i could understand this if the post had anything to do with war and actual killing but the vid was about dualling pistols because they had a fender bender? I know its not nice to say but its a fact ppl will get killed in wars ( friends of mine

) how could you link this to that?
I was pretty clear in what I wrote.
I do not find gun violence, whether accidental, on purpose, or simulated, funny in any way, shape or form.
I do not know how much more clear I can make that.
It's not a judgement on you, I was just letting you know I found none of it humorous.
The fact is, I get depessed when I think about such things.
And don't treat me like a fucking idiot.
I was an integral part of the US war machine.
I know first hand that people get killed in battle, every day all over the world.
Is that fucking clear enough?
Seriously: did you think I was going to LOL'ing at the premise of two people getting into an old-fashioned duel over a car accident?
You just seemed to be drawing it out and making light of it, when there is nothing funny about it.
I see only stupidity and tragedy.
The only connection to war that I was attempting to establish between real & simulated gun violence was to let you know that I have killed men in combat, and find none of it humorous.
Lots of them.
I have been wounded in combat twice.
I have had many buddies, and acquaintances get wounded in battle.
I have seen comrades & buddies get shot and die.
I have seen comrades & buddies die by rocket & heavy ordnance.
I have seen men, women & children turned into a fine red mist due to exploding IED's.
I have had to use my bare hands as a tourniquet when someone had an arm blown off.
It was not Hollywood's version of war.
Does any of the above help give a tiny bit of perspective on why I feel Like I do?