 'glow' Nice topping on the one that was hurt lol. Glad you were willing to do it.. I dont know about topping them all. I would read up on the strains that u have and see if they benefit from topping. Plants look good tho. Obv. from seeds. I would plan to flower them all, but thats because you will prob have pull a plant or two since it could be a male. That is if U did not buy fem seeds.. Thanks for the update. I was gone for a while, its been busy. Ill check back again!. Looking good tho.
The one that was hurt is growing the two new main stems frietty fast, I was surprised. As for the rest of them, I went crazy and topped them. I probably shouldn't had but was getting restless and needed to do something. It's an ADD thing I think LOL. Thanks for the props Stiffy. I will put up some more pics tommorow.
PEACE and smoke one for me.


Well-Known Member
So I went into 12/12 today. I wanted to wait another week or so but It looks like I will be moving in about 2-3 month. Being as I am not sure of the strain and how long flower is I want to give myself plenty of time to get these things done. I am not expecting great things; I am expecting only knowledge from this grow. Wish me luck though.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I bet its a 8-9 week'r your def fine :) U will know soon anways, watch how much they grow and how hard the flower off set is! But in most case, your fine, didn't we conclude its a indica? I cannot remember lol.


Well-Known Member

Well here I am 1 week later. There is alot more growth and I had topped them about a week ago. I am not sure if I really should had done that but what the hell. I see that the three plant that are in MG soil are much larger than the 3 I planted in a clean soil, vermicullite, perlite combo. The soil just seems do hold to much water. Because of time constraints (I am moving to attend a new College in Phoenix) I need to get this grow done so I put them on a 12/12 cycle. Wish me luck. How do my plant look? HEalthy, Small?


Well-Known Member
Yea, small but dont look bad! They will be small but manageable :).. Your plants will prob put on 50% more volume during flower and will def grow alot in the next three weeks! I would not worrie about it. Also your MG soil has nuts in it, were as your other prob is sterile. U should be needing to supplement soon in flower :)
I call it flowering offset when you can see how hard your plants show their preflowering, when they show signs of flowering by their development right around 10 days. This is important when you mess around with strains or breading. Some plants flower harder and faster and some are slower but ripen fast. Just things to always note and look for!


Well-Known Member
Cool. I am keeping my eyes out for gonads to start poppin. I don't have an eye for it so I am hoping I don't miss those little dudes droppen their little loads.


Well-Known Member
So my plant are growing pretty fast and showing lots of pistels. I think I only got 2 males out of 9 plant's, I think. Something happened that is wierd. I watered my plant this morning and 3 minuts later the top leaves on one of the plants started to burn from the heat of the light. I immediately raised the light and seemd to have no problem. Why did this happen. Did the plant start peumping water into it's budsite leaves causing it to heat up?


Well-Known Member

Well here they are 2 weeks into 12/12. My biggest and healthiest is the one that fried after watering. Seems like 1 got 6 females and we will see how it goes. Hope I get atleast 2 ounces out of this grow. I have 7 more week at the most until they have to be chopped.


Well-Known Member
nice bro.. you're saying you got 6 plants that are female? they look nice, hell ya!
That what I think..... They are all growing pistels now whether or not I stress them and they herm out is another story. But as long as they grow seeds and not dicks I am O.K.


Well-Known Member
SO if my girls produce some seed does that mean that they are herms? Can the produce seeds without producing pollen or being pollenated by another male? I am kind of confused. Also can you see seed production early on in flowering........ Like 2 weeks in?

Vapor Nation

Well-Known Member
Not a bad setup. However, I would definitely work on lowering those temps because heat can ruin your crop if your not careful. It seems as though my plants thrive in the slightly colder weather (70-75).


Well-Known Member
Well the temp never gets above 81-82. I am not sure why the plant did that. It did it to another plant a few weeks ago. It must had been the heat + watering, something happens thats for sure