Club 600

Lucky little monkey!



Nice 600 Porn Whodat, mmmmmmmmmmmm 'Lucky monkey alright'

Tidy bit hash there too bill :)

Hope that was'nt the 'blue oyster Bar' calling lol Catch up soon mate, going to finally make that sanni's order!

Check out the response I got from Nirvana when I opened a ticket letting them know I got 1 female out of 10 reg seeds. I find it a bit funny ans asinine all at the same time. I figured they'd do something like maybe ofer me a discount on my next order or something but, no.

I'm so sorry to hear of your bad luck. As you probably know, regular cannabis seeds have a chance of about 50% of growing into male plants. That means for every lucky grower with a 9/10 female ratio, there must be a poor unlucky soul like yourself who gets lots of male plants.

I wish you much better luck next time! If you wish to make sure you get female plants, you may also want to order feminized seeds from now on.


Keep in mind these were on their weekend whopper (and they knew it) so you don't get to choose Fem or Reg.

Eh, you win some and you lose some. I'm okay with it although I really would've thought they'd be a little better with regards to taking care of customers and trying to keep customers. Must be doing pretty well with their side venture of the 'weed portal'. They've got this 420 dating thing, a forum and some other stuff going so they're probably getting some decent income from advertisements.

I can say with confidence that the seeds that I recently ordered from them will be the last Nirvana seeds in my garden though. I'll stick with the TRUE seed fairies from now on. They seem to be better with their customer service.;-)

Well that's it Dez. What's it to them to pop even 5 seeds in the mail for you, or like you said and offered you a discount, but instead to say sorry bout you luck, that's just not right in my books, and then slap you in the face by suggesting you get fems, oh man! Too big to care I guess.

That is despicable! ok well thanks for letting me know so I never order beans from them ever! Did you keep any of the males? you could make beaucoup of your own seeds and say fk'em.

The guy is correct in what he's saying it's just bad luck BUT that's no way to run a business, 55% of the total weight of a pollinated female plant is seed so how many countless thousand seeds are created each run? what a tight c@%t!!!

Like 3Eyes said, you could send out a 1000 seeds and potentially get no females :shock:

The reply to you is wrong on a certain number of levels, but then again, this guys native tongue might not be English. Firstly he assumes you are a fukkin idiot by quoting the laws of nature in relation to germination. Secondly, in the usual Dutch manner of NEVER EVER giving refunds or ANYTHING for free (and I mean really Free) he has just done his business a dis-service and trying to be smart, thinks by offering you another product to buy that he will get more business (god knows how the Dutch ever got so far....)

When someone takes time to write to you about a purchase it is obvious they are going to take time to write more about it should they not be dealt with correctly. I had the pleasure of following a Sales course at an Insurance company I worked for many many years ago, called, "Dealing With Difficult Customers". The course basically took you through how to turn the worst customer into your best customer. Look at it this way, how many people really tell others when they have had an amazing experience somewhere...ok we do, but not as often as we think. Constantly telling your friends how amazing your life is can get quite overbearing, especially if your friends lifes are not so interesting, haha. So as human beings, it is more in our nature to tell people about our bad experiences. Now this is when the business has an opportunity to turn that situation around. As a company, if you turn that persons bad experience into a good experience, this can often be worth more than providing a good service in the first place. Imagine this: The guy at Nirvana writes back to Dez and said,

"wow, that is unfortunate and we are sorry to hear that, most of our customers get a slightly higher average with our regular seeds, if not 50:50. We also offer feminized seeds which would eliminate the germination issues. In the interim I have sent out a few seeds for you to try again, and have included a link below to check out our Feminized selection.....Have a look and if there is anything you like please contact us and we will arrange a special discount for you"

Dez comes onto RIU, hey guys, check this, I was really pissed and contacted Nirvana and they sent me some free seeds, told me to check out the Feminized section and they would give me some discount...eveyone is like. Cool, that is some real nice service, lets pay them a visit. So instead of them loosing all the custom above, they have just got rid of some more product to Dez (and even with discounts seed companies will still make money on the product) and gained a whole load of interested customers....I mean how freaking obvious is that! I understand there are a lot of scammers out there but this is just bad business practice. I am sorry to say this, but typical of the Dutch attitude towards sales, and even more typical of the Dutch attitude toward everyone else and Cannabis. Get's me really riled up as you can tell...


View attachment 1433285View attachment 1433286View attachment 1433287[/QUOTE]

Thought I would share some Bubba hash I made tonight :)


Aaaah, the world is at peace again!!! Thanks whodat and Bill Collector.....(EDIT is that 42 or 4.2? ;))

Peace, DST
hi peeps, how is the 600 hanging?, been busy moving house so had to take a couple of days off, spent the morning (quite literally) catching up with the 500+ posts since i was last here.

i will start by saying, screw nirvana and nobody buy seeds from them, that is some shitty customer service right there!. Are they dutch dst? it would make sense like, customer service to them is not spitting in your face as you pay them.
i have never bought seeds online but if i did it would be attitude.

gotta catch up on some other threads, i'll be back later with an update, harvest time is upon us in the mini sog.
I'm also a huge Family Guy fan and found that way too funny.

My nickname amongst friends and screen name on some other sites is Giggidy. I get called just Giggidy, 'Giggidy' followed by my first name, 'Giggidy' followed by my last name, etc. It's the name that appears on any email sent from my phone too, lol. Gotta love Quagmire, fuckin pimp, haha

Didn't see your post Dez! Quagmire's awesome!
I use "Giggity giggity, giggity, giggity!" for my best friend's ringtone on my cell and it never fails to get a chuckle out of strangers in the grocery store when he calls up.

Just checked on my plants and the 6th set of leaves are about to unfurl fully, so I'll be topping my plants today above the second set of leaves, and attempting to get the tops to root for my first whack at cloning. Fingers crossed!
Will post pics of before & after as soon as the cuttings are taken care of. But later. It's 4-am and just finishing up the last few minutes of "Undercover Brother".
Sometimes I'm too funky for my own damn self.
looking like you go a nice multi strain grow going there shrigpiece. what are we talking? i can definately some sort of sativa in there. time to press the fast forwad button i think
well theres 4 lemon skunk in there one of witch is mainly sativa, witch ya have noticed. 2 og kush, blueberry and kandy kush. not much room. i got a bit carried away! Fast forward button? Please explain im a bit baked!
I've heard great things about seeds from Growshop Alien. While I can't vouch for this place yet, word around the forums is they're pretty damn good (better than the Attitude), and the have everything pretty much, with worldwide shipping. So yeah, screw Nirvana, and go here instead.

hi peeps, how is the 600 hanging?, been busy moving house so had to take a couple of days off, spent the morning (quite literally) catching up with the 500+ posts since i was last here.

i will start by saying, screw nirvana and nobody buy seeds from them, that is some shitty customer service right there!. Are they dutch dst? it would make sense like, customer service to them is not spitting in your face as you pay them.
i have never bought seeds online but if i did it would be attitude.

gotta catch up on some other threads, i'll be back later with an update, harvest time is upon us in the mini sog.
Sorry to hear about your bad expieriense with Nirvana Dez. About a couple years ago i bought 3 Reg. Afghani #1's from Sensi before they had the Fem. range and got 2 Female and 1 Dude. Just you'r Donald Duck mate but, yeah they could have been more sensitive to you'r concern's pal.
Just my 2 cent's

well theres 4 lemon skunk in there one of witch is mainly sativa, witch ya have noticed. 2 og kush, blueberry and kandy kush. not much room. i got a bit carried away! Fast forward button? Please explain im a bit baked!

lol, i mean it's that part of the grow where they start to take off with bud and resin production. it's also a time where you wish you could quite literally push a button that fast forwards your grow to where the buds are fat and stinking. i would be adding my bloom boosters in small amounts pretty soon, how long in 12/12?
lol, i mean it's that part of the grow where they start to take off with bud and resin production. it's also a time where you wish you could quite literally push a button that fast forwards your grow to where the buds are fat and stinking. i would be adding my bloom boosters in small amounts pretty soon, how long in 12/12?
Yeah i know, its my time for being impatient and spending hours staring at my plants. i m sure im not the only one here that does that. lol they have been on 12/12 for 5 weeks. flowering for 3.