Club 600

Green Apple

Well-Known Member
So nice, GA!
Love the last pic where she'a reaching up with the leaves.
Great job!
Thank's bro....Ya know, I try not to be that desperate guy, that ask's ton's of "newbie" questions, but I definetly pay attention! There's so many stud grower's here, you can't help but learn! PEACE YA'll


Active Member
Final harvest pics from my SCROG, we removed screen and side buds almost hit the floor, we will easily get a pound dried, 1 p = 448 gms, so getting closer to 1 gram per watt, not to bad, we will see what final dried weight is, some dank bud from Greenhouse Seed Co.



Well-Known Member
The few times I've been lucky enough to have a lady drummer in the group of musicians that I hung out with was a great experience.
They never tried to overpower the drum kit like so many guys do, which makes playing in a cramped rehearsal room a lot more pleasant.
Most guy drummers need a separate room, as far as I'm concerned.
Hitting the skins as hard as you can, all the time, is monotonous. Especially for the bass player having to swim in that muddy crap hour after hour after hour....
Thanks for posting the link Wally!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Not a bad rack on that one :D Fuck living with a drummer though, they can't keep still for shit! Tapping slapping hitting knocking, keep ya damned hands still for 5 seconds! While i was at music school i lived with who was then one of the better young drummers in the country, and a good as he may have been, you got to the stage where you wanted to nail his fingers to the tabletop :D

Nicew looking lady there :) although a sofa outside on an astro lawn? Hehe. that tickles me for some reason.