Club 600


Well-Known Member
Got a call from the wife, and she's enjoying the place.
She also got pulled over on the highway for doing 20mph over the limit.
But she got away with a warning somehow.

Back is still giving me problems but not as bad as yesterday.
But won't be dancing the Funky Chicken any time soon.

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Well-Known Member
Or is it all tongue and groove type of fittings. I can tell from the pic it's not that but not sure what yea used. Don't know the technical term but I've got a trade in carpentry as well. I love building shit :)


Well-Known Member
It did get some glue giggs.but i did hand carve all the dowells and pens. The legs are on a ten degree bevel and all the wood is a hundred years old
Fuck ya that's cool dude, I've got a bunch of wood like that to. It's from my grandpas land, the tree's he cut down and planned himself. I haven't decided what I wanna do with it yet, but I've got a lot of it :D

I want one of your trays! I know that!


Well-Known Member
Lovely craftsmanship Doc! I'm behind the times as far as things are considered on your end, hope all is well.

... I can practically smell the shop :cool: big ups bro.

Another good day on the vineyard y'all. I didn't realize it was the weekend until late yesterday evening,,, def not keeping track of the days out here lol. I know tomorrow I'm taking it eeeeasy though :-)



Well-Known Member
Cof have you flowered th alligator kush #15 yet? I will have to bring you one of the blue moonshine clones i picked up, and thanks for keeping that one going sir.


Well-Known Member
Cool the 18 is good but the 15 is top notch imo. The bms is like 15ish years old i am told so i am looking forward to it as well. I hope the vanilla kush x bms takes off soon and i will get you one of them also. I have some other new strains from seed going in the octagon so we can see how they do and i bet you will end up with what you want of them. One of the og 18 x kens gdp is flowering in veg. It was some thing people had issues with the kens so i guess i will have to pop more of those crosses to get a good stable cut. It sucks to it should be a good cross and only have one stable fem to flower.


Well-Known Member
And the cat now has a 12" wide shelf installed in every window in the house so she can lounge at a place of her choosing.


I had to add a rail to this one because she keeps rolling off of it when we start rubbing her head & scratching her chin..


And the last one was in use at the time of photo...



Well-Known Member
Well my girl had another attack tonight, thankfully it only lasted 5 minutes this time. I had a cookie handy!. She kept twisting her head back and forth really fast. Shit sucks, but once again about a minute after eating the cookie it slowed way down and had stopped.

She asked for a j afterwards so of course I do what she wants, only the best for her. This should help her :)
