Closet Grow

i have 2 plants so far that have 4 baby leaves strong stems under a 600W Bulb how close should i have my hood and what should the temperature be in my closet? i dont want to burn my plants i need help fast my temp is at 90?
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Well-Known Member
Got an extraction fan? Your temps are a bit high...
I run 400w in my veg grow and find that tricky with seedlings; best get your hood way up ( mine is at the top of the tent, it's easier to deal with a little stretching than temps/burning etc)
Tbh if I had room I'd have all seedlings under a T5 or cfl light....


Well-Known Member
First, WELCOME to RIU. You will find a lot of great information on here, but also some not so great information. The most important thing is to continue to learn and do individual research to find what works best for you in your garden. Make use of the forums search bar, as this is a great way to find threads that are posted on topics and questions you may have. Furthermore, don't take information as being a 100% valid without verification, I prefer members who have photos, videos, etc to back there claims, but even then every garden and grower are different.

Finally, please know that "Well-Known Member" doesn't necessarily equal "Great/Knowledgable Grower" as many new members tend to make this assumption. I am a prime example of a new grower, who has received this status simply because of my activity on the forum!

Best of lucky with all your grows and again welcome to the RIU community!

Second, I would have to agree with the above post on getting an extraction fan to try and cool the closet a little bit as 90 is high unless running co2. I noticed early on that my 600w MH was too much for my little seedlings to handle, which is why I have gone to T8s in my veg room, however I am kicking myself in the butt for not going with T5's instead. Once the plants have matured however, this is assuming you get the temps under control, I have ran my 600w roughly 12" above the canopy and the plants seemed to love it. Just my experience though, and every grow is different.

Again, welcome to RIU!


Well-Known Member
^^^True that!^^^
Collect a load of opinions...then make your own mind up.
It's not unusual to hear such things as "Well I've never done hydro, but if you...etc etc"...people like to help I guess, or appear smart... but the road to harvest hell is paved with good intentions...;-)
I jus recently moved the box fan to the left side of the hood and hung it so now my temperature is hoverin around 82-86... Is that still too high and should I move my hood up? I'm using Miracle Gro all purpose soil and I bought the roots organic Buddha Grow


Well-Known Member
I jus recently moved the box fan to the left side of the hood and hung it so now my temperature is hoverin around 82-86... Is that still too high and should I move my hood up? I'm using Miracle Gro all purpose soil and I bought the roots organic Buddha Grow
I like to keep my temps in the 70-80F range. I grow using T5 for veg and LED for flower so no experience using HPS bud sorry. I know most of the general stuff just not with HPS. Wish ya luck with your grow.