Club 600


Well-Known Member
I use 10-15 ml molasses to 1 gal h2o.
WTF dude dont go mixing metric with imperial?! Confusing people and shit. I started paying attention to metric after buying nutes... first time in my life it was!
To first approximation, 1 Liter == 1 Quart

Do you guys have a "Four Liter" ?


1 gallon =3.89 L
Hey, now!
Be careful about the things you mix.
Richard Pryor mixed US and Imperial with Metric, and the shit blew up in his face.
Just saying...


Well-Known Member
Speaking of gallons and liters and all. The americans on this board have absolutely no idea how ABSOLUTE SHIT the buckets in the UK and europe are. Not a decent 5 gallon bucket to be found. They all fucking suck. The whole of the continent doesn't have a good bucket. Rant over.


Well-Known Member
They're almost a dime a dozen here in the states.
Can't swing a dead 5-gallon bucket without hitting a cat over here.
Buying smaller than a 5-gallon bucket is more expensive than buying a 5-gallon bucket.
We have so many 5-gallon buckets we even name lists after them.
We have so many that we name HATS after them!



Well-Known Member
East Coast:

New Orleans:


Los Angeles:

They're like duct tape over here...


Well-Known Member
Great stuff Doobie.

=b0991248-1832-4628-ad92-3cc9ec8b974a_300.jpg= $2.78

12" saucer (smaller than the floor of the bucket!)
94bd4636-5cf7-4bb8-9566-7f6aa1d8c793_300.jpg== $2.98

It is just how it goes.



Well-Known Member

Well, we may have lost out on everything else, but we still have TBS: Total Bucket Supremacy!!!

(*as long as China keeps pumping them out and shipping them to us by the container ship)


Well-Known Member
my bucket stress levels have just hit the roof....ffs, buckets for under tree dolla! wtf. the only bucket I got respect for it the one this little chap sits on....
Oor Wullie fae the Broon:)


Well-Known Member
- most strips since early 1937 begin and end with a single panel of Wullie sitting on his bucket.
Well, well...learn something new every day.

Wullie is a rich man, your are saying?




Well-Known Member
Well I ordered another bulb today, so when it gets here I'm ready to flower my other side. I really should order better bulbs, but I like the price for the return.

On a different note all my studying is paying off a little. I actually got my first ever 100 on a college test, and it was in my Algebra class that stresses me out the most.


Well-Known Member
Holy Molly we got sun this morning.....:shock: think I'll go out and stand in it for a minute with my shades on, just to remind myself what it's like. I was beginning to think I wouldn't finish off any of my outdoor. chopped most of the blue pit as well although not finished it was just too sticky and getting mold like the dog. The Ed-dog is still out there doing it's thing's been quite happy in the pissing rain.