Club 600


Well-Known Member
my prOn gland were tingling and nevertheless DST is flexing some HardKore prOn piXXX......:lol:





Well-Known Member
For any Rick Astley fans out there, I came across this unreleased song from 1984:



Well-Known Member
Aye, there be a few wenches in the wings waiting to do their thing-a-ling.

Bloody lovely day here....time for making DOG bubble in the sun me thinks.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
how do? i found mini webs over bottom few nodes on my 2 bigger plants. spider mites no doubt. wot can i use kill them quick and for good in a spray form? anything that good use from garden centre i can grab now as was in mids flipping 12\12. wee bit gutted now but not all hope has gone yet.
the bigger off my bc looks like it took a hamering and in 2 days only

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
this works well and is available in most garden centers

[h=1]Triple Action Plus II (16 oz)[/h]New Formulation: Use on Fruits, Herbs, Nuts, Spices, Vegetables & Roses, Flowers & Shrubs.

Provides quick and more complete control. Acts as an "exciter" to flush insect pests out of hiding and into direct contact with spray residues.

Controls: Aphids, Spider Mites, Scale, Mealybugs, Beetles, Loopers, Leaf Miners, Leaf Rollers, Armyworms, Webworms, Weevils, Tent Caterpillars, Whiteflies and many more listed.

An effective fungicide for the prevention and control of various fungal diseases including Powdery Mildew, Black Spot, Brown Spot, Dollar Spot, Anthracnose, Rust, Leaf Spot and many others listed on label.

Contains Pyrethrins.

spray every 3 days for 12 days


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I don't know if it's available in the uk. It has a neem extract as a main ingrediant along with the pyrethins. Look for an insecticide that can be used for fruits and vegetables and is safe for human consumption.



Well-Known Member
how do? i found mini webs over bottom few nodes on my 2 bigger plants. spider mites no doubt. wot can i use kill them quick and for good in a spray form? anything that good use from garden centre i can grab now as was in mids flipping 12\12. wee bit gutted now but not all hope has gone yet.
the bigger off my bc looks like it took a hamering and in 2 days only
Einstein oil, or Azamax.

If your into flowering, you can grab a small paint brush and use full strength. Just lightly paint the main stems between nodes. Spider mites use the stems as walkways. And your not applying it to anything smokeable. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Here's what waiting to go into the cab......I think I'll also flower Momma DOG, she has produced many kids and is now quite large so I put her in a larger pot and think I may go for a vertical scrog like thing.....or something. I think I will go with 2 layers in the cab.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Cheers BBC, they have been veggin under the strong Northern European sun, lmfao....but they seem to have done pretty well. I've got some plants that need to go a bit longer in the cab, may take them out and just finish them off outdoors, controlling the amount of daylight they get (I hate not using the sun when it's there so I normally shut my veg tent down duting sring/summer).