Club 600 Breeding Showcase

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
good luck with the gnomes. DST had to get rid of his because they wouldn't work....they just wanted to travel all the time. He's trying out some leprechans...something about a pot of gold.



Well-Known Member
I'll be using my own compost, I mean gnomes and fairys, next grow :-) Iv already gone without bottled nutes for a while now! Feels good and I think the plants are thankful fore it. Good compost is more divers and ALIVE than damn near anything you'll find at a shop... A fresh batch of AACT is so alive you gotta car for and feed it as if its your new pet lol.
Much respecto, D.

?p x BnS

View attachment 2473828
good luck with the gnomes. DST had to get rid of his because they wouldn't work....they just wanted to travel all the time. He's trying out some leprechans...something about a pot of gold.

hehe, we have "kleine kabouters" to do that job:)

But yeh, on the nute thing, the BioNova has chelated nutrients and beneficial micros in it and is just so easy to use. I do want to use my compost to create teas and move away from that additional product but my plants really like it and the chelation sure does help them munch up those nutrients.


Well-Known Member
What the fek are you on about?
I think i'll stick to whats working atm lol, but wish i had the time and peace to experiment more with the plants. I can hardly get a decent crop done without having to pull it all back down!
Hope this year brings better luck.

I trust all had a good x-mas/new year



Well-Known Member
COF Good morning! I haven't heard you in a while we used to go to another site Hope you have a good day!


Well-Known Member
COF Good morning! I haven't heard you in a while we used to go to another site Hope you have a good day! starrider or roadstar


Well-Known Member
What the fek are you on about?
I think i'll stick to whats working atm lol, but wish i had the time and peace to experiment more with the plants. I can hardly get a decent crop done without having to pull it all back down!
Hope this year brings better luck.

I trust all had a good x-mas/new year

Fooled me with that last dog you posted :shock:
All is well where Im at :-)

D~ Cant deny a quality organic product, Im sure it has a bunch of goodies that arnt in your compost. Speaking of compost :-) I scratched around like a chicken on the top six inches of the pile,,,, WE GOT STEAM! mhwahahaha...
I wont make the same mistake this year though. Last year was my first pile, I was very excited and was digging through it daily trying to feel some heat... I eventually found it...... dug my hand into a pocket of steam lololol hurt like a motherfker lol.
This year the pile has seemed to get cooking almost instantly. I can attribute that to larger mass, put my bottom dollar on it. A critical mass I suppose.
I'll post a pic later.


The usual suspects curiously looking on.



Well-Known Member
Normal Heating

The ideal internal temperature for an active compost pile is between 90 degrees and 140 degrees Fahrenheit (see References 1). In general, a compost pile must be at least 3 feet tall, 3 feet wide and 3 feet deep before the center will reach this temperature range (see References 3). Several factors may cause fluctuation of the core temperature of the compost, including the composition of the compost, outside temperature and aeration of the pile (see References 4).
Well damn thats hot...
[h=2]Spontaneous Combustion[/h] In certain circumstances, compost piles can get hot enough in the center to spontaneously combust. Spontaneous combustion occurs only when very large compost piles -- usually over 13 feet tall -- dry out too much. As long as the pile is less than 10 feet tall and the moisture content is maintained at more than 45 percent, there is little danger of a fire starting in a compost heap. (See References 2, page 70)
Thanks Nugg Life. I believe in keeping things simple for myself. I have a compost heap and recycle nigh on everything from my garden, kitchen and grow (includes all roots, leaf matter - post extraction - normally ice/water, but I tend to leave out large stems and branches).
I prep my compost with a grass product for keeping ph in check, diatomaceous earth for conditioning, and dried coniffer nutes that have myco's in them as well. I generally only water my plants in veg. In flower I add bio nova super soil mix and will add that maybe 1 x per week. And just plain Water 1 x per week. No boosters. That's it.
Peace, DST
Damn, I dont see myself being able to do a compost for a while. Its just that im still kinda young and live in a studio apartment :/ Doing organics is one of my future dreams for growing thou. Hopefully im able to remember or maybe by then ill have enough knowledge to possibly make my own recipe

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i've just gotten the cut back ;) i reckon you'll take to it lol. not many who don't. i gave up the cheese in favour of it. fruitier but still got the wallop.


Well-Known Member
PHT.jpgHey folks, can someone lend some brains on a subject I have too little experience with and knowledge of please. I have a cutting that I have ran for a few years that consistently produces purple trichome heads. No purple stalks, just domes. They start clean, go pink, then finish purple. I know we have visited this subject before here at RIU but I have hope that there is some real knowledge regarding what is occurring, what may be different about this cut that encourages this, etc. Enlighten me would ya?

Thanks breeders


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2476710Hey folks, can someone lend some brains on a subject I have too little experience with and knowledge of please. I have a cutting that I have ran for a few years that consistently produces purple trichome heads. No purple stalks, just domes. They start clean, go pink, then finish purple. I know we have visited this subject before here at RIU but I have hope that there is some real knowledge regarding what is occurring, what may be different about this cut that encourages this, etc. Enlighten me would ya?

Thanks breeders
Im unsure, but a buddy on here was growin a gorilla grape or a cross of it that did the same thing. its so beautiful though.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2476710Hey folks, can someone lend some brains on a subject I have too little experience with and knowledge of please. I have a cutting that I have ran for a few years that consistently produces purple trichome heads. No purple stalks, just domes. They start clean, go pink, then finish purple. I know we have visited this subject before here at RIU but I have hope that there is some real knowledge regarding what is occurring, what may be different about this cut that encourages this, etc. Enlighten me would ya?

Thanks breeders

Is it an indica? and it has always done this for as long as youv had it right?
Very cool looking :-)
Are there any extremes in your environment? Gotta be genetic. Try breeding with it and see what happens, oh and im no breeder I just like making plant pr0n.

Keeping you all posted on the Blue Pit :-)
Doing good. I have 4 others to show, but Im stalking dis one.


Well-Known Member
Is it an indica? and it has always done this for as long as youv had it right?
Very cool looking :-)
Are there any extremes in your environment? Gotta be genetic. Try breeding with it and see what happens, oh and im no breeder I just like making plant pr0n.

Keeping you all posted on the Blue Pit :-)
Doing good. I have 4 others to show, but Im stalking dis one.

right maybe the extreme cold, or something i remember him saying a few times he lives in alaska.... Hmmm wonder if it would make purple bubble?