Club 600


Well-Known Member
Bedroom is way too small, Ill use 8" exhaust in garage and vent into attic and fresh air will pull from house under garage door


Well-Known Member
I've had all sorts of things happen to me on this site. Was a gas when everyone's pictures disappeared. Will be a sad day when riu disappears forever.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what recently means. I don't remember anything in the past couple weeks but then again I don't pay too much mind to it,as odd things happen often.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh....sleep deprived psychosis....why didn't I think of it before?!?

I hope that all is well for you and yours Papa.



Well-Known Member
I onlyl got 4.2 billion. :(


Good memory Doob. I might have gotten the 4, but never another digit. I bet you know what comes after 3.14 too.


Well-Known Member
I do indeed need some of that Malawi. Looks absolutely killer.

Doob, you just had to show off with your old calculator, I don't have antiques, but I do have all the new tech. 30XIIS, 84plus, and the 92. :)

I entered your favorite number. :)



Well-Known Member
My oldest calculator is an old Base-10 analog device.
I got it on my birthday 47 years ago.
I upgraded the capacity to 20 digits a year later.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Had a NEC review course I took this year. There was an older gentleman that lost his "antique" TI calculator. Most of the class was confused as to why he cared about losing an old clackalacker, but I got. He never did find it.

Been really busy with work, trimming, and getting the GH ready for winter. Dez came by last night and hung out for awhile. Always nice to see him.

Keep on keepin' on 600.


Well-Known Member
Sadly that company is now a Soulless International Job Pump.

There is little or no "garage" left in that place.

It will twist and writhe as it slowly dies, along with everything else....

Oh new Blueberry arrived!


Have fun!



Well-Known Member
Welcome to the Blueberry Club! They love acid!

I still have a brand new (40 years old) slide rule in a leather case!

The Mulanje in the compost pile got fed bloom guano and sugars today:



Well-Known Member
Thanks Mo. I will keep that in mind. I added some gypsum
to its soil, but no limestone. ...good thing that.


P.S. Have you enjoyed any of those Butternut squash yet?