lmao @ dez .. I can picture it now lol. Hope it goes smoother for you today than yesterday man, I love that Lampoons christmas vacation movie lol
@hippy132 yeah it's definitley over watering, I cant get the hang of when to water, the pot feels light and it's dry 1/2 way down the 2 gallon pot, i just add a couple shot glasses of water once a week and they just look like crap

i clipped them at the base and am trying to clone them so I can get them into a flood table, it's my only hope of their survival lol. Me and soil have not been getting along too well recently. I don't get it because I grew these in the same soil with the same method and they looked OK and grew fast, these were about 4 or 5 weeks old, same age as the karma og I have now that are 4" tall lol, I don't get it