Club 600

Nice 600 Porn Whodat, mmmmmmmmmmmm 'Lucky monkey alright'

Tidy bit hash there too bill :)

Hope that was'nt the 'blue oyster Bar' calling lol Catch up soon mate, going to finally make that sanni's order!


Are you referring to the one that used to be in Laguna Beach? Small world if you are. It's within 15 minutes of my house (never been inside the place though, lol).
I wasn't trying to start a Nirvana bashing session here so sorry if that's how it came off. I just thought they should provide a little better customer service in handling complaints. I really wasn't even all that upset about the seeds to be honest. I know they were reg seeds and its a gamble as to what you get. I just thought that in a situation such as this, they would've helped me out in SOME way since everyone will admit that it's pretty bad to only get 1 female out of ten seeds.

DST is absolutely right in what he said. I've taken similar classes with regards to sales, customer service and retail management and have the same opinion. I have always handled my business in the most professional way possible and take customer concerns very seriously. The simple fact is that with taking care of people and their needs, you can turn a single customer into five, easily. By providing poor customer service and blowing people off you turn that same single customer into a loss of unknown amounts. They tell their friends who tell their friends, etc. and next thing you know, you're out of business because nobody wants to give you a shot. It's not hard and usually doesn't take much time to make someone happy. I've found that even small guestures can make the difference.

That's all I really have to say on the subject.

Yummy looking hash btw.
indeed it is, lol.

Once I get the bike situation sorted out it'll be easier to skip down that way now and then for a visit. I don't like driving the Jeep too much anymore though since it makes some noises that indicate some problems in the near future. I hear a slight howling that sounds like it's coming from the rear end, there's a rattle up front, a strange clunk in the front end and it's starting to pull to the right slightly. I'll fix it all, just trying to put it off for a bit. I have a feeling there's a tie rod end or two that's bad now after avoiding an accident a few weeks ago by driving up on to the sidewalk to keep my daughter and I from being broadsided. A stupid lady panicked when a fire truck pulled up behind her and started honking because she hadn't pulled over to the right like the rest of us. I was watching over my shoulder and saw ger wheels turn to the right and then the minivan bolted straight towards the side of the jeep. My daughter and I were both on that side so I punched it and drove up on the sidewalk so I wouldn't hit anyone either. She hit the curb and pieces came off her bumper onto the sidewalk.

Firetruck moved on, people started to drive off and I just shook my head and followed. No idea what the lady did after I left but her van was blocking a lane of traffic at that point.
I guess that was actually more than a few weeks ago now, it was right after Christmas. Luxuries of living near a senior community...
Wanted to share a few pics I took last night from the phone. It took a while to upload them just now from it for some reason.

These are all of two buds on one of the DOGs

Gettin frosty in there, hehe.
My 400 watt mh ballast is making a strong burning smell. I am afraid that it will catch fire. has this ever happened to anyone?
It is hanging and sealed. The only mh I have. Damn!! How bad is it to use a hps for veg??

Contemplating the same thing. Have no MH bulbs but need to cover more area for veg for a while. Was considering using a 600W HPS to do it. I think they'll stretch but not sure on that.