Doobie, chill brother. I get yer feeling about guns, but I really don't think there was any ill feeling in Delvites post.
And I totally understand your frustration regarding the argument with your wife, that needs to be sorted right out!
I'm chilled out.
No strings were snapped in the making of music.
I just can't stand someone laughing at me (LOL) on such an important issue.
I get bent out of shape over it.
And for very good reasons.
I wasn't attacking the person, just the seeming lightness with which the subject matter seemed to be held by him.
I see it all the time.
Too many people playing Call of Duty games thinking that it's even close to the real thing, when it's barely a one-dimensional approximation.
The only thing about my combat experience is that I know I helped lots of our guys prepare beforehand, and I pulled my weight and then some when shit got real.
I don't divorce myself of my past or my actions during those years, because it is who I am, and it it's part of what made me who I am today.
I'm proud of my service, I'm proud of the men & women I served with, and I am proud of what we accomplished, even though it stuck in our craw that we weren't allowed to finish the job.
In hindsight, I know it's because, as horrible as it sounds, Saddam was a slightly lesser evil than those who would have attempted to take his place.
I realize that all countries have armies, as I've served alongside them as I served with our (U.S) troops.
I just hate a cavalier attitude when it comes to firearms.
Not sure of the age of the person, maturity level (see bong breaking video), or firearms experience from those in the UK who have not served in their military and been issued firearms.
And that is what I was perceiving from that person as he/she continued to post about something he can only suppose about with the fucking "LOL" attached or that all too happy smiley icon.
"LOL" means "Laugh Out Loud", and firearms stupidity, or depictions of unnecessary gun violence with that attached to it just blows my tiny little mind.
If you're going to post stuff like that, I feel it's best to not make light of it, because it tends to dilute the seriousness of the real world consequences that can happen when we get complacent.
And the "crystal polished" comment was the final straw.
Whether anyone wants to believe them or not, what I wrote are universal truths regarding gun safety, and the potential consequences we face when we forget.
Whenever I see such an apparent attitude towards gun safety, I react exactly as I did last night, and will always do so in the future.
It helps me to get sleep when I close my eyes at night.
My apologies if I ruined everyone's night/day with my statements, but I stand by each and every word.
And by the end of our argument (with my wife) I had her in agreement about going to a gun range with me, taking a gun safety course (of which I will take at the same time, as I cannot hold myself above such a basic thing and expect anyone else to take me seriously), bringing about 500 rounds each so we can both familiarize ourselves with the gun in a safe place where little can go wrong.
After that, I have no problem with her going to her friend's place in "the woods" to target practice, but you can bet I'll be grilling her on gun safety the entire time leading up to that day, at totally random times, until I know it's all stuck in her head permanently.
But I guess that makes me a blowhard prick.

It's all good.
Sorry for the looooong "rants".
Won't happen again.