No intrusion at all

While it's called "Club 600", it's not an exclusive one.
And we don't care if someone grows with penlight or sunlight, so long as your growing.
Just a good attitude (barring bad days & such, as we all get) is all that's asked of us.

And pics of cannabis whenever possible.

And sharing info on grow techniques.

But nothing else! That's all that's needed!
Except this chair, I need this chair.
And my TV remote control.
But that's it!
I don't need anything else!
You'll see! I'll be fine with just these, and don't need ANYTHING else!
Except my DESK lamp.
But that's it!
Pics, info, chair, TV remote control, and my DESK lamp.
That's ALL I ever needed!
And my paddle ball, even though it's broke.
So pics, info, chair, TV remote, my DESK lamp, and my broken paddle ball.
But that's IT!
I don't need ANYTHING else!
Except my dog: Shithead.
Come here boy...
I don't need my dog.
I have everything I need... pics, info, chair, TV remote control, DESK lamp, and my broken paddle ball...
Welcome to our madness!!!