Well-Known Member
Yo what' up CG? I've been following your thread for ahwhile. Thought I'd pop my head outa the closet for a minute and say what up! I'm running a single Chem Dog #4 in a 5 gallon DWC under a 1000 watt. I was shooting for an elbow, I'll let you know how it comes out. Keep growing your dreams!
Good morning drgreenthum,

WOW! Your growing out just one under a thouie?

Its gonna be simply incredible!!

If you have a link for some pics Id love to check it out.

Peace, CG :)


Well-Known Member
Hey you seem to kno ur stuff. I am a first time grower and I'm using a ebb system I'm currently lookin to buy seeds and I was wondering which site would be most reliable to get them from? And if you have any important tips that would make my growing easier and or better please let me kno!

I like high grade seeds out of Canada,

Them guys are top notch, they deliver when they tell ya, and they are very honest.

As far as the tips are concerned..

I dont know where to start... heehee!

Soil or Hydro???


Well-Known Member
It sounds like the lucas mix is missing something. Doesnt sound like a balanced diet. It is prob the easiest but not the best like you said for the trees we like to grow! I have been using Botanicares semi organic line for two years without a problem. I say semi organic because from what ive seen its like a syenthetic organic. It has shiney gliter type look to it. Its not slimmy at all! Its easy to control Nute levels and ph. Im sure its cheaper than the FF. Its hard to with the FF which ones are acually added bennificals or snake oils. I use 5 bottles....Vegg, Flower, liquid karma, cal-mag, and sweet. And I dont know if I will continue using the sweet. But thats it. Dont forget the best method of growing........K.I.S.S. Give her everything she needs and she will give you what you want!
Good mornin' Ol' Buddy :)

Im not sure if its the lucas formula, or the GH nutes altogether.

It juiced up my plants real well for the bucket cloner, but after i put em under the 430 watt veg light, they grew tall, and hardly established any real bud sites.. Thats BS.. I want LOTS of cola's!

Not just a few here and there..

I feel as if I shouldn't blame the "Lucas" formula(2 part) .. I think this was happening because of an inferior product.

I want a plant that will put out at least 20 huge cola's like before.. not just 4 or 5.

Ive noticed a few other people growing with GH from beginning to end and noticed the "jack and the beanstalk" effect.

And one more thing, the plant growth was much slower than if i was running the FF.

The Fox Farm made my girls super bushy, grew extremely fast, with multiple growing shoots, with hardly any stretch whatsoever... Thats what I want!! :)

Im not into growing a spindly bean stalk, I like the shorter, stout, thick ass plants around here.

And if you dont grow em right from the beginning, it will affect the plant all the way to harvest.

The GH was not giving me the plants I desire to grow.

Anyways, I have made the switch back to FF and everything is starting to look much better in a very short time

Im very thankful that i'll have another 20 days of veg time.. Whew!

I nipped it at the bud!! Hahahahaa! :)

When I first used the GH i used it half way to Harvest , but, used FF as the initial nute from the start of flowering.

The plants looked great, but i wanted more, ya know... Im a tweaker..its in my blood.

And thats when I dumped out the FF for the GH.. Mistake.

Ill bet my yields would have been even higher if I continued with FF.

I got terrific yields last time, but im pretty sure it was because of FF, and not because of GH.

I was giving all of the credit to GH, And should of been giving the kudos to FF instead...My Bad.

The last batch was heavy, but the buds didnt have that pizazz, and sparkle, after the switchover.

I think Ill have to give in and say that the additives are beneficial in making primo, delicious looking bud.

And possibly more weight.

Might have to look into your line of nutes, your plants always look fantastic DF.

I might continue using gh nutes for the cloning bucket, buts thats about it.

My clones were top notch with the GH product...Possibly better than if I used Fox Farms.

But, after that it went downhill fast using the GH nutes.

I'll tell ya this, Im not running GH products in anything but my cloning bucket for now on..its final.

You know, ive been cutting down FF for a while now, and Im not really sure if organics drops yields in Hydro like I originally thought.

In soil.. most definetely, because organics have to breakdown and go through a much slower process.

In hydro, its a direct shot into the roots, with no time wasting.

I have thought about this subject for a while.. and I think im on to something.

When i grew the soil and bubbler plants together on FF nutes, the soil plants were much smaller than if i grew em out with chemicals... same room, under the same light, along with the same amount of Co2.

So, i have come to a final conclusion, dont use organics in soil, but use in hydro.

The buds turned out like corn cobs with organics in a bubbler... a bit messy, but it seemed to pump em up. :)

And the taste was much better, Ive already admitted to that long ago.

Like I mentioned in my last post, I changed out the GH nutes in one of my flowering buckets a week ago, and noticed a "definite increase in bud girth" over the GH plants.

So, I dumped all the buckets, and mixed up FF, and they are now loving life.

Im thinking GH nutes are not the best thing to use for maximum yields, but they may be perfect for an average garden.. costs are low.

Anyways, I need to get this harvest overwith, so I can deal with smaller, more manageable plants.

As you know/seen, I have a nice batch of vegged plants that are good and ready for the big imitation sun in the flowering room, and the best part is that there at an average heighth this time!!! :)

And I have Northern Lights #5 in the mix!!!!! :)

I wish you a nice day, and thank you for your valuable input on this scenario.

Your Ol' homey, CG :)


Well-Known Member
yyoooo cg , good afternoon bro! do those boost additives work ? im planning on using cannaboost throughout my flower but was just wondering , are the results from these types of additives worth the $. do they really boost quality and yield?


Well-Known Member
Hello Colorado, and good morning to ya :)

Yea, i was giving info to a friend on a good heighth for when to go into flowering under a 600 watt hps..

And yes, I went slightly over that mark.. ..jus slightly. Hahahaha! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Haha I'm just messin with ya CG - it's f'ing snowing here so I'm holed up reading RIU excessively

Dro - he's a red merle Australian Shepherd, kick ass dogs!


Well-Known Member
i like the write up,thats what made me stick with ff in soil,just cause the way the res was looking,real nasty looking,but if you say it is working that good,
i just might have to set me a bucket up.......genuity


Well-Known Member
yyoooo cg , good afternoon bro! do those boost additives work ? im planning on using cannaboost throughout my flower but was just wondering , are the results from these types of additives worth the $. do they really boost quality and yield?
Well, i cant tell you how it would benefit your grow, since Ive never used cannaboost before.

But, im sure it wouldn't hurt.

From what Ive seen working with Fox Farms full line of additives, it made my buds produce more resin.

If you looked at the buds under the hps light, it sparkled.

Made my fingers/scissors all sticky too..

And i know it was because of the additives, because I didnt get the same effects using the GH nutes by itself.. It was good, but not like before.


Well-Known Member
i like the write up,thats what made me stick with ff in soil,just cause the way the res was looking,real nasty looking,but if you say it is working that good,
i just might have to set me a bucket up.......genuity
Hello genuity,

Yea, I was really against organics for a minute there, but I have changed my mind.

I know organics in a bubbler would give you better yields than if grown in soil... either way it works fine.

Taste is much better.

Only bad thing about using organics is the price tag.

But, like they say.. you get what you pay for.

Going from GH to Fox Farms is like going from value village to Nordstroms.

The GH made my buds turn out good, but nothing as special as an organic grow, especially with the additives.

I think Im sold on FF nutes, and will stick with em, they have been around for a good long time,.. they know whats up.

Im not sure if agree on their feeding chart, but thats a small bump in the road.. I can fine tune on my own.

Ill stick to what works.

Thanks for stopping by, we'll chat soon. CG :)


New Member
he's a red merle Australian Shepherd, kick ass dogs!

I used to have a red merle Australian Shepherd actually, he was a natural herder (hence "Shepherd" i guess) and he made sure that my two shih tzu's stayed in our yard unless we had them on leashes, that dog was so cool... Anyways, we had to get rid of him so we donated him to this family working with the Aussie Rescue (

Sorry CG to interrupt your grow, keep up the good work. You have any pics to post?


Well-Known Member
I used to have a red merle Australian Shepherd actually, he was a natural herder (hence "Shepherd" i guess) and he made sure that my two shih tzu's stayed in our yard unless we had them on leashes, that dog was so cool... Anyways, we had to get rid of him so we donated him to this family working with the Aussie Rescue (

Sorry CG to interrupt your grow, keep up the good work. You have any pics to post?
Its all good Mike,

Im a big time dog lover myself.

I have a border collie, and he is simply my best friend :)

Ill see if i can do an update for ya in a few. :)


New Member
Its all good Mike,

Im a big time dog lover myself.

I have a border collie, and he is simply my best friend :)

Ill see if i can do an update for ya in a few. :)
Effin sweet, btw beautiful dog.

By the way, have you ever had a problem with gnats and your plants? I had quite a few, probably a few hundred...

I accidentally busted my window trying to close it one day, and before i fixed it i guess a lizard snuck in from outside, hes eaten basically all of them so im just gonna let him stay i guess, he hasnt even bothered the plant, he was just sitting in the pot eating bugs off of the little green monster. Its kinda cool actually, hes like a guard dog for my plant!


Well-Known Member
Effin sweet, btw beautiful dog.

By the way, have you ever had a problem with gnats and your plants? I had quite a few, probably a few hundred...

I accidentally busted my window trying to close it one day, and before i fixed it i guess a lizard snuck in from outside, hes eaten basically all of them so im just gonna let him stay i guess, he hasnt even bothered the plant, he was just sitting in the pot eating bugs off of the little green monster. Its kinda cool actually, hes like a guard dog for my plant!
Thank you, Cheeto says hello :)

No, never had a problem with insects over here Mike.

Maybe flea's Hahahaha! Thats about it.

Love the insect reppelant you got their.. Lizard eh?

Should be a sticky on the forums :)

Anyways, here's the pictures I promised..

We're at day #37 now, and there doing nicely.

Rock Hard Co2 induced Chronic :)

About 18 days left...

Their on there growth peak right about now til harvest..should almost double in size at day 57.

Have a good one buddy, CG Out! :)


New Member
Thank you, Cheeto says hello :)

No, never had a problem with insects over here Mike.

Maybe flea's Hahahaha! Thats about it.

Love the insect reppelant you got their.. Lizard eh?

Should be a sticky on the forums :)

Anyways, here's the pictures I promised..

We're at day #37 now, and there doing nicely.

Rock Hard solid buds, i owe it all to the Co2 :)

About 18 days left...

Their on there growth peak right about now til harvest..should almost double in size at day 57.

Have a good one buddy, CG Out! :)

Those are some GREAT shots!

Your plants look amazing, your dogs awesome, and THIS THREAD should be stickied

I wonder how many people have used a lizard as pest control...


Well-Known Member
Those are some GREAT shots!

Your plants look amazing, your dogs awesome, and THIS THREAD should be stickied

I wonder how many people have used a lizard as pest control...
Thanks Mike, there looking pretty cool..

Their real close to the light, and I got some burns here and there, but I did all i could to keep em away from the hot blaring Man made Sun.

As far as the lizard being pest control..

Im sure your a first.

Might wanna patent that idea.

Have a great day, I gotta get back to work.. Cheers! CG :)