Club 600

Yeah it sux, I only get $693 a month from the state after back child support on my kids. They live with me, but I have to pay back support for the yrs I was unable to work, but didnt have SSI yet, go figure :?

I'm stuck on them right now too bassman. It seems like it's always a day late and a dollar short huh?
I'm stuck on them right now too bassman. It seems like it's always a day late and a dollar short huh?

The state blames dads for their debt I think. My wife and I are here together with our kids, and the back support doesnt even go to her or the kids!! So the state is stealing from the kids they are supposedly forcing me to support!! What a joke....
Typical narrow sightedness policies that lump everyone into the same pot and will never consider anything outside the guidelines, not matter the individual circumstances.
Typical narrow sightedness policies that lump everyone into the same pot and will never consider anything outside the guidelines, not matter the individual circumstances.

When I call them to talk about it, they talk down to me like a dead-beat dad and it makes me so mad, esp after they have penalized me for being disabled!! I have done so much to be a good dad. My wife and I wear raggedy clothes make sure the kids have nice things they deserve.

Anyway, I am done being negative, I need to smoke some BBK and see if I can fix these issues myself and get my gas turned back on!!

Wish me
i have an old friend who was arrested for back child support, in indiana, charged with a felony, did time, now can not get a good job because he has the felony. that makes no sense to me. how can he pay for 5 kids now?
bassman, can you put a pic up of the broken gas pipe? the more angles the better. if it looks like i can help out i will. i know a thing or 2, and im licensed and bonded :)
Genuity, how you liking not having to cool your room? Can't wait to see it up and running it already looks good.

I'm from philly...twenty something years ago. Used to screw my girlfriend behind the cherry hill mall. My lady friend now is from toms river, she's only been here less than a year. I'm in florida, does that count as east coast?

And finally a happy two years to us, the best thread on RIU. For those lucky enough to have met other sixers, thanks for confirming the picture I have in my head of you guys, we are in person who we are on here. DST, thank you again for starting the thread, it is by far the best group of people on here. I'm sure we've all paid visits to other threads where there is nothing but flame throwing and bullshit talk and let's not forget the abundance of horrible advice. If I spray my plants with seven-up will it make them sparkly? Yes but you have to also do it with your lights on and lower them so they're nice and close to your plants. This is the place we all come to seek refuge from the craziness around us and to show with pride what we are doing and hopefully share and learn.

Merry and happy whatever to whatever you may believe or not believe. If nothing else the world does seem different around christmas, just a bit more human. If more of the world was like the six hundred it would be an all around better place.

Peace my brothers,
heads up
The world sux doesn't it!!! And it doesn't seem to be getting any better. May be when this new planet swings round next year and the aliens decide to pop over to check up on how their 2500 year old experiment is going, and discover that enlightening a dumb bunch of creatures was perhaps not their smartest move, lol, things maybe then will take a turn...who knows?? Yup, I have just been out for a beer with my mate the conspiracy theorist, haha.

Anyhoo, back on the land of green and sticky things, I have in the pipeline I hope (this time since I only managed to get 1 seed on my last blue pit attempt):
Kush Male x with the following:
Casey Jones
OG Kush
DOG Kush.

Hopefully get something worthwhile keeping from this lot. Still waiting to see if both DOGs (one is but not sure if it'll ripen in time) and OG is properly seeded, but the Casey is full on. Looks like I'll get a couple from her at least, lol.


LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People just need to apply the same care they suddenly get at Xmas the whole year round HeadsUp, like you my man, paying it forward when you can!!!
Genuity, how you liking not having to cool your room? Can't wait to see it up and running it already looks good.

I'm from philly...twenty something years ago. Used to screw my girlfriend behind the cherry hill mall. My lady friend now is from toms river, she's only been here less than a year. I'm in florida, does that count as east coast?

And finally a happy two years to us, the best thread on RIU. For those lucky enough to have met other sixers, thanks for confirming the picture I have in my head of you guys, we are in person who we are on here. DST, thank you again for starting the thread, it is by far the best group of people on here. I'm sure we've all paid visits to other threads where there is nothing but flame throwing and bullshit talk and let's not forget the abundance of horrible advice. If I spray my plants with seven-up will it make them sparkly? Yes but you have to also do it with your lights on and lower them so they're nice and close to your plants. This is the place we all come to seek refuge from the craziness around us and to show with pride what we are doing and hopefully share and learn.

Merry and happy whatever to whatever you may believe or not believe. If nothing else the world does seem different around christmas, just a bit more human. If more of the world was like the six hundred it would be an all around better place.

Peace my brothers,
heads up
bassman, can you put a pic up of the broken gas pipe? the more angles the better. if it looks like i can help out i will. i know a thing or 2, and im licensed and bonded :)

I think I might have mentioned to you before but I love your quote in your signature and it is oh so true.

What I really wanted to comment upon though was this, what you are offering strictly is exactly what makes this place special. Wishing you good karma for trying to help pay it forward. You gotta' love the six hundred and it's we the people that make it special.
The big six really is a tight group. Ive made great friends, and learned some serious life lessons on here. I just got a holiday card from a club member today, its on the side of the fridge now (thanks buddy). I love meeting growers that i respect, and if i can help one out with some blood sweat and elbow grease, its all cool in the pool.

edit-yeah i remember you mentioning my sig before headsup, I love electricity and reading HST. That quote is a classic. He was a great mind.....a fucked up great mind, but a great mind none the less.
I fixed the water heater issue...I traced down the faulty pipe that goes underground, and it leads no The other side of the T is going to all appliances. Ill take a few pics of the pipe right now...Thanx Seedless!!
I might not need any help after all though, we will see.
I fixed the water heater issue...I traced down the faulty pipe that goes underground, and it leads no The other side of the T is going to all appliances. Ill take a few pics of the pipe right now...Thanx Seedless!!
I might not need any help after all though, we will see.

If not cool, but if you do, dont hesitate because I will be down that way.
Heres pics after I attempted repairs.......

I raised the roof jack 2.5" and sealed it with roof repair tar. I took the 5 legged cone over water heater exhaust and stood the legs up tall as indicated by PG&E dick-head.

The gas line I pulled it out of the ground and bypassed it and reconnected just the flexi-line to the supply and cant test for leaks as it is off, but I hope it will pass the inspection. They said to me that they cannot come out till tomorrow to inspect it...PRICKS!!
I really appreciate the offer bro, that means alot!!

I still have to cut some vents into my heater door to satisfy that issue and put some louvered vents in there with a filter......
I just watched a movie called "Sympathy for Delicious" about a DJ in a wheelchair that discovers he has healing powers. Didnt sound to good from the description, but the cast was too good to pass up. Really good movie, left a big grin on my face at the end. No weed refrences or anything, just a good movie.