Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey, the like button's back.

Hope everyone is well. It's been a busy few days for me. Found out my upstairs neighbor is moving which is great for two reasons. One, I won't haven't to listen to the arrogant, pompous ass that he is anymore. Never met anyone so redneck stupid in my life. And, two, we get to take over his unit which comes with an extra room, for me!!!. Then today, after having dye injected into my hip, I laid in an MRI machine, without moving, for 45 minutes! Not fun. On a good note, I chopped a Romulan tonight and she stunk my place up like grape jello. Gotta be the fruitiest strain I've grown yet. Not totally happy with the grow though. While the top buds are nice and dense, the bottom branches are more woody than flowery and the leaf ratio was a little high but it will make for great resins of some sort. Also, I finally picked up some Red Wigglers to start my composter and get these little buggers producing some nice castings for me while they do their thing and multiply.

Anyways guys. Always good to stop by the 600 to see what's going on.

Man, I will tell you I purchased two thousand watt lights in a 5x10 tent and it has been extremely difficult to cool them down. I will purchasing the same size tent but will be getting 600's next time. It will be easier to cool down and be more efficient and cover the area more evenly. I sure wish I would have went with 600's from the beginning. I will be posting pics soon.


Well-Known Member
Pulled 2 plants today. Didn't even realize the one had nanners till I looked back at the photo! Think I need some glasses. I'm pretty sure she'll smoke ok though. I let it go about a week longer than the last few just to see any difference. Should dry out a little under 2 oz. They were only 11 and 13 inches tall.
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Well-Known Member
I am with you on the glasses thing, I think if I went to an opticians I would come out a 4 eyes, lol.

Well thank god the Like button is back, if only to shut you lot up, hahahaha.

Well it's gone from beautiful sunshine to rather soggyness today...glad the bairns are in the greenhoose!

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Hello, all!

Okay, while I realize that we all have the same interwebz, I felt I should post this, as it is not only cannabis related, but safety related:

(*moral of the story is: keep your eyes on your fries, look before you leap, trust nothing, if it looks like a stick it might be a snake, if it looks like a snake it might be a snake, if it looks like a snake it might be a politician, it's not the size of the snake it's motion of the ocean, and "I've had it of these motha fuckin' snakes in a Walmart!")

SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) -
When Mica Craig reached down to brush what he thought was a stick off some mulch in the garden section of a Washington state Walmart, it turned around and sank its fangs into his hand.

The Friday encounter with a rattlesnake sent Craig, 47, to the hospital, where he said he remained in excruciating pain and may lose feeling in two fingers. Wal-Mart Stores Inc has apologized.
"I reached down to grab the stick to move it out of the way, and the snake stretched out, turned around and got its fangs in my right hand," he said. "I slung it off and I did a tap dance on it until it was dead."
Craig was rushed to the hospital by fellow customer Maria Geffre, who told Reuters she saw him crumple to the ground after crying out that he had been bitten by a snake.
"He had punctures on his hand and there was the dead rattler he'd stomped on," Geffre said, describing the snake as at least a foot long with four buttons, or rattles.
Craig, a married father of two, said the mulch was for his marijuana plants, which he is licensed to grow for medical reasons. It was unclear whether the snake came from an adjacent field or arrived at the store along with garden supplies.
Craig said doctors who initially thought the snake had inflicted only a "dry bite" - or one that did not inject venom - treated him with six bags of anti-venom after his right hand swelled to the size of a melon.
A Walmart spokeswoman offered an apology to Craig and said the retailer was looking into how the incident could have happened at the store in Clarkston, in eastern Washington.
"At this point, it appears to be an isolated incident. We are working with a pest management team, which is conducting a sweep of the property to ensure there is no additional rattlesnake activity," Walmart spokeswoman Kayla Whaling said.
Travis Taggart, director of the Center for North American Herpetology, said about half of documented rattlesnake bites, which are usually defensive when directed at humans, are "dry" but still cause severe pain.



Well-Known Member
I am with you on the glasses thing, I think if I went to an opticians I would come out a 4 eyes, lol.

Well thank god the Like button is back, if only to shut you lot up, hahahaha.

Well it's gone from beautiful sunshine to rather soggyness today...glad the bairns are in the greenhoose!

Peace, DST
I went into the eye doc last time and came out a 8 eyes (trifocals. "No-line", thankfully).
Oh, Vanity, grant me thine succor (and give me a rad pair of stunners)...


Well-Known Member
8 eyes, that's almost Fly!!!!

My wife has been going to specialists for the last 2 years for her eyes, no one has sorted them yet. She now has little plastic gromits in her tear ducts, she has had more doctors opinions than you get on a RIU thread....


Well-Known Member
Damn, D!
My wife had punctal plugs put in too!
Chronic dry eyes (she doesn't partake, except for my second-hand toke from the other room, which sometimes looks like downtown L.A. at noon on a Friday)

She finally had the permanent ones put in, and is still adjusting diet & stopped birth control to help ease the dryness.
I'm glad the only dry eyes I get are from my rips & puffs.

I'd rather be super fly!
(*Bootsy Collins, one of my music heroes)



Well-Known Member
Aye eye, we are off to the Eye Hospital on Saturday. This is doing crazy things to her for sure. They had gromits in her top and bottom ducts, (eyes constantly streaming!!) The top ones where removed, then she was referred, then again, and then with people saying she had some sort of disease in her eyes. It gets worse for her after long periods in front of a screen. Doesn't help she is a graphic designer!! Her vison gets crap and she definitely wouldn't want to drive in the dark, blues colours are awful for her. If there is a blue background to something, she almost can't see it. She trawls the internet looking for solutions. Real shame. Tell Mrs Doobs we both feel for her.


Well-Known Member
p.s nice track, never really listened to Bootsy much (know of him for sure). It's great listening to original tunes, makes you laugh at music today.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's rough for Mrs. D!
I hope something can be done for her, too!
As an artist who has about 100/300 vision in my right eye (results of a wound), it's one of my biggest long term concerns for my left eye (it's normal).
If I do go blind, at least I have my music (such as it is).
It was joked about when I was a kid about how our generation would be having all kinds of uncommon eye problems from the flickering images on the screen, and the EM radiation, and our eyes being battered by cathode rays.
And that was when there was only 4 TV channels.
I imagine that eye problems are far worse for us who sit at the computer for 12+ hours a day (and watch TV while working, or after working), regardless of whether it's old CRT's or high-end LCD or LED.
Oh, to be 10 feet tall and bulletproof again...


Well-Known Member
it WAS nice being bulletproof, now I can't even climb a ladder without getting all shakey, lol.


Well-Known Member
A quick grow update before heading off to sleep.
Day 26 since turning lights to 12/12:

*had to do some late-stage LST'ing to two of them so I wouldn't have to lower the shelves

And a strawberry finally seeing some color!

Hope you have a good morning & afternoon!

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Just noticed that ...FMILY.. i will be over there in jiffy .. and the like buttons back :)

Dst as i can't pm you .. can you tell me who got the CT-D that from the Fairy..or if the winners on here they can pm if they like ..

There actually CT-91's - Chemdawg 1991 x Crystal Trident .. Crystal Trident (gooey x sour d ibl) Bodhi seeds



Well-Known Member
we didn't give out seeds for the comp;)
Just noticed that ...FMILY.. i will be over there in jiffy .. and the like buttons back :)

Dst as i can't pm you .. can you tell me who got the CT-D that from the Comp..or if the winners on here they can pm if they like ..

There actually CT-91's - Chemdawg 1991 x Crystal Trident .. Crystal Trident (gooey x sour d ibl) Bodhi seeds

But Duchie, BKB, and Worm were the prize receivers. God knows who got what prizes, my brain ain't that good, lol.