everyones average yield with just the 600?
We're just funnin' with ya

That's a very common question that has no answer chiseled on stone tablets.
Too many factors involved to quantify "how much".
You can expect anywhere from 1/8th-oz per plant on up to 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 ounces per plant.
Depends on genetics, proper applications of water and food, ventilation, temperatures (min/max), size of plants when flowering is induced, number of plants under the light, number of branches on the plant with flowering sites, is it an Indica dominant strain or Sativa dominant, pest control issues have a serious impact on final yield, and a few dozen other things.
If you let us know how you intend to conduct your grow (soil, hyro, etc), what seeds are being used, nutes, grow space details, etc, we can still only give a very rough estimate.
But don't let that stop you from asking questions.
You're not going to find a bunch of Growers who can do much better than some of the peeps here in the 600, and we love to help, but we (
they) just need more details about what your goals and intended methods are before we (
they) can offer any good advice.
