Club 600


Well-Known Member
Evening fellaz.
When you stare at your plant every hour its hard to tell if they are even growing :) Im glad i take so many pictures to compare. This is dog almost 5 days apart. Bud look funky to me :)
Also very strange. ive been trying to control the pods on my dogs, didnt work. lol something on one of the dogs big fans and when i picked it up i saw it was a dried out male pod, open and i got some jizz on my fingers so i rubbed my fingers in the lemon skunk and the snowland. Then looking through the soil dog i found another one still hanging dry. That one was right in front of the big fan blowing all around. So i guess ill have the seeds i wanted, just had no control :) No better timing it will be 4 weeks developing, right?


Well-Known Member
king did you have a problem with them flowering in veg. i only had one girl i could clone and keep. i tried to clone it out but they keep flowering. the one i have is good smoke.WP_20131231_087.jpg


Well-Known Member

[h=1]Keep the marijuana in the trunk, Colorado law enforcers say[/h]

By Nancy Lofholm, The Denver Post
When it comes to a new Colorado law that covers having marijuana in vehicles, lawyers and law enforcement officers have some advice: Don’t try to decipher it. Just keep the weed in the trunk.
The new law, SB-283, goes into effect Wednesday when recreational marijuana becomes legal, but some of those charged with enforcing the law or representing those who might break it, have yet to unravel its fine points and, for now, are recommending the trunk as the easiest way to avoid problems.
“It’s not a functional ordinance. It’s got some problems,” said Christian Sederberg, a Denver attorney who has served as co-chair of the Consumer Safety and Social Issues working group of the Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force.
The law was put together during the last legislative session after Amendment 64 passed, making recreational marijuana legal in Colorado. It was modeled on the open container laws governing alcohol in vehicles.
The law requires that marijuana in vehicles on public roadways or right-of-ways be in a sealed container and that the seal should not be broken. But it doesn’t specify what a sealed container is. The locked containers required for pot shop sales would certainly suffice. But what about a closed baggie? A travel pill holder? A spice jar?
There are also a lot of exceptions in SB-283. Pot in an open container cannot be in the vehicle or even the glovebox where it is “readily accessible,” unless that vehicle is designed, maintained and primarily used to transport people for compensation. So unsealed weed in the back seats of cabs or limousines is OK. Open weed in living quarters of a recreational vehicles is too.
It’s also OK to have unsealed pot way in the back of those stretch vans or SUVs without trunks as long as it is behind the last upright seats.
The serious intent of the law — and the part that won’t be open to interpretation — is the consumption of marijuana while driving.
“Some of this will be up to the discretion of officers who make stops,” said Dave Hall, the legislative liaison for the Colorado State Patrol. “From the law enforcement perspective, we just don’t want to see people dying on the highways.”
For those who are ticketed for having pot in open containers, the offense will be considered a traffic infraction and the fine will be $50.
Hall said he expects legislators, working with stakeholders on every side of marijuana legalization, to get to work changing the open container law for pot after the legislative session begins Jan. 8.
Rep. Dan Pabon, D-Denver, said he will do just that because he recognizes the law needs work.
“We want to make sure it doesn’t have loopholes,” he said.
In the meantime, he likes the trunk idea of law enforcers.
“Frankly, that might be good advice,” he said.
Nancy Lofholm: 970-256-1957, or
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ive learned through and error imo i prefer to veg 60 days and run 4 under 600 and train/open em up . u gotta have seperate rooms to make it effeciant

subbed, drunk too. hahahah

cheers DST for the heads up how many under your 6? i find that anything more than 10 and your affecting your yield id rather do 6 beauties than 10 piss poor i recently learnt the hard way haha

random shot for the craic



Well-Known Member
Picked up some clones 2nite.
I got 2 of each...

cherry pie
blackberry kush
pineapple kush
super lemon haze
grand ak
dark star
atomic NL