Club 600

I just watched a movie called "Sympathy for Delicious" about a DJ in a wheelchair that discovers he has healing powers. Didnt sound to good from the description, but the cast was too good to pass up. Really good movie, left a big grin on my face at the end. No weed refrences or anything, just a good movie.

Did you watch on tv, dvd or net?
nope, the yellow teflon will do the trick. I prefer the sealants in a can. The teflon tape cant fill every nook and cranny, but if the pipe isnt filled with pock marks your fine. I worked with pipe ALOT on the oil rig, and all that stuff is beat by the salty air, so the liquid/gel form worked best out there. good luck on the inspection.

edit-I watched the flick on TMC ch.554, Ive got directv.
nope, the yellow teflon will do the trick. I prefer the sealants in a can. The teflon tape cant fill every nook and cranny, but if the pipe isnt filled with pock marks your fine. I worked with pipe ALOT on the oil rig, and all that stuff is beat by the salty air, so the liquid/gel form worked best out there. good luck on the inspection.

Thanx, the wife called them and yelled at them about taking so long to come back out. I hope they dont come out pissed and make more trouble for us now!
We have lots of other issues they can call us on.

My SLH, just taken a few moments ago :)
Can anyone tell me how to get my roger 600 watter image in my sig, and not just text to lead to the image when clicked on?

I have tried all the different ways from photobucket and from my desktop as well
Got to my albums, there is an album in there with the image, if you copy that and paste it into your sig it should work.....
Two years old! Happy Birthday 600! No place I'd rather be and proud to be a part of. You'll never strip me of my Roger Watters patch! You'll have to see me dead first. bongsmilie

You'll get my Roger Watters after I've gone to that Great Gig In The Sky...

Happy b-day to the 600, and long may she reign!

Still kicking the good vibes like nobodies buiz in the 6 after 2 years :clap: Happy B-lated B-day 600 bros. I kinda feel bad about being such a slacker over here lately lol. Well my friends i have gotten back to the indoor and the cave is nearly back to its old glory. That chill time was much needed for this badman. It really sucks not being legal and having to watch your back, what you say in front of who. Shizz bugs me out sometimes :(

Well i got after it pretty good today. I did not take any pics just yet as theres really not much pron to show off. I got all the walls framed up and re routed some ducting. Just got to sheeth the studded walls and put up the lights and panda film. So far ive got seedlings vegging under the T8 floro hood and are nearly ready for some 600 love :) Peace 1BMM
Ok, now that you guys are on my mind *ya, like growin is ever NOT on my mind* I guess I will post.

First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY 6'ers! I know I have only been around a short time, but you guys have made me feel welcomed and at home... you are str8 up pham... and much appreciated. I wasn't even here more than a few weeks, and felt compelled to help out "full of purple" when his light went out... just because I feel like if I had a serious issue like that, and was stuck, I feel like I could turn to you guys for a quick bail out / solution. The amount of knowledge and experience to be had in this thread alone is incredible... and compared to others... well... if you do move... server or whatever... I am goin with ya'all. Anyways, enough of the mush... on to the pot!

So today was an interesting day... I had my old friend Waldo stop bye with his wife and kid... he is the one selling the phototron. Was hoping that he would see what I was working with, and feel compelled to let me start using it, and let me pay for it after my first wave harvest (expected in a month or so)... well... no such luck. It was good kickin it with him tho... and he is gonna try to hold it... unless he can sell it for $300 on Craigslist, I can get it when I get the $250 together. I have known this guy for almost 8 years, and I let him hold 1/2 lb of hash back in the day... for almost 6 months before I hit him up for it... I guess I expected more from him.

Well while kickin it with him... my little brother Kayne comes over with his buddy. Kayne was introduced to me by Waldo, at an Ekoostik Hookah weekend @ Nelson Ledges Quarry Park, where Camp UnderDog originated. Anyways... they are not quite on the best terms, because Kayne is a 20 yr old Deadhead that has travelled the country on his wits alone, and Waldo is a 25 yr old Deadbeat... who resents that Kayne slept with his wife before they were together. Anyways, Kayne kinda knew what I was tryin to do with Waldo... and when he heard Waldo wouldn't let me use the 'tron, he straight up put Waldo on blast! LMSAO... it was sooo funny. Cuz it wasn't harshly... we were all blazin some Blue Dream... and when Waldo went to hit it, Kayne was like... hold up bro... throw down 5 on this bowl... Waldo was like what? Kayne was like ya... cuz you aint actin phamily no more... you don't look out for anyone but yourself. Waldo got this look of realization, and that was it... as far as it had to go. Waldo went to give the 5, and Kayne was like, no man... I can't tax pham... just makin a point. Passed him the bowl... it was over.

Just got a call before this post... Waldo is gonna check with his grandpa? the guy who's 'tron it REALLY is, and see if he is pressed for the money. If not, then we can work somethin' out.

I just love the way things happen. Once Waldo left, got online and started looking for a 600 for my lil bro... and semi sorta planning his soon to be 16 plant 12/12 scrog? (with the low netting, and training them? is that the right term?) that is gonna be an 6' length, 4-5 ft deep, 5 foot tall box grow. it's gonna be interesting... I am still trying to figure out a few things. it will probably be a 1200w (dual 600 inline aircooled) unit by the time full flower comes around... but I am excited about that one. He has 16 clones (PK Kush) he is inheriting in the next few days. So I am going to be a bit busy over there "consulting" and "constructing" and just gettin stoned as fuck. That kid makes me proud... in so many ways he has been my protege and has always surpassed me... can't wait to see what we can get set up over there.

So ya... now my questions.

I generally just use whatever... but this is his first grow... he is getting 16 clones, in soil (standard flowering tray clones) that will need to be transplanted fairly quickly into their final pots. He just won't have the experience for transplanting and all... and he lives in a commune with 16-20 others (wait till you see this... it's gonna blow your minds). So... with let's say... 12-14 plants in that area (because I am totally gettin a few of those clones) what pot size should I recommend, and what soil / medium, and nutrient setup would be easiest for a first time grower? He will have me looking over his shoulder a little bit... but basically I am gettin him set up, coaching a bit, and walking away from that one. I want something that will be be too simple for him to fuck up... but good enough that his grow will surpass mine.

So... what medium / nutrient setup would be easiest for a first time grower under a 600 (or 2) in a 6' (maybe even 8') x 5 deep and ultimately 5' tall space? size of pot? I already know many of you use smart pots... and I am pushing him that way... think 5 gallons would be too big? Ugh... I am rambling... trying to figure this out even as I type. Fuck, just thinking about it, I know I am about to inherit 4 of those clones now... and I just planted a VooDoo today... it's gonna get tight in there. Think I will keep one or two in smaller pots until UnderDog and Miss Anonymous finish...

Ok, enough rambling... no pics today... too stoned to fuck with that camera, and it is 45 minutes after lights out... so outside my 30 minute window... (I only use 11.5hrs light... my cheap ass timer has like a 5-15 minute sway... so cut down my light time just to make sure...)
Still kicking the good vibes like nobodies buiz in the 6 after 2 years :clap: Happy B-lated B-day 600 bros. I kinda feel bad about being such a slacker over here lately lol. Well my friends i have gotten back to the indoor and the cave is nearly back to its old glory. That chill time was much needed for this badman. It really sucks not being legal and having to watch your back, what you say in front of who. Shizz bugs me out sometimes :(

Well i got after it pretty good today. I did not take any pics just yet as theres really not much pron to show off. I got all the walls framed up and re routed some ducting. Just got to sheeth the studded walls and put up the lights and panda film. So far ive got seedlings vegging under the T8 floro hood and are nearly ready for some 600 love :) Peace 1BMM

I've found that the best friendships are the ones that can endure separation and take off right where things were left off without a flinch. I've also found that they're rare. Can't wait to see what you and whodat have in store for us. Welcome back guys. Hey whodat, any ideas how long your hiatus is going to be?
Hey Camp UD, funny story, thanks for sharing that. Your little bro sounds real cool and level headed. I'd say 5 gallon would be too big for what your talking. Mine are a bit over that and I can fit 9 Max in my 3'4" squared. I'd say 3 gallonish. Not sure what to advise for medium. There's a few good options depending on what you want to put into it. Probably a good pre mix soil is what your looking for but you might want to consider what type of nutes your going to use. Synthetic or organic, because you can start with either or for premixes but then you will be feeding on top and the two don't play well together. If your trying to go organic and you buy a mix with slow release synthetic in it, you'll just kill the living culture in your organic nutrients and what your working for. Same thing the other way around with an organic mix and synthetic nutes added later. I think with organics it would be harder to overfeed and burn but because it's organic it breaks down slower and is processed slower, so it's slower to respond.

I think once you figure that out you'll divide your choices.
I've found that the best friendships are the ones that can endure separation and take off right where things were left off without a flinch. I've also found that they're rare. Can't wait to see what you and whodat have in store for us. Welcome back guys. Hey whodat, any ideas how long your hiatus is going to be?

This is so true. I am fortunate enough to have one such friendship with a dude that I met the summer before high school. We started hanging out and skating together and that evolved into dirt bikes and cars. We don't live right near each other anymore and have both married and started families so we don't see each other very often anymore. Every once in a while one of us will call the other out of the blue to catch up and it's like we just talked yesterday. Even more rare is when we get together but that too is like we just rode (or whatever it is we decide to do like guns, R/C Planes and Helis, etc) together yesterday. I didn't realize it when I met him but I think we'll end up being friends until the end. He was best man in my wedding and vice versa and by pure coincidence, our kids are fairly close in age. My oldest is a little older than his and my youngest is a little younger than his.
Hey DST, hit me up and I'll walk you through the vertical mover deal. I have tried a few different options and figured what works and what doesn't so I can help keep you from wasting money on something that will fail eventually.

I don't remember which of you clowns suggested checking out DJ equipment but you are on the right track for a very simple and inexpensive light mover so, GOOD ON YA! :clap: I have a vertical mover that uses a 1RPM motor form DJ lighting equipment and I ran it for a couple of months without fail. I don't have it set up right now because I don't need it with the current setup but it goes together in about 20 minutes or so, is dead silent and should work almost indefinitely. I don't remember what the motor sells for but the rest of the parts can be picked from a hardware store for under $30 all in.