closet issues???


Well-Known Member
Hello out there. I started a new closet, and with anything new there are new problems. The reason I am doing this is my old setup had problems too.
25" (d) X 30" (w) X 40" (h)

my old set up which everytime I need to do any thing I would have to crawl up into. being over the steps vibrations from air stones and pumps echoed in the closet above the steps. I also would have an issue with walls and hanging mylar. ventalation was also hard to hookup. power cords having to be run to the area was not wise either.

here are the issues I am having with the new setup so far:
1) Heat build up.
using 8 - 23W 65k cfl's in two rows, along with 1 - 2' t5 30K.

things I've done to try and fix first
I added a fan and opened trap door in top of closet going to the attic. secondly I installed an exaust fan from a computer Nice and quiet (:-P would be great for a cabinet), but not enough draw for this size of an area. I then installed a bathroom exaust fan. good draw temps came down but not enough still need 5 degs to be safe. @ 83. that fan leads me to another issue.

2) Noise from exaust fan.
Any Ideas on how to quiet the thing down I get a hollow sound from the exhaust tube and vibration sounds from mounting it to the wall. there is a closet on the other side that echoes to the hall and my bed room wall as well. (good alarm clock if you want to be up @ 6am.) not to stealthy if you ask me.



Well-Known Member
Hey, jjmd. When I had my hydro setup, I had the exact same issues.(Except mine was coupled with a humidity problem.)

I just moved more air out of the room, until the temp was down far enough for me to regulate it with a space heater.

I used those EXACT SAME bathroom exhaust fans in my room as well, and your right, if you dont get them mounted really firm, they make noise vibrating against the boards and walls. I ended up just hanging mine from chains. if your problem is noise from vibrations, this will fix it. if you've just simply got a loud fan there, than buy a new one. Different brand, maybe.

Hope this helps, man!


Active Member
well you can hag them and cut down from the vibs or get rubber orings from hard ware store to put behind then it helps for me my room runs warm like 87 but its is fine long as i have my fan on the plants at all times they stay cool


Well-Known Member
well you can hag them and cut down from the vibs or get rubber orings from hard ware store to put behind then it helps for me my room runs warm like 87 but its is fine long as i have my fan on the plants at all times they stay cool
Sound advice, as well!


Well-Known Member
I have been having a temperature swing of about 12 deg in morning when lights go on its about 75 by night its almost 90. The outside temp has been cold as late, room temp about 65.

Hung fan from chain @ height of lights to move more air around the lights.

took a lesson from another persons jurnal to help lower the temp under the lights.
(Smart man that guy, Thanks)

The plants that I am using at this point are clones from a plant that I had issues with. Hermaphadite in CFL??? here is the link to those issues. I figured to use them for getting the gliches out of the system.


Well-Known Member

Glass chill plate helping to keep temps down.

Temps after chill plate.


Well-Known Member
80 degrees will work. Do you have a fan blowing over the plants? Also with any vibration, rubber gasket can be used to where the parts the vibrating.


Well-Known Member
80 degrees will work. Do you have a fan blowing over the plants? Also with any vibration, rubber gasket can be used to where the parts the vibrating.
tical916 Thanks for the FYI about the orings.

By Hanging my exhaust fan from a chain I removed the vibration noise. I then took and curled up my exhaust duct a little bit. and put a piece of duct on the outside of were my exhaust empties with a bend in it and this helped quiet everything down. Actually got some sleep this morning and didn't get my 6:00Am wake up when the system came on. The temps that I am getting now are without a fan blowing on the plant either.

User Name420

Active Member
dang dude, it looks like you are making it way harder than it should be.

I'm sorry I didn't read completely everything but if you have an atic, you should use it to vent into. I just use an inline fan and vent my light straight into the attic. It works perfect. As long as you have a good air intake to the closet from the room it works great.

Check it out, I just got my new light today. Temps stay 65d lights off and 75d lights on near the lights. I think it stays cold lights off cause the cold air from the attic comes down into the lights with the exhaust fan off.

I think what I found out myself and never read online is that if you have too much circulation its hard to trap the heat and vent it outside the closet. If you have fans from all directions like you would think should help it just mixes the hot with the cold air and its harder to extract from the closet. Let me know if this helps or not at all. lol


Well-Known Member
User Name420 - that was one of the first thing that I thought about as well. Because of it not being a full size attic only about 8" and packed with insullation I didn't get any air circulation. I also don't have any air draw from the room via the door. I may have to try and get up into the attic and remove some of the insullation so I can move the air. Thanks for the FYI

mcpurple - I am trying this method because I have watched another grow jurnal and the person who uses this as well has amazing results with no light output lose. Mazari fems. 350watts CFL's check it out. If it don't work I'll try some thing else. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
well i figured a piece of glass would do that because cooltubes take away output to, cuz it absorbs light, but if it works then keep on keepin on

User Name420

Active Member
people say cool tubes make you lose lumens, but they really don't any more than any other light. I got mine today, they are awesome! Being able to have the tops of the plant inches from the bulb with very little heat really makes up for what ever light you could possibly be losing out the sides of the tubes.

You're ALWAYS going to lose lumens though somewhere, there's no way around that.
What is that u have ur plant's growing in,
I went 2 my grow shop and asked about that glass chill plate and he laughed in my face mind u i do have a diamond reflecter.

User Name420

Active Member
oh yeah, and crawling around in closets SUCKS! I hit my head at least once a day if I step into the closet to adjust plants or something. There's nothing you can do about that unless you have the shrink ray from,"Honey, I shrunk the kids." lol


Well-Known Member
What is that u have ur plant's growing in,
I went 2 my grow shop and asked about that glass chill plate and he laughed in my face mind u i do have a diamond reflecter.
sativa - That chill plate is nothing more than a piece of glass that is in place with the best afro engineering tools available, wire clothes hanger cut and bent to shape. As far as what I have the plants in, it's a storge container that I cut holes in, dropped the baskets in and droped the rockwool in. I use river rocks to hold them in place. basic bubble-ponics.


Well-Known Member
get yourself a proper 4 inch inline fan, they arent dear and it will do a much better job than a bathroom fan.................


Well-Known Member
get yourself a proper 4 inch inline fan, they arent dear and it will do a much better job than a bathroom fan.................
As soon as I can I will, the bathroom fan was cheap and easy to get, I had the other parts and pieces from other experiments or trials. Thanks.:idea:


Well-Known Member
i think a 4 inch inline fan would be to much specaily for cfls, but if nothin else works goahead