Club 600


Well-Known Member
He's a pothead (Joe Rogan) and a conspiracy theorist so he's always got funny shit to say. He likes to get into heated debates with people too. I think it's just so he can call people "dummy". He pulls that word off like noone else and typically people that he calls dummy just laugh because it sounds funny, even if he's truly trying to insult them.
You sound like Im watching CNN calling someone a conspiracy theorist. Are you a government agent? No one uses that word unless they are brainwashed. Theories are ideas with basically not solid facts to back them, most of what rogan talks about has solid facts to back it, just depends on who you want to believe, the media or someone who isnt making money off their program. Not trying to sound rude, but I think its very unintelligent to call someone a conspiracy theorist, especially considering you probably never took the time to look into said "conspiracies" your self. I say that because 98% of people dont actually look at those subjects in depth. Maybe you did. But apparently didnt look at the info I have. Any way. I need a new camera. Taking 9 pictures at a time is a pain in the ass. Things are looking good though. Trichomes are starting to change to cloudy on some , the sour kush will probably come down in about 2 weeks, maybe the black jack too. Going by all the signs they look like they should be ready by then. The sour hasnt even begun to suck any of leaves yellow, but that doesnt always mean anything, I will go by the trichomes. probably around 3 weeks left. I hope. Only time will tell. It kind of sucks not knowing what to expect with strains you have never grown before.


Well-Known Member
You sound like Im watching CNN calling someone a conspiracy theorist. Are you a government agent? No one uses that word unless they are brainwashed. Theories are ideas with basically not solid facts to back them, most of what rogan talks about has solid facts to back it, just depends on who you want to believe, the media or someone who isnt making money off their program.
LMAO!! No I'm not. That was the only thing I could come up with at the moment to describe him. I love watching and listening to Rogan, think he's awesome.

And some of the stuff he talks about doesn't have any solid facts to back it but he is soo convincing that people will believe that what he's saying is the truth.

Most, however can be backed up pretty easily. The guy spends hours every day lurking on the net and somehow can retain way more of what he reads and sees than most of us could. Maybe I need to find out what it is he smokes on so I can retain more, lol


Well-Known Member
I have to say I agree with Dezracer, especially the bit in the video when he said that no ass is supposed to be entered that easily....well he obviously does spend time on the net, just not watching an_l porn, hehe. Seriously though, he's funny so who cares.


Well-Known Member
. Any way. I need a new camera. Taking 9 pictures at a time is a pain in the ass. Things are looking good though. Trichomes are starting to change to cloudy on some , the sour kush will probably come down in about 2 weeks, maybe the black jack too. Going by all the signs they look like they should be ready by then. The sour hasnt even begun to suck any of leaves yellow, but that doesnt always mean anything, I will go by the trichomes. probably around 3 weeks left. I hope. Only time will tell. It kind of sucks not knowing what to expect with strains you have never grown before.
Hey outdoor, you seeing any interesting colour changes in your Blackjack...I can't remember who it was but they had a very nice Blackjack, he told me I was doing something wrong but I can't's in a thread somewhere out there, oh yes, not leaving it long enough! Which I told him was utter twaddle since I had let it go past 11 weeks, trichs as amber as can be and not a sign of fekkin purple or any fancy colours....I think mine was crossed with Power Plant...typical. Anyway, prey tell?


Well-Known Member
Hey DST, what are the dimensions of your vertical grow room? Just trying to figure out what diameter I'd need to make the space for a vertical in my new room that's getting built today. I'm building the room with the same overall dimensions either way but would just make it go all the way to the existing ceiling in the area where the flower space would be so that part would be 9'3" tall for the vertical setup.

I'm mainly not sure how far from the cooltube I'd want the reflective material that would be behind the plants so that the plants would be spaced properly from the light.


Well-Known Member
My dimensions (in metres) are 1.20x1.25x2.67...Although I am not at the ceilling yet with the plant, I could do with an extra 30cm for for a doob and to check on the ladies. peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, you've been helping me with this a lot. Although, If I had never checked out your grow, I wouldn't be trying to decide which way to go. I would've just built maself a big E&F table split in two and called it a day, lol.

I just really like the way your shit looks and now want to try it out. Plus, it would only take up half of the floor space leaving me with a sweet ass veg area, a mother area and still have room for my baker's rack for seedlings and clones.

The only reason I'm hesitant is because I've never done it and worry about messing it up somehow and losing a potentially good harvest.


Well-Known Member
That's what I stuck to with racing and at some point, everything came together. After that all I ever finished was first except for 3 races in 3 years. 1 of those was because I got passed while helping a downed rider and the other two I just flat out got beat by someone but still got a 2nd and a 3rd.

I do apply that to my new hobby of growing this sweet ass stuff we all call MJ too. MMMMMMMMMMM...


Well-Known Member
I don't race anymore for physical health reasons but I have a bitchin wall of trophies and plaques that I get to stare at whenever I'm sitting here at the computer. If I knew anything about photoshop I'd snap a photo and post it but my name and some other info is on every one of them plain as day. I'm very proud of what I accomplished with racing dirtbikes, if you can't already tell, and miss it like you'd miss your favorite dog/cat when they pass.

They are all 1st in class finishes BTW, not claiming I overalled every race. I only overalled a couple of races that were against people in the same skill level as myself at the time. Typically would finish top 50 out of a couple hundred total riders of all skill levels and a couple times I got inside the top 25.


Well-Known Member
thats pretty cool dez.
Try to edit the picture in windows paint if you are familiar. (right mouse click on the pictureand then right mouse click edit)


Well-Known Member
Just took a couple of pics of the SLH and SG that are almost 9 weeks of 12/12. The first pic is the SLH and the other two are Sour Grapes. They both smell soo good right now, can't wait...

I took the pic of the SLH that way to show the bleaching of the main cola. It's only on the side that was towards the light so I figure it must just be too close to the bulb. Can't raise the light any farther though the way it is hung so it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
thats pretty cool dez.
Try to edit the picture in windows paint if you are familiar. (right mouse click on the pictureand then right mouse click edit)
not sure if you caught my post above MN re your grow. I checked your journal out but posted here since you asked for advise. its up there^^^
Just took a couple of pics of the SLH and SG that are almost 9 weeks of 12/12. The first pic is the SLH and the other two are Sour Grapes. They both smell soo good right now, can't wait...

I took the pic of the SLH that way to show the bleaching of the main cola. It's only on the side that was towards the light so I figure it must just be too close to the bulb. Can't raise the light any farther though the way it is hung so it is what it is.
Looks great to me, perhaps you could train the bud thats to close away, if you put some stress on the branch below the bud will stay a bit further away, but will probably just grow back so you need to kinda do it every day or so...I have been doing it with some of my vines, lol.


Well-Known Member
My of Thelma's daughter from seed...I sat and stared at her for some time tonight....was nearly late for me tea, lol

She's been in flower for about 3 1/2 - 4 weeks I think, keep meaning to check my diary.



Well-Known Member
I do the same thing. rely on my journal to keep track of time for me.. lol

They are looking just caked with crystals brother... good job.