Club 600


Well-Known Member
It took awhile to catch up on everything. Some nice pron as always 600.

Glad to hear the little one is home and resting jig.

I had an interesting week. I lost my whole batch of seedlings from rushing them to my shed because my daughter came for the week and uses the room I started them in. When I moved them to the shed it rained for 3 days straight and my shed got a leak and the rest is history. I did manage to save 6 out of the 30. I think this was karma kicking me in the ass for telling my pops I was out because I really needed to pay some bills.

On a good note, the GF is no longer a teacher. She is now an administrator in charge of special ed for the whole school district. She has to give up her 9 weeks off for summer but got a very nice raise to cover it and also 5 weeks of paid.

@giggles26, I got back to you at last. I've had no internet or smart phone all week.


Well-Known Member
I remember a net-meme from Workaholics, referring to the "magic marker dump". is something like this...


I love workaholics!! Me and my girl watch it all the time. That and tosh.0, oh and her inside Amy schmuer lol.

@jimmer6577 sorry to hear bout your loss and problems. I've been having a hell of a time as well. Hope all is up and up from here.

Well guys I'm off to my bachelor party. Start the day off with a famous cof butter cookie and then off to play some golf :)

Have a great day all!!


Well-Known Member

Day ?? Of 12/12 the cmh / HP's blend seems to be helping but also increases the temp!

Also I have a sativa I think it might be a male what happens if I leave it in the tent will it pollinate my cheese and give me more fem seeds or regular seeds or what? Also will it affect my clones in the tent???


Well-Known Member
Over did it last night with cutting a drain pipe and wrenched the crap out of my lower back and right shoulder.
Can barely move, so II'm stuck at home with a bad back while the wife goes to Crater Lake without me. :-(
We'd be charged full price for the rented cabin whether we are there or not, so figured one of us should go enjoy it.
At least I have the cat to keep me company.


Well-Known Member
I smoked the two jays I posted a pic of this morning, within an hour of each other and it barely helped, and I've been stretching & isometering, and trying to keep active to keep the blood flowing down there, but it's still spazzing & grinding the bare bones of my upper & lower lumbar, and the back muscles are so tight it's also affecting my C5/C6 nerve bundle.
Time to bongify some more and try to get it relaxed.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and I have soil left over from my previous grow in the old pots that just needs busted up re-hydrated and inoculated with mykos.
So if my back loosens up enough I can at least get the rest of the little ones in their 2nd-to-last home.

As it is, even with as late a start as I gave them, I'm loving growing outdoors, and am going to be prepared for next Spring.
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Well-Known Member
dear Lord, please guide me in my choices, so that one day I can move somewhere with a really big backyard, in a legal state. amen.
It's a weird feeling to grow outdoors, legally.
Still the worry of pests & rippers, but not John Q. Law
The rest of the nation isn't far behind.
If a person enjoys where they live, just keep voting for it every time it comes up, and send clear messages to your elected & wannabe-elected persons that it needs to be legal for full medical and recreational.
I worry as to which way the cannabis pendulum will swing after the next big round of elections is done.
Have we peaked and favor is swinging away?
Or is momentum building and more good things are on the way?

Sorry: heavily medicated, and rambling on...
